Why don't we offer one way tickets to African countries for people of African decent? it sounds racist...

why don't we offer one way tickets to African countries for people of African decent? it sounds racist, but think about it, we have all these modern blacks claim that we took them from africa, if we offer a one way ticket maybe they will go back, and the african countries will benefit because they are receiving educated, permanent immigrants

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What part of Italy are you from?

Redneck can't even hang a flag properly.

Obvious civilian. That is how the flag is stitched on to our uniforms, to symbolize the flag bearer charging into battle

we did. it's called Liberia

Maybe you should brush up on the flag code then and get back to me with an apology.

>(i) When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left. When displayed in a window, the flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.

Beat your face.

but not anymore, and we've developed so much since then, it will be a greater benifit to africa

And while we're at it let us send you back to Europe, white man.

Want us to take your whiskey too, reserve-jockey?

sorry m8, we don't accept bead refunds

Go back to missouri faggot

The right-wing needs to vacate America. They clearly do not hold American values.

>that's how the flag is stitched to our uniforms

It's not on a uniform it's on a goddamn wall faggot. if you are going to hang a flag on a wall do it fucking right.

Shutup justin

do explain how the people defending the constitution and advocating capitalism is unamerican

Over 300 million tickets? Who's gonna pay for that?

there are barely 300 million people in the us

Red states have higher divorce rates, higher teenage pregnancy rates, despite being homphobic they are also the biggest consumers of gay pronography, and they are overly religious despite The Treaty of Tripoli clearly stating that the United States is not a Christian nation.

These people hold us back.

This endless racist meme on Sup Forums is so played.

Little teenage boys thinking they are so fucking edgy spouting KKK bs.

Nobody cares kid.

and? none of those things are unamerican, and the reason why is because most states in the us are red states, and people have the ability to exercise religion as they please as long as it isn't destructive

>not going after anything i said
>going for personal insults

So bombing abortion clinics is not destructive? Restricting birth control is not destructive?
Teaching creationism instead of evolution is not destructive?
Getting rid of sex ed in schools is not destructive?

Open your eyes.

only a dumb fuck wears a plate carrier without plates

legit not even that bad of an idea tbh

racebaiting threads are so overdone please stop

I had this same idea when I was like 8 years old

I still think it's a great idea

Ari Shaffir already tried.

We did, its called Liberia and its a shit hole filled with warlords. Those that stayed are what we have now, which is funny cause most Africans hate American Blacks.

Hmmm, I wonder why?

Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Furthermore, the redneck is sporting a Japanese company on his hat.

>defending the constitution
its a legal document, not the holy grail. the US supreme court "defends" it. you scream about gun rights and shoot people when politicans start asking for background checks.

"they're trying to take muh guns so ill shoot more innocent people so they wont take muh guns" nice logic, dumbass.

Exactly user and it turned out great! They only started several ebola outbreaks! Monrovia is even on par with new york after nuclear war!

Black user here

I dont think really anyone would take that. Even my black libtard mom says herself that she has no real connection to african culture, she just calls herself american. Also, in the eyes of africans, were all still juat stupid, greedy americans to them, no matter what color we are.


Conservatives are the most hypocritical group of people this country has ever produced. "I CARE ABOUT LIFE!" "I can't afford this child" "HAVE IT ANYWAYS!" "Ok, give me financial aid to pay for the baby you just forced me to have" "STOP LIVING OFF MUH TAX DOLLARS REEEEEEEE".

Its ironic to hear them bitching about the union of church and state (shariah) when THEIR religious beliefs prevent US citizens from having access to birth control or SAFE abortions.