I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here

please take it back

glad peep is getting popular. about time white kids took over rap. they bring in all the income anyway

ok sorry dad

His new album is all original instrumentation instead of samples, produced by Rob Cavallo and also has a collab with Wiz Khalifa & Juicy J coming out so combined with XXL Freshman 2017 it's safe to say he's about to blow up.

God help us all

Isn't that one of his lyrics?

Go to bed peep

I feel like this new wave of hip-hop (Lil Peep, XXXTENTACION, Lil Pump) is where I draw the line.

I feel like an old head listening to Yachty or Thugger. I don't get it, I don't like it, and I refuse to give it a chance.

Out of the artists you mentioned Peep is the only one I am a big fan of, I feel like he is in his own lane compared to those other artists. Much more rock/emo influenced genre-bending type music whereas those other artists are more energetic and filled with autotune. I don't mind XXX's songs that are aggressive and make use of a lot of distortion though, but I don't like any of the others at all. I think Peep's music appeals more to people who listened to old emo albums than it does to traditional hip-hop fans.

Then move out of the way, old HEAD

lil pump is funny tho


>I think about race 24/7

>2015 + 2
>People are still using Lil instead of Little

I hope all these shit meme rappers like Lil Peep, Fat Nick, xxxtentacion, Suicide Boys, etc. will die and I doubt I'll be disappointed

we don't want it

Just gonna leave this here as well

the future is now old man. stay the fuck out of our threads.

Can't believe there are people who listen to this guy.

I'll leave this

I blame Run the Jewels, this is El-P's fault


Who /pewdiepie/ here

You know what? Your absolutely right

welcome to 2017 nu-trap
we hope you enjoy lil peep and xxxtentacion whining about how depressed they are
social media was the worst thing that ever happened to the internet

also hahahaha holy shit if Budget Bargain brand BONES is on the XXL list then the hip hop scene is going to die

god no please

itt: virgins mad cause lil peep is making waves

i'm not a virgin and i'm mad because now there's gonna be a new wave of "goth" bitches

>worrying about shit that doesn't affect you since you never leave the house

lmao okay buddy hahaha i'm not even hating on lil peep calm down stan

lmao okay virgin just don't cut yourself with that edge


you are just so cute

Holy shit this guy is trying so hard to be one of those 'care free boy rapper' niglets. White people stop 'appropriating' their 'culture', you're going backwards you degenerate tards.

I liked him as a meme like a year ago. Stop making stupid people famous. Is Lil Tracy aka Yung Bruh and Goth Boi Clique all famous too?

I hope doctors find a malignant tumor on this guy's brain. Soon.

>This is what people are like in LA

ancient fucking meme holy shit are you serious

None of them are near Peep's level yet, Tracy is the closest I'd say

tracy is the next biggest but only really because he has the most features on peep songs
it's cool that jayyeah is getting his shine tho

Yeah I only really like his songs he does with Peep I'm not a big fan of his other auto-tuned stuff. He's got a good voice but he repeats the same lyrics throughout so many songs saying he's a vampire or something about a switchblade or about his face tats.

lil peep be like
>she just licked cocaine of my switchblade
>hell yeah, now im getting fucking laid

I was talking about Tracy not Peep. While Peep does repeat similar lyrical themes throughout his songs (partially because he's put out like 150+ in a short period of time) Tracy literally repeats the SAME LINES throughout multiple songs.

>sampling the microphones

waiting on the next installment by Lil Ugly Mane

>making a distinction between yachty and thugger and the other dudes

yeah, its the same thing you fucking doofus


I think we're starting to reach the logical conclusion to the A E S T H E T I C era

the dude on the left is always hiding his face in photos. At this point I'm scared to see what he actually looks like, probably has downs or something.

I'd say he's probably the more "normal" looking of the two actually

I think he does that because he doesn't want to be famous

i would make fun of him, but hes obviously in tuned with the zeitgeist and on his way to success, millions of dollars and hot bitches, so whatever.

thugger is the only one out of those i can listen to. pretty sure he's really about that life, while all those other kids are just doing tons of drugs being idiots, and yachty is just a black yung lean so fuck that guy.

Not to mention that Thugger's melodies are pretty cool, not to mention catchy

I agree. We need to start a rap resistance brother.

>Lil Peep, Rich Chigga, Ugly God and Pink Guy could all potentially make it on the XXL Freshman list

Is 2017 the true year of meme rap?

i usually dont let peoples personality change the way i feel about their music but holy shit lil peep is a faggot

XXX is so far above Peep and especially Pump.

X has a creative vision that could be compared to Kanye while Peep only cares about maintaining his gay ass tumblr aesthetic and Pump is an experiment to see how famous a rapper can get with the absolute least effort possible.

jesus christ fucking kill yourself


>hatin on lil pump

Post his boipucci.

Why? Because he's white??
El-P's actually a decent rapper and great producer, unlike a peep and his ilk

Yes. White people ruin everything.

I would be fucking ecstatic if Pink Guy made XXL Freshman List
the amount of salt would be hilarious

Same. XXL freshman list is a joke anyway.


Lel, this. Sad but true

>rap continues to evolve and reflect current culture
>old fucks get their jimmies rustled
Didn't see this coming

i dont even like the style of music peep does, but i can tell its good music and lots of people will like it even though its not what i would listen to. you sound pleb af

If you think peep's music is good or has any artistic merit whatsoever, then you have no right to call anyone a pleb

i know its good, and the numbers back me up. so have fun with your opinions on music and being objectively wrong lol.

>and the numbers back me up
haha this is Corey Taylor's argument in favour of the quality of Slipknot

slipknot has some good songs bro, and i dont even listen to that shit. u really sound like u dont know shit about music.


Wow this guy is awful

I didn't know Customgrow420 rapped

I guess not friend, you win this time
I'm going to sleep xx

Is this what the college kids listen to these days?

No, it's what high schoolers listen to

Meanwhile im still listening to classic 90's shit and early 2000 shit. Fuck all these new rappers out today 1st wave or new wave fuck it all