I've posted these before but I want them spread around more

I've posted these before but I want them spread around more.

My abusive/liar ex. Deserves this 100%.


more fun when they're innocent.
meh, expose the bitch.

Please Sir, can I have some moar?



So close to quads.

Face pic please.

>she deserves shit
>not even posting name or face
comon man, you can do better than that

I remember her! The girl with dope PC. What were her specs again?

just as i was typing. my bad

gtx 970, i5-3570k

I'm glad someone remembers!

Here's one after she was finished masturbating

Getting ready for sex

More op


>My abusive/liar ex. Deserves this 100%.

greentext plz

Any butthole pics, OP?

her face is fucking cancer man

especially in this pic rocking body tho

>Meet her in an MMO 2013
>We start dating and hang out every single day
>Eventually fly up to meet her
>Things are perfect irl
>When I return home she verbally abuses me
>She has sudden mood swings
>I beg her to stop but she keeps yelling at me
>This continues for nearly 3 years
>She always blames it on things from the past
>"I'm angry because of what you did 2 weeks ago"
>Eventually I develop a panic disorder
>One time during raid I afk for 5 minutes
>Having panic attack
>She calls me on the phone
>"You're worthless"
>I see her one more time in May
>Tells me she loves me for the last time
>I fly home, she breaks up
>Since breakup we tried to be friends
>She lies about getting with her ex
>Keeps flirting with me
>Tries to keep me in her back pocket
>Attacks/insults me all the time
>Next day more flirty shit, "I miss you"

Cycle continued until I cannot take it any more. I am never talking to her again, and she deserves a lot worse than this.

Oh yeah, there's also the fact that after the breakup she told me most of our relationship was false, never loved me etc.

I know she was just trying to hurt me, but it still fucks with me mentally.

She's not that bad, she did a good job sucking off me and the rest of the bikers.

Best I've got I think?

love the tits but she has a bad Jew face.


Butthole pics?



Das it mane

She's hot and cute af, OP
I do like them Jewish girls, though


More pics? Vids?

Might as well leverage her desire to turn you into a cuck into a nice pegging session, OP. Turn lemons into lemonade.

does she have an ig?

More OP

Does it have a name?

I've got some more but Sup Forums is retarded and claiming a file is embedded.

1. Screenshot pics
2. Post screenshots

Imgur album?

so close



Oh yeah, there was also one time where I was feeling suicidal and she mocked it in front of our friends. Next day she was constantly apologizing and trying to make it right, but looking back on how she treated me throughout our relationship, I think it'd be nice if she killed herself.

How can we make her suicidal, Sup Forums?

>How can we make her suicidal, Sup Forums?
Let's not and say we did
The world always needs more hot chicks

The very definition of butterface

You clearly have never seen a butterface

You're the psychotic little kitty, go end your own life (but send more pics before).

I dated a narc recently too. I exploited her to all her friends , family, flipped my shit on her, stalked and threatened the bitch. She ended up getting a restraining order against me because I'm a little loose in the head. Good times

Is OP kill

Sounds like fun Sup Forumsro!

Nude pics of ex girlfriend or it never happened

She really has some nice tits. Her face looks even acceptable on a few pics

I had a lot of laughs. Will probably stop by her moms house on Christmas

Plus some nice meaty pussy lips


Bumpin for glory

Come back OP, post close up of tits

File size

Hahaha I must learn your ways user. Treating girls like shit that stick around is always fun.


Can see a bit in the thumbnail, she looks like a cutie

3+3=6 3+3=6 3+3=6
Satan has arrived

A pic of her tits might be within the size limits

Yes this, might as well give the tit pic a try. For science

She was extremely tight, even when turned on it would take a few minutes for her to get accustomed to me.

Ok be born a crack baby get neglected by ur mom beat by ur dad raped by ur cousin be in 120+ fights be covered in scars from head to toe drink every day and never give a fuck.

Nevermind I'm good.


That's usually what people say. Banging this guys fiancé now but he's tough apparently. I guess we gone find out

Too much work they in my old phone, but they were a nice 34c. Pussy was loose as fuck

Holy shit my first dubs wahoo fucking newfag

That's her bf? What's your play?

What play is that? I'm keep doing me and not worry, if he gets tough I'm not even a little concerned? He's gonna show me the streets and that's good cuz I like tours

I was born a meth baby. Got raped by my mom's boyfriend several times so that led me to be an angsty son of a bitch. At 14 he tried it again but I stabed him four times in the stomach. Told the police exactly what happened. He had a record. I got off 100% free. Started fight Club in highschool. Kicked a lot of ass but also enjoyed getting my ass kicked. I broke my jaw, eye socket, clavicle, and 6 total fingers. Treating women badly is still hard for me. But I enjoy it.

Well this thread turned to crap

More tits, less faggotry