Would you rather:

>a)Have your girl willingly cheat & regret it.


>b)Your girl gets drunkenly raped.


Too many variables in the drunken rape scenario.

As long as she reports the rape to the cops and follows through then obviously the drunken rape. Everyone gets shit faced once in awhile.

Either way she's tainted, ain't got time for that

>a)Have your girl willingly cheat & regret it.

I'd rather have this, at least then I can guilt her into swinging, threesomes, and all that.

this is actually my best case scenario right now w/ gf of 4 years. kill me

>>a)Have your girl willingly cheat & regret it.
alpha uses this for leverage
beta keeps that for pity

>>b)Your girl gets drunkenly raped.
alpha leaves that because emotional damage
beta keeps this out of guilt


Just fucking leave her

I feel ya.

My plan is I wanna create a scenario where she's stuck in one city and I have to leave the country, we do a LTR, and I say LTR isn't working, and quit the relationship like that.

I feel like a cucked beta for not wanting to hurt her, but at least I have no problems enforcing my principles.

ps: oh yeah, the reason? because I wanna fuck around more, and not exclusively with women.

LDR, not LTR

Here's my perdicament.

>year ago a fwb who was in love with me tells me she had sex with another guy
>kinda hurt but didn't care bc fan
>twist it & have her feel like shit
>get threeways, crazy perverted sex, & an open-closed relationship
>tells me later she was actually taken advantage of that night & only blamed herself because she got too drunk to fight back and she kept saying no
>lol ok
>plan to kick his ass to defend her/my honor
>she's still mad in love with me
>3ways, open closed relationship still a go

I own her, regardless if she was raped or fucked someone else. I feel like I won. shes not emotionally disturbed ot anything, just gets "sick" if its brought up.
what do you think?

Raped. Then I can break her some more until she's emotionally decreased and will agree to anything I want just to hold on to the last remaining lifeline she has.

And when I'm done I'll just guilt her into suicide and move on.

Honestly A. I'd dump the shit out of her, but at least she doesn't have to be traumatized for the rest of her life.

fucking faggot

I think you've landed yourself a very rare opportunity user, and I think there's nothing wrong with exploiting that.

Willingly cheat and regret it
it gives me a free pass do the same and not regret it
Besides, if it is rape, I have to deal with all the emotional fallout and shit. I basically am forced to care, else there's a shitstorm.
Her getting raped doesn't benefit me at all. At least I get some social leverage out of the other one.

This is the only answer here.

Can't tell if you other fags are trying to be edgy or are just fucking broken.

Willingly cheat and regret so I can leave my wife with no qualms. She'd be all user I made a mistake, I'd be like me too, when I married you. Proceed to fuck all the girls I couldn't cause married.

careful with those edges there, fag

Probably willingly cheat and regret it.
1. I would leaver her right then and there
2. I don't have to go to jail for murder
3. When asked "Why she was so nice" I can tell them and have everyone hate her (As we have a lot of mutual friends who side more with me than her)

I think I'd pick cheat if I had to. That way I'd be able to dump her without regrets.
The alternative is living with the guilt of not being able to help her and supporting her through the trauma. She'll probably never be the same as she was before, and in the back of my mind there would always be the thought that she's been tainted somehow and gradually grow to hate her.

Just take the sharp, sudden pain and get over it in a couple weeks rather than spending years in misery trying to salvage the relationship.
Like pulling off a bandaid

cheat with out a doubt
if she cheats and regrets it then I can hold it over her
if she gets raped shes going to be doing a lot of crying and shit and tbh it take a while for her to settle down and shut up about it

only real answer right here

I did a similar thing, ended up hurting her still. As easy as it sounds, you'll end up fucking talking to her while you are gone and hurt her even more. Better off just ending it and leaving soon after.

Not OP, but follow up to those of you who want to dump them.
Why don't you? Are you that beta that you put the happiness of others (or falsified happiness, they might feel the same) before your own?
tits irrelevant

it's not gay if she has a feminine penis.

Beta for my kids, sure.

thank you for sharing. I guess it's best to call if off as I'm leaving?

Yup, married young so I could snag a virgin, without that (and her hella booty and ridiculous pussy game) whats the point?

Enjoy the open relationship for a short while, then Wife that bitch

source on pic

>Are you that beta that you put the happiness of others (or falsified happiness, they might feel the same) before your own?

for some of us sad saps leaving the GF have greater social implications.

