At what point do you know its alright to initiate romantic/sexual contact with a girl?

at what point do you know its alright to initiate romantic/sexual contact with a girl?

>be me
>somehow manage to get qt to hangout w/ me
>get the feeling she wants me to make move but makes no physical move of her own
>nothing happens because I'm too chicken shit to do it (this was in a situation where if she wasnt down with it it would potentially be very bad)

I just want to know what I should have done here

whn she take u 2 da bar

Look her in the eyes.
If she doesn't look away for 5 seconds, go in from the kiss.
Progress from there.

Actual adult man here, you literally just whip your dick out and put her hand on it. This works on dates, busses, family reunions, funerals, job interviews, you name it.

BTW, you have to be in close already.

good advice man.

now Ive found that this girl has blocked me on FB im presuming because I did make the move.. is this salvagable you think? I will see this girl more we work together she obviously intended me to see she blocked me i think anyways.

>is this salvagable you think?

I was in close we were hitting it off fairly well I would say atleast well enough anyway.. however we were at work on break. she came and sat in my car for a cig. we sat there and smoked and listened to music and it was good and i was sensing she wanted me to make a move but i just wasnt sure enough and a huge part of me just wanted to fuck her right there and i think she would probably have been down but now ill never know and its fucking me up.

its not as bad as it sounds dude i didnt do anything to creep this girl out aside from not try to force myself on her i dont really think thats the most laughable quality although a little shitty I will admit.

If she's blocked you, that's a pretty strong indicator she doesn't want anything to do with you.
If she actually went through the trouble of manually blocking you, that's a pretty strong signal to back off.

"somehow manage to get qt to hangout with me"
thats your give away that she likes you, specially when she can open her cell phone and open fb or tinder and get laid between seconds......yet she chosse t o hangout with you

Your mistake was doing it on a work break. That's pretty terrible timing.

>i didnt do anything to creep this girl out
You actually did though and you're too autistic to know what it is.
That's the joke.

i didnt plan it that way it just happened. the ice between us litterally just broke today at work. we had our first good convo for the first cig. later inside she asked me for another in a little bit and i obviously said yeah. on our next break she walked right out with me across to my car and sat down got excited when i had seat warmers. we sat and listened to music and smoked for our break and i was sensing she wanted me to make a move. I didnt. I later asked her if she wanted another one.. she said no and i said ok and we parted ways. when I checked facebook later she blocked me. I litterally made no advances I didnt cross any line here I dont understand

I mean creeped her out because I didnt just fuck her right there I guess.. like I wish I could do that but IDK how bruh


I'm just picturing the worst case scenario.
>she needs a warm place to smoke
>sees op, thinks he's normal
>hops in
>op immediately gets hard
>she tries to play it off
>notices the piss bottles
>op is now groaning and sweating
>now she sees the cum soaked socks, the guy fawkes mask, the trenchcoat hanging in the backseat, the my little pony figurines on the dashboard
>she makes an excuse and leaves the car in a blind panic
>8 hours later op makes this thread

Pre-historic meme.

no its not that bad but i am a somewhat eccentric dude and if i just moved in on her i am exposing myself to potentially looking mad creep w/out express consent to do so. Why cant bitches just say that to me if thats what they want whys it all gotta be morse code?

Get a consent form and have her fill it out, duh. Stupid CIS rapist scum

By the time you get a sense that you should start initiating things, you 100% should have already made a move. She wanted it before then, but you didn't do it, so she's now making it obvious. This window is going to close almost immediately so either get in or get out so a way less autistic person get in there instead.

dude she didn't want you to fuck her.
she blocked you because it was obvious you thought she did.
since you work together she can't call you a faggot so blocking you on facebook is a clear "we will never fuck" statement without being offensive.

this is also a viable possibility although I dont believe this is the case..

I do believe she wanted to but I am probably just to spergy for her that is probably the issue.

