Why are Britfag so butt hurt we Americans just elected whats going to be the greatest President ever??

Why are Britfag so butt hurt we Americans just elected whats going to be the greatest President ever??

You're on an Island that's just over half the size of the state of California!

Some user fag on here posts some hot grill and only a few pots down some butt hurt euro fag turns it into "Trump this or Trump that".

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either you're serious and you're a faggot; or you're trolling and you're a faggot.

Britain used to rule the world with their tampon sized island. Now the U.S. does. All it takes is one terrible President for the U.S. empire to fall. If the US empire falls then Russia or China will rule the world. Britain would rather be the pet poodle to the U.S. instead of Russia or China.


> But.... dont forget the cry babies still thinking they have a voice from their cribs.

>I know a ton of cry babies scared they might have to actually work and get a fucking job now.

>Proudly voted for Trump!!

China owns the USA as it is.

China is like a Jenga tower. Looks impressively tall, until you release that height is gained by sacrificing all stability.

if OP was truly a faggot why would he support trump?
sense you make none


Come back in two years and say that

when you own as much of the world as China you could give 2 shits about stability.
if their tower crumbles in true China history they get someone lower to fall on the sword and take the blame leaving the rich clean and pure.

seems the us is spanish speaking full of Mexicans who do all the work and owned by china and asian monies. (but i could be wrong wouldnt be first or last time)

Much like their products

Probably because he just proposed lobbyists and ex-bankers for his transition team?

you honestly think he'll last 2 years?
we have a pool going how long till he is FIRED and impeached.

no shit! i fucking HATE my sony products!
worst piece of shit fall apart in one year or less junk!

>Greatest president ever

No joke. I am German. Grew up in Germany 13 years. Moved to America and migrated here as an asylee.

We Germans resent the fact that we had the holocaust and we do everything we can to prevent that from ever happening again.

I woke up the other day dreaming that I was in New York (I've lived there 3 times) and black people were leaving by the busloads in military vehicles to leave the country because there was no place for them anymore here. I dreamed I was walking down the street with a megaphone trying to stop them.

After they were all gone, the only people who were left were white supremacists you'd see in the 40s and 50s in those old nazi movies.

Dark times ahead, man. I don't even want to think about what is going to happen next.

Trump is the only U.S. president even comparable to Hitler.

Pleb tier

>Hitler kills 5+ MILLION people
>Trump does a couple realty scripted TV shows

Just WOW i mean ... really??

What do you reckon his major fuck up is going to be? He's just retarded enough to trigger the next world war.

Hahaha!!!! I think same thing when I hear someone compared to Hitler!

Chances are he's going yo be responsible for the next world war. I thought it might be Pakistan, maybe best Korea, but no, it's probably going to be the us. Well done.

He's not even in office yet, retard. How can Trump kill anyone if he has no political power yet?

But you can see what he's planning to do in his rhetoric.

>I'm going to bomb the crap out of them.
That's what got us into trouble in the first place.

>I am all for torturing them.

>I would take them and their families.

>You have to take out their families.

That's the most assinine arrogant comment you could spew. What human being actually says such atrocious things?

It made me put America in a whole new light. People actually SUPPORTING a man who wants to kill innocent people.

THAT'S why he's comparable to Hitler.

not even sworn in yet and breaking rules and protocols.
the way he yells and throws fits just on twitter now imagine him doing that to foreign leaders or worse a foreign dictator!

Fuck Trump.

Fuck Trump.

Remember all those theoretical scenarios people give about being given the chance to kill Hitler before he comes into power?

Now is our chance.

Why isn't anyone taking him out BEFORE he gets into office?

I'd rather have his douche bag vice president as president, then Evil Trump.

so talking about it like "we should" knowning full and well the Prisident job is only that of Ronald McDonald and just a face for the big corporation and has zero say in how things are done
To you is just like the man who did kill over 5 million and tried to rule the world.

