ITT: Sup Forums gets BTFO in one post

ITT: Sup Forums gets BTFO in one post.

>implying anyone posting on Sup Forums works


ITT: MalcolmX-Wing takes his trip off in one post.

hello Malcom!

>political bait thread
I hope everyone remembers their sage

lol you sure showed them

right wingers = wage slaves?


Desperate apologist is desperate

>leftists dont work
nice meme

all these normies on Sup Forums now come to Sup Forums and make these shitty threads. but to be fair Sup Forums is one of the most normy boards

Epic, I like it.

If you identify as either, you're doing it wrong.

If you don't like Sup Forums you don't really belong here tbqh.

I work

if they worked then they wouldn't be leftists

I'm left wing and I own a construction business and a sound business.

i just don't really hate islam or black people or feminism honestly lmao it just gets fucking obnoxious when pol leaks everywhere else

>I own a construction business
no you build vanity project studios for "artists" with their rich parents money

Yeah, he did blow those right wingers out. The leftists get to have fun making art and making money, while the right wingers slave away doing a job they do t wanna do so we can keep doing what we're doing.


Really sets off the mental capacitors, this post.

I'm a sub contractor for a builder.

>If you identify as either, you're doing it wrong.
Do I need to take off my belt?

>left wingers get to do what they love while making money
>right wingers are wage slaves so left wingers can do what they love while making money
I'm confused. Who's supposed to be the loser here?

you should

i don't hate blacks, it's the thugs that are scumbags, but the US govt invented them

islam is a death cult like any other Abrahamic religion, it's followers condone the actions of extremists because of their ideological blindness

feminism is another thing that makes people blind from ideology so they can think less. it encourages women to emulate scumbags in the working world and its responsible for the destruction of femininity. it's a capitalist invention

obnoxious is relative in this context, don't just blindly hate a board because of contrarianism. hear the arguments, do your research, learn in the process

the annoying shit is mostly r/the_donald refugees

>I'm a sub contractor

Yeah, I own my own business too! I go to work at an employment agency! A different job everyday! I own a labor business!

>Implying Sup Forums is left wing.

I started my business in 2004 and I cleared 70K working 30 hours a week last year.




i have heard the arguments. i did my research, and yet, all i see is stuff in radical forms being shitty, much like the opposite.
I feel like pol just sees the worst of the wort and nothing else for this stuff
like, i've met wonderful muslim people, wonderful inner city "thug" (as you call them) people, feminists that just want racial problems and transgender problems and rape-related problems talked about in the mainstream. no idea what you're on about feminists emulating scumbags. and idc about femininity dying. seems it was forced in the first place by dudes who could beat and rape whoever they liked
ever read the book future shock? sounds like ur afraid of change my friend

one of the more liberal boards on Sup Forums

>13 years in business
>working 30 hours a week
Oh my, how embarrassing.

You have my condolences, wage salve.

The Trumptards have been in their own echo chamber so long that they actually believe this shit.

>in their own echo chamber
...maybe you missed the last U.S. presidential election?

Leaves me plenty of free time to do what I want.

>right wingers are the betas from a brave new world

your point?

*tim heidecker voice*

get in the coal mines and get my coal, trumpkins

stop judging things from a small and personal perspective

Did you miss the disaster of his first 45 days in office? The man is an orange lunatic.

you're an idiot who can't think critically if you believe that, and i'm not even a big supporter

okay, I'll consult my friends, family, loved ones, the general populace I deal with at work, and people I meet at concerts! oh wait, that leads me to the exact same conclusion
get your head out of the internet nazi hivemind

I'm judging things from a rational perspective. You can't solve complex, real world problems with tweets. The man is in way over his head and he's starting to crack under the pressure.

>to do what I want

>one cabinet member resigning and another excusing himself from an investigation bc he lied under oath
>getting BTFO multiple times in court for your batshit travel bans
>tweeting about his petty feuds with fucking television shows
dude, totally great first month man

>think critically
I think you meant think contrarian's hard to argue that Sup Forums is an echo chamber when the president of the United States is Donald J. Trump. I admire you're ability to willfully ignore reality though.

but most boards hate Sup Forums

>russian hookers pissed on that face

are you familiar with the concept of echo chambers?

