Is it a coincidence that "kek" and "cuck" sound so similar, but both mean, "I am a newfag"?

Is it a coincidence that "kek" and "cuck" sound so similar, but both mean, "I am a newfag"?

But kek means lol in WoW when you're an orc talking to a human.
Cuck, is just the new faggot thing.
Clearly calling out "newfags" is showing how much of a newfag you are.

I think you should kill yourself, you colossal faggot.

Disambiguation: "Cuck" means "I'm FOB from Sup Forums, and I am a newfag."


Thanks for bringing this up so I can correct it. "Kek" means "I am autistic, and I'm a newfag."

Given the insane devotion of most WoW players.
I'll accept this.
Except the newfag part.
You're just trying too hard now, friend.
Relax. Enjoy the bliss that is the (you).
I know you crave it. You need it. So have one. Savor it. Like your boyfriend's cock on a cool summer night.

Its pronounced Keak

cuck cuck keck cuck kek kake
Solid thread, mate! I hope you die in a fire! :D


What is irony.

You forgot cock.

What is Sup Forums?


Accept this like the dirty Sanchez on a hot Mexican afternoon.

Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied.

So kicking screaming and trying to get even though Jose's friends are holding me down?

That is... correct.

Hi hirambe im sorry a unconditional mother of 1 got you killed



top kek

Thanks, but I don't deserve this.
Go to /mlp/. There's gotta be one more deserving there.

well, millennials are pretty retarded so they communicate using retarded sounds