School Shooting Achievements thread cont

School Shooting Achievements thread cont.
Last thread pruned

>Cow tipping
Trigger the obese feminist students and then shoot them with a cannon

>Charlie 12 o'clock!
Use guerilla tactics to kill.

Lets hope this one doesn't die as hard

> Pray away the gay

Bludgeon three gay students with a cross

>Sanitation Extermination
Kill the Janitor

> Penis Envy
Make all the guys strip and kill all the ones whose dick is bigger than yours.

Just start going ham with all the automatics and dive in classrooms spraying everyone

>Destination Devastation

Wipe out an entire classroom

>Bath Salt Assault
Snort bath salts and eat faces

>See the Light

Recruit a teacher to your side

> Darfur that's whatfur
Ambush students and start killing them with machetes

> Pacifist

Put down your guns and do your homework

>Born a Glenn
Baseball bat to the dome

>Redneck Rampage
wave a rebel flag around while killing spree

dafuq is this shit

> The Hills Have Eyes
Train the tards to attack students

> WW2 Weeb

Carry out a banzai attack

> Unleash the Downs

Kill the tard wrangler, causing complete chaos.

Wound or kill a law enforcement officer

Sick idiot. Get some hobbies instead of fantasizing killing everyone, because YOU are to stupid to make a life on your own. My high school time was hell. But instead of going loco with a gun, I just started doing shit I liked and having fun. Now I have an awesome live.

> 9/11
Use kamikazi sstyle attack with a Cessna 182

>the nigga
use gun sideways

>Reddit Rager

Get triggered by a bit of fun



> Were you saying something?

Kill the speaker at assembly, causing a stampede

> Betrayal

Kill your partner

>Teachers Pet
Kill everyone and spare your favorite teachers

Free lunch: force a cheerleader to suck your dick at gunpoint

>Bob Ross
shoot the art rooms up and paint happy trees with blood

Yes I am. And if you look at yourself you should be concerned too Sup Forumsrother.

>The jock strap

tie up the football team or similar with straps of bombs

I was not baiting, I was serious.

There is a big difference between joking about something and actually fantasizing about doing it. We aren't hurting anyone.

> I forgot my wallet
Go to school without your wallet and get to lunch and realize you forgot it at home and argue with the lunch lady for 5 minutes and then pull a gun out and shoot her

> Last One

Kill someone with the bullet from your suicide

>Watch the world burn
Shoot up a classroom that's using the projector

>AP chemistry
force kids to drink random chemicals

>I was not baiting, I was serious.
> on Sup Forums
>White knighting
> on Sup Forums

>meet your maker

shoot up a religious studies class

>power ups
perform spree while fucked up on meth or pcp or bath salts or all of the above

> The Pool

(works better with empty, indoor pool)
take everyone you kill and throw them in a pool, Double points if pool is full at end

>Luck of the Irish
Use pipebombs and flashbangs during a school assembly

So you magically know that the OP was not fantasizing about a massacre and was just joking. Congrats for your skills.

>music to my ears

Get 10 kids / staff to scream at the same time

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

stone the stoners

> The Kekbeard

Carry out the killing with a katana, while wearing a fedora and coat and with my little pony playing over the intercom

>Saved by the Bell
pull a fire alarm and wait until everybody is in one spot before unloading.

Hire an assassin to do your work for you

>The KGB
brainwash everyone into killing themselves for you by using the intercom as a numbers station

Gather students into a single room and use a flamethrower

> Fireworks

Burry hundreds of propane bottles under the fire evacuation point the night before the attack. Then pull the alarm on the day and wait for assembly area to fill up. once full toss a pipe bomb into the crowd ad watch the fireworks.

shoot a victim through the back of the head and out the eyes
pic related

> Funky Fresh Prince

Machine gun people from the spinning throne while screaming the theme song at the top of your lungs

>pakeha punisher

be black and kill only all the white kids

>The Vincent Vega
Surprise someone while they are taking a shit

> It's just a prank bro
Kill a few students and reassure other students that it's just a prank by yelling "It's just a prank bro!" and point to nothing and say there are cameras there and then shoot them and repeat

> Robocop

'nuff said

> Jock strap
Strangle 10 jocks with their own jock straps

>unnecessary roughness
Beat up a victim for no reason

Blind yourself and go to school with a cane sword and try to kill the blind students

>No funny business
Dress up as a clown.

> Faggot
Spread HIV to other faggots and wait for a slow death

> PTSDefinitely
Go blind with rage and attack random students with a bowie knife while yelling in tounges

>Divine Intervention
unleash a plague of bedbugs

>The French Trucker
drive a truck into the school through a classroom

Kek, that would work really well. I wonder why nobody has tried that.

> Shit Grenade
Shove grenades up peoples shitter and pull the pin

I'm sure someone has

Quick its the thought police. Act normal.

> Sandy Hooker Mascara
Hire a Hooker named Sandy who wears a lot of mascara to shoot up Sandy Hook again

Kill an entire class while drinking

>Rage Cage
Lock students in a room together and have them fight eachother to the death until only 1 remains and kill the last one yourself

>playing hookie
Skip schoold one day and just snipe people from a mile away.

>Pussy Destroyer
Shoot a bitch right in the pussy

Kill everyone silently without anyone noticing, except for the hottest slut in school. Then gangrape her

>John Cena
Play the John Cena meme music dressed as John Cena and shoot the wreslting team

> Sheldon
Go to school and find the science club and before you start throwing pipe bombs just yell "Bazinga!"

>Going Pro
Perform attack while livestreaming with a gopro

electrocute someone to death with power from a wall socket

> DoubleSwee
Go to school dressed as spongebob and upload a video of yourself being a dumbass and get shot by the police before you can do anything because they got a call about a suspicious person hanging around the school

> Michael Bay
Kill the AV club with stupid crazy explosions

>pumped up kicks
kill someone with nicer shoes than you then use the laces to strangle someone else

you could do this recursively

> King of the Hill

After the massacre ends get all your accomplices and play king of the hill in the cafeteria, whoever wins must kill them selves by striping naked, grabbing a young hostage (pref grade 1 or 2), hoisting them over their head and charging the police line screaming in arabic

>The Jeffery Dahmer
take a bite out of a victim, chew and swallow