What is wrong with my penis? the base of my glande is sorta red

what is wrong with my penis? the base of my glande is sorta red

have it for a week now, came out of nowhere, last time i shagged someone was back in march or so...

it looks like your foreskin is tight as fuck, you're probably forcing blood to pool there because you cut off circulation

op here, wat do ? get cut ?

How do I loosen it?

visit a doctor
he will give you a corticosteroid cream
only in extreme conditions they will cut it
the fact that you can actually pull back the skin over the glans shows it's not such a big deal

I've had it cut. You get used to it. Some girls like it, some not. Be sure that the doctor will give you a nice cut, it leaves a scar. It can be a nasty scar, or a good one.

But boy, you can't leave it like this.

Sex ed sucks. What country are you from?

op here, it buddy buddy
not a prob when flaccid, but as u can imagine can hurt while having sex intercourse

if you're in the US, don't go to a doctor, they will cut it off. you could try steroid creams, i used to manually stretch my foreskin whenever i had the opportunity. when flaccid grab the edges of your foreskin and stretch it out, hold it out for a bit as wide as you can without it hurting, repeat as often as you can until it's better. took me almost 2 years of trying to even be able to pull my foreskin back past my glans but i got there eventually

only cut if you have no other option
there are too many possible negative side effects when you cut, besides loosing sensitivity

So trying to strecth by yourself is a no-go?
Doctor's opinion strictly advised?

it's not a problem to stretch. just stop it when it starts to hurt.
also make sure to clean your hands properly when you are about to stretch
using the steroid cream speeds up the progress big time

Well, I had too much of a problem. I could either not be able to have sex and have hygene issues, or cut it. Of course, I could fuck with those silly creams, but a few month after this surgery I had my first sex in a threesome. This would be a shame, if I could not perform, wouldn't it?

op here, thxall i guess i'll have to get checked @ some urologist have a wonderful day /b

those creams are not silly like you say.
corticosteroid creams is by far the most prescribed solution when it comes to tight foreskin (phimosis).
doctors only cut in extreme conditions

Not the op but I'm doing the same thing
2 months ago my situation was in equal ranks as people with severe phymosis
Now I can barely strecth it over the glands (when fully erect) but the shit is tight as a zip-tie, the tip (when fully erect) goes full on indigo after five seconds and then I usually retarct it back (usually because when no precum or water is lubricating the dick the friction prevents, or rather inhibits, the retraction)

your dick is perfect

What country?

don't know what it's like in the US

even now i sometimes take a few minites to be able to pull my foreskin back over my dick, vulnerable as fuck when the head is exposed, tender to the extreme

in the US they'll take any reason to circumsise

If it helps I usually do it when I'm showering/bathing
The water lowers the sensibility quite a lot and also prevents the tip of the dick from getting dry

i find showers make my dick dry as hell, like how your fingers get wrinkled in the bath

water actually dries out the skin

Funny. I am from Europe too and they didn't gave my any choice. "Oh, I see your dick is disfunctional. Let's cut it then, be here in a week."

what country?

never visit a doctor before doing some research yourself
don't be that dick that's trying to outsmart the doctor, they hate that
but be aware of the possibilities.

Poland. But I got used to it, and there were no complaints about my dick.

medfag here

cancer m8

it's a quick, cheap fix to the problem, they probably didn't want to give resources to the problem

Doing some research is quite dangerous. Most people in here are retards, so I wouldn't...

Wait, actually. Dear Sup Forums, always check the internet for medical advice.

I use cold water since the the fingers wrinkle a lot later than in hot water (dunno why)
Same applies to foreskin (also, it is better for the testicles aswell)
Didn't have any problem with a dried tip in a while (except for the time I bathe in a jacuzzi, it was dry as a bone the night I jerked it off)

Cheap? I'd say it's a way to get more money, because someone has to pay for that surgery. But I can;t remember if it was paid by my father or from insurance (free healthcare, I mean)

cheap for them, not cheap for you

How different for them is performing surgery and just prescribing a cream? Both require a first visit. Then, they either get paid for the surgery, or get nothing, because you buy that cream for yourself. Surgery for them is better. It's not about the price of anything...

Had problem with my foreskin too. The doctor gave some sort of steroid that I could apply to the foreskin. This helped bit what helped most was pulling the foreskin down every time I masturbated which means 2 times a day, 14 times a week. Now I can pull it down with no problem.

I can't stretch my foreskin after I see the full tip without feeling like it's going to get ripped apart. Do I have to get circumsised?

It's aids. I'm so sorry user

visit your doctor, how are we supposed to know?
if it's not a big thing you will be given a cream. if it's serious they will cut it.

For fucks sake, you idiots. Go to a fucking urologist.

This is what is wrong with people. "Something is wrong with my dick, that is my most valuable organ! Doctors? Nooo, fuck Big Pharma, I'm gonna check the fucking internet!"