Any rich fags willing to buy a poor fag SimCity 4 from my wish list? Would really appreciate it tbh

Any rich fags willing to buy a poor fag SimCity 4 from my wish list? Would really appreciate it tbh
also, general steme beg bread

Other urls found in this thread:

bump this shit before it dies

Also begging on the op isn't cool fam

shit alt desu



Already posted in other one, but

what the fuck is an "alt"?

>Last Online 173 days ago
fuck off

nice alt


Such a nice user :^) May good fortune smile upon you.

Vaati is a trash content creator and needs to kill himself, anybody who watches his videos and enjoys his content is a cancer in the DS community.


begging for a month of FFXIV

Opinion on Iron_Pineapple and OnlyAfro?

you a cute girl (male)?


im just usually playing shitty browser games and don't have a lot of steam friends ;_;

i really just wanna play SimsCity 4 and build a city



pirate it nigglet

Celes cole
Yeah i'm a cuteish girl (male), should have stayed as a midlander


Iron_Pineapple was a good content creator, I liked his ds3 stuff but he hasn't uploaded in a month and before that even longer.

OnlyAfro, I've watched a few of his videos but I've not gotten into him yet, I think the last one I watched was The Peasant.

Sorry for taking that long to respond was in the middle of killing gankers.

Also I'm in love with my weaponfu once again as they haven't fucked around with it since I left it on another character.

post character
girl(male) get it right
A true classic from OnlyAfro. Love this video :^)

this is me in steam if want to contact me /id/neozeromus/

Why would you ever buy Simcity 4, let alone buy it on fucking Steam? Just torrent it like a normal person.

thank you yung pal for grim dawn

afro is good shit


Alright watching now, and the wall seems fucking hilarious.

But do you play or just watch?

utorrent is too consufing and what time got caught with it by torrenting a game and i dont want that to happen again desu ;_;

Tried DS1, wasn't my thing. Bought DS3 on release, loved the fuck out of it. Completed the game 3 times, going to beat it again this month.
I usually only PvP when invaders join my world. Chugging when invading is a sin, though.


Going again. If you kek, just think about being a good user.

Relax friendo it just means a guy playing a as a girl (not anything related with rp)

fukkin love OnlyAfro :^)

ye boi

I have a very long list of Brazzers accounts if anyone get's me Sim City 4.

I play specifically to PvP nowadays, I've even gone out of my way to build a build that shits on the shitters and gankers alike. I've been seeing a pattern whilst invading people recently it's actually baffling me, why do they think their weapon out damages everyone else's and can break their poise so they win etc?

My weaponfu is the Mace used it in every dark souls I've played, and in this game it's the ultimate anti shitter weapon as perseverance is fucking OP whilst combining it with a str/fth build, all you have to do is make it heavy put on LB or DMB and then let them get first hit or two depending on the damage done on first hit, and just use the Mace's weapon art and beat them to death.

it's becoming monotonous.

I work a 8.50/hr job and can afford it, you can't be THAT poor

I tried invading for a bit, and all I met was gank squads. Turned me completely off from the whole PvP thing, so now I only PvP when I'm forced to do so.
If I do decide to invade, I never take advantage of whatever enemies are nearby, as I find it boring. I just want a fair fight, honestly.

NEETs don't make money

OP Here, this based man just bought the game for me, everyone please go add him:

>level 5 steam
>bought me a game
>add him


But they do make good boy points, and if you save enough up instead of blowing them all on tendies you could get your mom to let you use her credit card to buy games.


I really really want to beg, but instead if plain beg I wanna ask for cards that nobody wants so I can work to sell them and actually get money for the game I actually want badly which is street fighter V.... But doubt thats gonna happen so I'll just leave this here...
Z.... Replace ? with L

Risk of Rain get, thank you user

It's my 18th birthday today.
Would any kind user mind getting me stranded deep or DayZ? That would make it end on the best note!
>I realize I have a ton of games but some are games that came included in a humble bundle or I have already beat on console

Shameless promotion. Will also leave after posting this:
I am hosting a major Christmas event with lots of giveaways this year. The event is still being developed and everything is subject to change, but so far, the amount that's going to be given away is currently at roughly $250/250€.
If any known/popular gifters would like to help moderate the event, then I'll gladly look at your submission regarding experience and such. Feel free to post your ID so we can discuss it further.
A Twitch account has been made where the event will be taking place. Updates will also be posted there. Feel free to follow @ twitch tv/weebshlt (l = lowercase L).
Depending on the amount of participants, I might be needing more moderators to help keep the chat somewhat decent. I'll be judging the approximate amount of participants by followers on the Twitch channel.


On release it was a surprisingly good experience honestly, it just came down to what you came across. Second character I created was called Yarlt, basically a pure caster at lv90 overall, fashion souls and none of the bullshit multipliers that you can achieve with certain items, and he was liquidating anyone who came close to him, farron flashsword used to be OP but has been nerfed. Went onto Yarly recently and I wanted to delete the character on the spot.

But going back to your original point, It's not that I like gankers and shitters, I've just adapted from playing fairly to being a devious Mad Phantom, I'll even gain their trust just to get the host alone and not having to fight 3 on 1 or have the phantoms around to fuck my boipucci.

Fair fights are dying, I never drink estus first unless being ganked by everyone and anyone, and I'll only resort to using mobs if it's a gank, normal shitters I can handle easily.

Also just downloaded LET IT DIE on the PS4 apparently it's a good game?

And sorry for rambling if it seems that way, I'm just high and haven't conversed in a while properly.

No problem, have fun.

Idk anything about that game, I rarely use my PS4 for anything other than Bloodborne, which I haven't played for a week almost.
But yeah, DS3 is becoming a shitshow, it's not as good as it was in the beginning.
Anyways, it's pretty late here, so I'll hop off. Have a continued stoned evening, though :^)

Alright have a good sleep famygdala, you probably missed seeing BBG in it's prime having fightclubs every Friday and going to the rice fields.

wake m up


also please check weeb he's legit and has been gifting for a while

Also I guess I'll post my steam wishlist, if any user could get me either of those games well specifically Morrowind I'd suck your epeen.

I'll be checking every so often, just going to play LET IT DIE until someone talks to me, adds me or the thread dies.

Goodluck people.

cities skylines is better


i don't have any money but i'll be your friend user

build a solid week/hours played ratio first, there are lots of free games, you can hit these threads when you a) want to win something or b) you are a beggar and have a solid playtime

well since we're begging
I would appreciate anything from my wishlist desu


> Wanting simcity instead of skylines

Bumping this for great potential
posting for Grim Dawn

Anyone here with a wallet and heart of gold who can gift me Rocket League? I've been wanting to play it for ages


i will upload pictures of my erect penis if someone buys me civ 6

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

I already pirated the game, but I wanted to do a tutorial on how to add Japanese Dubs but with English subtitles, setting, menu, etc. I'm just not sure how it would work through Steam which most people will be using. I only decided to do this because I saw others had wanted this option but was stumped, I got the core game to work with Japanese Dub and English Subs, but I'm having issues with the DLC.