G'morning b

g'morning b.
hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today

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Zoloft and adderall.

Im on Prozac, thinking adderall might actually make it work right. Howd you get them both?

Ganja, and it being my last day of work.

i'm killing myself slowly by alcohol

lol every. fucking. day.

i know you live with your parents because you do this from morning to night.

how old are you?

because you give me source on the webm

i thought adderall was for studying.no sauce man.

why would i kill myself ?

i don't know. i don't think you should.

After struggling for months because of my gf being so tight, this Sunday I popped her cherry for real, and those wild moans and grunts of her, paired with her utterly amazed expressions make me rock hard just remembering them.
Oh and I'm 3 subjects away from finishing my bachelor's degree.

and how many sems did you need 4 bachelor ?

How long did it take you ?

congrats man.

dont know why but your webms are funny to me

Started on antidepressants 2 days ago. I should at least give them a chance to kick in.

glad i could give you a laugh user.
hope they work user.

does anyone have sauce on this ?

Wanting to see the genocide of muslims in europe.

I'm curious too. It's obviously Bangbus but don't know the chick.

about 7 months back, i left my fiancee for OUR girlfriend... thought things were perfect with the new girl... we ended up breaking up as well recently... thought about killing myself because i truly loved her... but ive been dating and i realize love can always be found... im not fucking a 5/10 girl of which i have no feelings for... and thinking about my 10/10 fiancee and 9/10 girlfriend... i realize my own choices are why im unhappy... i consider suicide often... but then i realize girls are a dime a fucking dozen

indeed. cool story bro.

From a basic google, I found "Kiss my pecker". from there maybe a torrent.


Unless she's 11 years old she's a lying whore.

Keep those grades up tho.

you are are pretty dedicated at searching for stuff. congrats on your persistence.

I love Bangbus. I don't even know why.
But as I said, it was VERY easy and very simple. Bangbus has at best 100 different girls and I found her on the first page.

Mostly by asking my shrink. Zoloft makes me feel emotionally normal, but exhausted. Adderall counters the exhaustion, while making me focus. It also makes my workouts fucking intense!
Adderall mak

bangbus was cool.
i used to think it was real tho back in the day.

Because I actually enjoy my life. Not one of those, "omg she broke up with me I'm so depressed people."
>married 5 years
>son is 4
>first daughter is 3
>third daughter 6 days old
>house, dog, steady job

Life is great.

Adderall is for adhd. It helps those who can't focus function the way normal people do.

looks like hillary lost weight and got a new job

good for you user.

wife take it in da butt?
kids are fine, and none have down-syndrome?
dog doesn't shit on the carpet?
house doesn't have problems ?

>I'm married to a beautiful woman who's my best friend
>we have an active and satisfying sex life
>I have three wonderful kids I adore
>I live in a comfortable home, drive a nice car and own both
>I have a well paying job I find fulfilling
>I work with nice people who respect me
>I have a fairly affluent lifestyle but live well within my means
>I'm on pace to retire in my 50s
>I'm in good overall health
>My credit rating is over 800

I can't stop playing overwatch

My gf is sleeping next to me

Do you take any medication?

Link to pic related user?

We are not from the Land of the Freeā„¢, where degeneration and promiscuity runs rampant m8.

And will do, I was at one point expulsed yet my friends didn't let me give up, I rebuilt myself and here I am, surprising family, friends, classmates and teachers alike.