So is playing Call of duty just like the vets who have fought and been in real life or death fire fights. *comparable

Dude if you can't understand why people compare him to hilter you don't deserve free speech

A populist is always shit and is always elect by dumb people believing that their quality life will improve because of some "make america great again" bullshit

Cause he will make Amrica great again.

look at these pussy's whine about things he's saying.

GOOD! we are the superpower of this plant yet acting like a bitch the last 8 years taking it up the ass.

It' time to kick lazy faggots out of OUR COUNTRY and make it GREAT!

>Saying "playing Call of Duty" vs real life combat of our vets is comparable to Hitler vs Trump

Potato status.

>Cause he will make Amrica great again.
Falls for his catchy bullshit slogan
Just how will he make America great again, exactly?

>look at these pussy's whine about things he's saying.
Not even able to make pussies plural properly.

>GOOD! we are the superpower of this plant yet acting like a bitch the last 8 years taking it up the ass.
Acting like a bitch the past 8 years.
1. Killed Osama Bin Laden (inb4 giving Bush credit for it)
2. Started wars with 3 other countries
3. Having the biggest military now than we ever did

>It' time to kick lazy faggots out of OUR COUNTRY and make it GREAT!
1. We're not giving illegal Mexicans even a dime back on taxes they've paid.
2. The country is founded on slavery. We didn't pay slaves a single dime and that made us the most prosperous nation on the planet. Is that how we'll make America great again? By bringing back slavery?
Because if you're looking for a way to beat China economically, there literally is no other way. You can only beat a slave wage nation by bringing back slavery in your own country yourself.

another clueless who doesn't understand one killed millions! many in their homes shot women children while they slept just for being jews.

not hundreds not even thousands.
KILLED slaughtered MILLIONS!!

and the other so far the worst he's done is adultery, ran his company bankrupt a few times.

how are those even comparable?????

I served in desert shield back in the 90's so i've seen death and known holocaust survivors.

Fuck Trump and OP i voted green party but i dont and never will get how anyone compares to Hitler.


You don't get how Trump compares to Hitler?

>You have to take out their families.

>I would bomb the crap out of them.

That's the slogans he RAN on. And you don't see how he's like Hitler if not worse?

Slavery may be the answer actually.
Last time we did it wrong though,it was racially motivated. This time it should be classist. Time to enslave the poor and remove their citizenship status.

You don't understand because you compare what you want to compare.
There are similarities between them in the way they act/acted by using dumb people to get what they want.

Obviously it's bullshit if you compare how many people got killed by them, open your point of view and learn of hitler got power in germany in 1933.

It's the stuff he said he wants to do that makes he sound like hitler

You are, by far, the dumbest fuck to ever have made a post on Sup Forums.

Everyone in this thread just got dumber by reading what you just typed.

May god have mercy on your soul.

He is the most "special" president we ever gonna have ;-)

Congratulations. You are as much of an idiot as Chris-Chan

MMm Yes. I'd let him grab me by the pussy!


>"Trump this or Trump that"
Who cares? I'm just Happy to see the last Asshole having to pack his bags after 8 years.

Nope. Not like Hitler at all. He's talking like a warmonger, sure. But other presidents have done the very same thing, and nobody compared them to Hitler.

Really makes you think.



No, I do see how Hitlery compares to Adolph, but not Trump

OP is always a faggot you reject. End yourself.

M8, none of us care. We got over you lot when you put the peanut guy and the actor in office

Britbongs are mad that America did something even stupider than Brexit, and have pulled the world's attention and fears away.

if you lived here you would get it. The political correctness of Britain is on an all time high. Most left wishy-washy fucks think more of themselves and believe their views of the world are so correct that all of slightly disagree are racist, homophobic, sexist arses. I for ne am glad you guys went for Trump over Hitlary. A shitty choice either way, but at least someone who can break this ludicrous chain of social justice endorsing bullshit. I did wish for a real republican to be in charge of America, but all those butt hurt morons who think this is the end of the world are just bitching because bitching about Trump is easy and has no risks, since to bitch about Trump, is considered ok.....

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you "build a wall".