That's a horrible question user and I refuse to even contemplate it. Thanks for the pic tho

Damn, that's tough. My parents and my gf's parents both did the "stay together for the kids" meme and split once they all grew up. I guess that's cool?

Like what? Lose mutual friends?

Who the fuck would wish a rape upon someone?

Any day have someone i love cheat on me and regret it, rather than have someone traumatise her for the rest of her life.

Probably the best option, but still will hurt her, there isn't anyway not to. Better to just be honest and say it to her face, then leave straight after so you won't have to deal with the bullshit like post break up sex. Even though it is great, it's just totally not a good idea and makes shit even worse.
But pretty much depends on what you feel is right.
Just remember that you've had all this time to think it over in you mind, so it won't hurt you. While telling her will come as a shock and most likely break her poor little heart.

Willingly cheat so I can cheat and get even

>Like what? Lose mutual friends?

friends, business contacts, etc.

Here's the thing, if my wife is going to any party, I'm going with her. If I don't want her going somewhere because it looks sketchy, we dont go. If she goes against my will, it's her fault and if she gets raped or I feel even a bit like she cheated, she's out on the street. Either way there's no excuse. Sober rape that occured in a parking lot or alley type of deal complete with defensive injuries and police report is the only way I'd consider helping her heal.

>not emotionally disturbed
>this thread

>Her getting raped doesn't benefit me at all.

I shared my gf to an user and now he betray me and he told me if i dont send him moar of her until tomorrow he will post her everywhere and i am dead then.what do?


you don't know shit about pussy game, probably a fuckin christian
>oh i love you
>i wonder what your vagina tastes like


I am not exploiting her.

I am going to make things right

Doesn't matter, I'll kill her either way.

This is assuming I HAVE to choose. From a personal stance, mind you.

Willingly cheat. Then I can dump or murder her without feeling guilty.

>>twist it & have her feel like shit
>>she's still mad in love with me

Beat the living shit out of the sociopath presenting me with these options.

By giving me direct control over this situation, both options are "my girlfriend gets raped". The only difference is the former involves some force taking direct control over her personality instead of simply physically overpowering her.

So... option B.

Pls help me anons!!i am in a serious situation

>Willingly has sex with someone else
>Two or more consenting adults engaging in sexual intercourse
How is A rape?


Girls with bfs who get drunk around other guys and possibly cocktease them deserve rape. Then the rapist deserves castration.
Not even being edgy, just very conservative

I wouldn't get drunk at a party if my girlfriend wasn't there because I realize just how fucked my judgment, my motor skills, and my consciousness and ability to think are when I'm drunk. If I would drink without her, much less at a party, I would expect her not to drink without me either. That's just a red flag for me there. So there are no excuses if a woman cheats on me while she's drunk. If she gets forcibly raped, that's a different story.

If you can't handle your own booze, don't fucking drink.

Atheist and it's delicious ;)
She makes me nut and former porn "addiction" lets me fuck for hours.

wouldnt matter either way
dumping the bitch

Tough guy

My nigga. Got so triggered when people say there's no such thing as "legitimate rape."

Far right libertarian and even I agree

I was more for the other side at the beginning of ops post because I didn't want to be cheated on, but thinking about it now I would want to leave her in either case and I really couldn't if she was raped so I agree with said user.
>Bitch cheats
>you leave

Rape is a complete violation of the concept of human dignity. Doesn't matter the age or gender, Rape is awful. I'll much rather have my girlfriend come to me and say "I fucked him, he's so much bigger than you!" (I'd cut it with her there and then) than having her to endure such an awful event and develop in her future life great psychological problems birthed from her Rape. I love her too much to, if ever given the choice in this hipothetical scenario, ever even think of choosing her demise and pain over my own desire.
Whoever chooses Rape deserves no respect.

Number 1, don't feel like dealing with thaT trauma bull shit, plus if she feels bad about it, I can manipulate her guilt for many purposes maybe give myself free passes to go fuck other whores,or even threesomes

Because it's my choice to pick A, not hers. If I choose B, she doesn't cheat. Therefore, the choice is mine, not hers.

This makes B the lesser form of rape, as option A overrides her cognitive functions to produce a result that conforms to the scenario.

I'd probably break up with her anyways
But I'd choose cheat

It's a great sap story to get pussy and dumping her after she's been raped makes me seem like a cunt