A lot of Sup Forums come here i wouldn't be so sure. [I'm a centrist so i think both sides are stupid fyi]

>lost by more votes than any president ever
>49.3% disapproval rating (compared to obama entering at 60%)
the people's president, surely

this is the same thing with a few more people
get out of your hippy hive mind, everyone in the world doesn't want peace love and flowers

no your're not. you're being personal

really convinced me with those factoids
did you grab this from huffington or slate?

you get your information from american news agencies without batting an eye without thinking "hmm maybe these news agencies are trying to push a narrative that doesn't exactly fit factual reality and are simply manipulating fact to get followers to think a certain way in the name of securing more money at the risk of opposition lives"

>mfw I know you're trying *really* hard right now

How does it feel knowing I can get to you but you can't get to me?


Trump is going to fail and fail in spectacular fashion. If you can't see it coming a mile away, then you aren't paying attention or are 12 years old.


okay man, so if i dont get my life experiences from my family, and the hundreds of other people in my life, where should I? bc it seems to me that you have only the alternative of getting it from pol or breitbart

>itt: the losers Trumps presidency triggered without the customary warning the babbys have come to expect from their coddlers

>implying I'm not the one getting my ass licked

>got rid of lower income tax
>got rid of tpp
>is communicating with foreign countries and russia no less
>lowered national debt with his first month

instead of guiding platitudes and personal attacks with no factual bases that you got from a "reliable" news network, you could actually provide criticism based on real things instead of emotions like an actual 12 year old

i don't care

big boys are talking dude, come on

>one shitpost
>60+ replies later

Goddamn, never change, Sup Forums. You DID deserve to lose 2016.

Most boards hate Sup Forums. Most boards hate each other anyway.

If you were you wouldn't be posting on Sup Forums, you're just living a macho fantasy like most righties

>enacted literally 0 fiscal legislation
>implying he had anything to do with a random dip in debt
and obama had no communication w foreign countries, yea?

You're everything I've come to expect from Trumpers/poltards. I'm done with you.

Boi i just shitpost on /bleep/

Exactly which program that Trump started lowered the national debt?

He sucks but hes still better than clinton. I mean something had to change, as awful as a lot of Trumps policy is there is some good stuff. I mean the guy is right about a few things and sure is entertaining. I wanted him to win but now that hes president i do think hes wayy too authoritarian.

But then again maybe the left might actually start to care about freedom and opposing social conservatism again.

imagine being such a gay failure that you create these images. suicide when, fella?

wageslave detected

>wagecucks pretending they're superior

Riddle me this, Sup Forums.

If the left is right and the right is wrong then how did Trump win the election?

Checkmate atheists!

i mean, satan in the flesh reagan got elected too

you're just skill-less and are trying to justify it
losers like you think all jobs are like working for the ministry of truth
you're too lazy to be able to choose the job you want and so you only see the lazy route to jobs
fact is lack of work fucks up your brain
stay with your coddled parents until they kick you out at which that point you've gone passed the point of no return and forcefully turn into the thing you hate

what's your job?

>fact is lack of work fucks up your brain


Hello user, this is your boss. Get back to work. I'm not underpaying you so you can argue with people on the internet.


>fact is lack of work fucks up your brain
holy fuck

freelance software developer
also; you don't really know what work is. you only have a skewed perspective of work.



What sort of software do you develop? What sort of clients?


>lack of work fucks up your brain

all of my wat

>freelance software developer
yeah dude i work too im a freelance musician

banking system, mostly financial clients
not much else in my market

it's true

musician isn't a job

If you get pay to do it, then it's a job.

you can occupy your mind without working

Ronald Reagan presided over the most corrupt presidential administration in American history by an alarmingly wide margin with 138 criminal indictments and convictions.

>musician isn't a job
>typing is

Unless you're working in meme learning, any financial software is gonna be 100% obsolete in a matter of years.

>musician isn't a job
i'm sure artists out there are making millions just for fun

>musician isn't a job
It is if you get paid for it.

if you can get paid for it, it's a fucking job

no it's not
there are such things as jobs you don't pay for
such a surprise to americans

getting paid doesn't make it a job
if music was a job it wouldn't be good