Go. Now.

peanut guy was a mistake, the actor was a good president, just as Trump will be!

So was hitter just a warmonger until, you know, all that shit happened?

No, go fuck yourself.

I see what you did there

As a European Trump is the best thing that has happened. We couldnt make fun of americans under Obama but holy shit this is going to be hilarious

nah we could make fun of Obama, the problem was we were labeled as racist cunts if we did

This, I overheard someone at work calling Trump a bigot and that he is the axis of evil.

no, all of those nig nog jokes fell flat by comprison

You are a fucking idiot.

90% of people on welfare need it.

Lazy fucks who don't work will still not work.

To make matters worse your proud of voting for sweat shop owning billionaire that's going to rob the average American blind and make things better for himself and his billionaire buddies. Good job dumb ass.

ikr, think of the amount of Muslims Obama droned, but I mean, we would not want to compare a half black dude with Hitler

pay no attention to the lefties, they're butt hurt bad. they need safe spaces to cry in.

Because they understand how fucking stupid his election is and can't believe Americans fell for his trolling.

Doesnt makes sense since USA is a colored country

why not?


because half of america wised up, and votedd for the right person finally

I am not from the states

But the salt is so tasty

> can't believe Americans fell for his trolling

Like are you new to how fucking dumb americans are?

Greatest ever? The mans yet to accomplish anything as president. This is like awarding obama the noble peace prize just for being black. Don't get ahead of yourself boy.

well it is rather impossible to compare a half black president of the US, with a white supremacist. Not on the basis that it makes sense but try to explain to a college student with a major in lesbian folk dancing that you are comparing amount of kills not ideology.

who forgot to lock Sup Forums 's gate....

China does not own the US. Plus China is not sustainable and will crumble before it is ever a true super power.

top fucking kek

>implying getting elected as president of the United States as a black man wasn't an incredible thing to do

I wanna major in lesbian folk dancing. Sounds comfy.

If these are your dreams you should seek help.

What a magnificent people Americans are. You think they have reached apex stupidity and somehow they still manage to outdo themselves.

He is rising to power just like Hitler.
-stokes nationalism by making passionate speeches about greatness
-blames minorities and foreigners for the country's problems
-talks of registering a minority group to keep an eye on them
-continues to spout lies and propaganda to support his cause
-neo-nazis flock to him like flies on shit

weeeeeeeell, half black

Go ahead and expand on that more


plus you get burger flipping placement right after graduation

Still an incredible accomplishment in a country where so many idiots are inclined to hate you based on your skin color.

In all honesty that is how to fight terrorists. You make life miserable on them and their support network. Give the people a choice, support the terrorists and be destroyed, or knock it off and may be get some benefits.


yes, I am

While I'm not a Trump fan, I support him breaking protocol on Taiwan. It's time we stopped ignoring that situation and let China know that all of Asia isn't theirs.

true, yeah sorry that was dick comment, I just dont like Obama on a political level. Being the first non white president in the States, where slavery of the blacks was a thing few hundered years ago is quite impressive.

So killing innocent people is how yoh fight terrorism. This is one case where you don't want to fight fire with fire actually.

I love lesbian folk dancing.

That's really not out of line with a lot of campaign lines from many candidates. What I don't see with trump is a detailed plan, and highly efficient killing machine being proposed for the extermination of select groups of citizens and prisoners of war/refugees. I think that's why most people don't feel he has earned a Hitler comparison.

> arm and train terrorist and help them spread across the world
> spend billions fighting them

Murican fucking logic

yeah, our president sucked for 8 years. that is quite an accomplishment.

That being said, we STILL are the major powerhouse in the world, and will be even more so at the end of January. So piss- off, Euro jaggoff.

I still do not get why people criticize Trump for not bowing down to a dictatorship made consensus

Everyone give a nice welcome to Sup Forums's newest fag

This is how an empire falls

I wish I could be around when global warming melts you into the ground, unfortunately I won't be around in the year 3030.

Don't believe everything you meme faggot.

Briton is an Empire, America is just a country.