Summon moot!!!!!

summon moot!!!!!

There is, and never will be a big enough bag of dicks we could use to get MOOT to come from his hiding place like you could shaking a cat food bag to get mittens inside out of the cold.

>tfw moot has left us for good

that camwhore posting with the tripcode "tripcode"...

but moot is are saviour... where did he go?

>tfw god has left us

well rip


hope he will come back. those were the good day on Sup Forums

well some one need to are hero.

Even if he was on Sup Forums, he won't have his Administrator Tag. Moderator or Janitor at best now. He's working for Google.

luck says he will come back to us

I beleeb in mootykins

what is a moot xD

newfag XD


true fact


you mean moot as in MOOT or the jewchink moot?

think were tanking about the Moot (mootykins)

I'm here my childins'

well Moot need to wake up and see that Moot misses us!

is this a cringe thread?

not sure anymore

one last chance moot