Hey Sup Forums, Bearing's youtube was just taken down. What do you say we go on a massacre...

Hey Sup Forums, Bearing's youtube was just taken down. What do you say we go on a massacre, we will shit post and troll all his enemy's, all the dipshits saying he deserved it, and Fistty Splinters, most impotently, lets tweet at the bitch ceo of youtube

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Tell me who the fuck Bearing is and why I should give a fuck.

Lets do it, for Bearing

A youtuber, and it looks like his channel was taken down by a bitch hero

twitter.com/bear_ing/status/805871885590269953 its coming back soon retards

Fuck it, I'm bored and i still want sweet revenge


Hmm, my care meter is still on idgaf.

He's an aussie who likes to tear down SJWs, good for a chuckle every now and then.

God fucking damn it Sargon


he did that before it got terminated.

Fuck it I'm still bored, can we just attack people for no reason?

I mean, YOU can, I'm not going to be bothered.

NYPA, kid

The first four perhaps, but I'm the last one.

NYPA faggot. No one cares about some youtuber.

I wouldn't worry, this happens sometimes. It will most likely be back in a few hours.

Boogies channel was deleted and back up in 5-6 hours not long ago

Who the fuck cares about some fat Australian shut-in who makes shitty youtube vidyas. Only you, you basement dwelling cuck.

Right, who gives a damn about this bear shit.


You fucking piece of shit cuck agian daddy

I've run lots of channels over the years, copyright stealing shit to make the $

My guess is that he had 2-3 copyright notices come at once and he thought making videos private negates the ban hammer on the final strikes, it doesn't.

Bearing got an instant 3 strike shut down, the DMCA came from a Canadian company that owns the rights to a show called Total Drama Island, which the cartoon bear features in. Bearing is fucked, he can't do shit about it, hence his silence on Twitter since this shit started. I assume he's going to start a new channel, without that copyright bear.

change.org/p/susan-bring-bearing-back-to-youtube This is a Petition to try and get bearing back sign or don't, up to you

From what i can tell it was a youtube hero

Fuck YouTube

Can we please troll the fuck out of the bitch ceo of youtube?

You say that, but continue to watch them. Which means fuck you really

Lets all start our own threads, and get people to send this to the ceo of youtube

Why, just because you're mad about some faggot Australian getting buttcucked?

Do it for Bearing

No, now its cuz im bored

Damn Hell!

Petition YouTube to reinstate his channel!

Bearing stole the bear cartoon from a real life cartoon show. He's not coming back. GOOD RIDANCE