I was close but probably dropped the ball I need someone who can accomedate the sperg or i need to defeat the sperginess

Look man as an older social retard I can tell you with some certainty, your problem is that you assumed she wanted to fuck you in your car at work because she sat in your car to smoke.
That's retarded.

i initiated all i could in a natural motion idk like i would love to put my hands on her and make contact but there was no reason to that she was showing except when she talked to me today and invited herself in my car. what am i supposed to initiate there

Jesus Christ, I tried to help but holy fuck. You're autistic, and that's a fine thing to be, but it's time you realize it. Just go back to masturbating to cute anime boys and leave this poor girl alone. You're both better off that way.

while possible not necessarily true and I do believe she really did want something man.

I'm not entirely socially retarded I'm like a functional social retard its a strange mix that people seem to find interesting

I'm trying to make the most of your advice dude I admit I am too fuckin awkward man I want some help fixing this shit because I'm so close but I cant close the deal to bein retarded and all

There are no girls on the planet earth who think some thirsty nigga getting horny because you talked to him is interesting. They get it all the time and they hate it.

No amount of advice can save you. You need literal hands-on coaching at this point.

And, be honest with yourself, are you ever going to shell out to get that kind of assistance? You'd sooner hire a hooker. Just give up.

I have some interesting attributes. This girl does aswell. She told me of her travels in France and about graduating school shes an interesting girl and she saw some level of interest in me I just want to know what exactly is wrong here was looking for others insight on this. gotten some good response so far

nah man I've been with some mad hot broads too I used to get mad tail but I've been in a slowspell the last few years just getting the occasional cheap one night pussy but Ive had some really hot gfs I just forgot how to get em for a while or something.

ALl well you'll figure it out eventually. You sound thirsty as fuck though, she's probably laughing at you right now.

I am thirsty af and she is probably laughing youre right.

but im thirsty because i myself cant close the deal

and shes laughing because i didnt do it its really not the most heartbreaking thing but it might be the most frustrating thing it sucks broseph


>at what point do you know its alright to initiate romantic/sexual contact with a girl?
Body language:
>plays with hair
>accentuates sexy bits
>touches you, esp. on the arm/shoulder
>fixes your clothes/appearance
>removes a hair/eyelash from cheek
>laughs at jokes that aren't that funny
>when you go to sit, sits on the loveseat an not the sofa (she wants you to sit with her, closer)
>leans toward you, slightly
>puts her hand in an accessible place (on the table, halfway between the two of you)

When in doubt, do the following
>make eye contact, see if she responds positively with any of the above
>touch her, non-sexual (touch arm, etc) see if she reacts well
>lean in slightly, see if she mirrors your posture
>if all else fails, go for a kiss:
>if she gives you a cheek, you have your answer, nothing lost.
>if she takes it on the mouth, gauge her response before jumping in further

95% of communication, leading to sex, is body language. It's all very straight-forward, and it's hard to miss unless you're an inexperienced retard. No offense to the inexperienced retards out there... we were all at that point at some time in our lives. But this is why positive consent laws are bullshit-- women don't communicate any of this directly, and most (especially younger) girls are completely unwilling to directly talk about it. Just go for it, at every chance you have, until you can recognize what their body language means. Because it doesn't change much at all between women. It gets easier every time, and a lot more fun with experience.

thank you my dude.

why did this girl block me though? because im an inexperienced retard? is that really grounds to block someone?

This. If you just broke the ice today, and she is getting the feeling that you want to fuck in the car, that's likely the problem. Women usually move slower, and they want to know something about you before fucking.

Don't get me wrong, fucking pretty quick happens sometimes, but you have to be attractive to them for a very tangible reason, first. Sometimes it's because they find you very physically attractive, but more often than not, it's some form of charm, or some sort of social status. Are you loaded? There are women who will fuck you for that, with no desire for anything other than sex. Are you funny and/or interesting? Some women will fuck you for that. Are you a dud she just started talking to on a break during work? There's pretty much no chance she wants to fuck you for that.

Back off, don't make any sexual advances, be a friend. Be charming, funny (can't stress this enough) and disinterested in sex, at least for awhile. If you break from the way that she had (fairly or unfairly) labelled you, you can start over. Not to mention, she'll feel sorry for mislabeling you and give you the benefit of the doubt for a good while longer (women love identity politics, and hate mislabeling people).

TL;DR: Only you can prevent social retardation.