What was your first contact with internet, Sup Forums? What sites did you use to visit back then?

What was your first contact with internet, Sup Forums? What sites did you use to visit back then?

Pic not related, a friend's feet

My first social website was a chat site

>free text box at bottom of page
>most recent responses were at bottom
>you typed your message, hit reply
>had to refresh the screen
>chatted up some chill dudes

I guess Sup Forums really isn't much more technologically advanced than the first website I ever visited.

AOL chat rooms I think

The gophersphere and usenet.

to this day, i haven't been able to translate, still working on figuring out what those first beeps were, it sounded familiar, but then the screeching came and it sounded so alien.

New grounds and coolmathgames.com

On a sega dreamcast

Armor games.com was one of my first major internet experiences.

But I did see a youtube video before that.

Anyone else remember that?

BBSs, Prodigy,compuserve,aol chat porn list bots, newsgroups for mucho porno. IRC, hotbot, metacrawler,askjeeves, dogpile, stileproject,ogrish, sublimedirectory, ebay.



Same here! Used to play a fucking lot of Armor games back in the day

Also, not a website but probably my first experience... MSN

Usenet and Gopher. I got my first email address in 1990. I didn't see the Web for another three years.

Yeah, I'm an oldfag.

I've read that accessing to email accounts took ages back then, how much of a truth is that?

more of your friends feet



u like dis


Damn this nigga knows his dubs



Dump all ya got user

I just typed random URLs into the address bar. Eventually discovered a redirect URL to Tube8.com, and that's how I found out about porn. Been jerkin' it ever since.

Goosebumps, Hyper Man and Swat Kats fan pages. Had to go to each search engine to see all the different sites. Altavista and Lycos was the tits.

>internet old stories thread
15 mins lator
>feet thread

Using mIRC around 1995


pic related is 10/10 check em

BYOND. I joined because my brother was making a game on there. Ended up visiting a lot of BYOND related user forums. Spent a lot of time chatting on those and the DSB forums

this is a feet thread faggot

Sorry I was uninformed
Continue your footfaggotry user
