Why is Sup Forums so racist now days? It's not funny its edgelord newfags who came from stormfront...

Why is Sup Forums so racist now days? It's not funny its edgelord newfags who came from stormfront. Seriously this is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums. Discuss

anonymity + recent events = Sup Forums goes racist

Fuck off, nigger.

are you serious everyone knows Sup Forums hates niggers and kikes gtfo outta here bitch

during school hours it' s a bit less

Sup Forums has always been racist. This is nothing new....newfag


Sup Forums has always been racist
how rustled are your jim joms nig nog?

i can only speak for /prog/ because i was a regular there, but they were an extreme. Sup Forums wasn't this bad according to them

Because they have lost the way of Minbari.

>school hours
>international board

Sup Forums has been and will always be racist

niggers are in NO WAY the same as us whites. They are sub-human filth. Criminal minded. Worthless.

I've been in this cesspool on and off since about 2006. It's always been this way.

Fuck off.


kek, Sup Forums has always been racist, the cancer that's ruining Sup Forums is moralcunts like yourself, trapfags and furryfats

Blame the niggers:
they started it!

If you guess the last two digits of your post, you will be blessed with luck in the next week.

Image strongly related.

nigger 34

B not being racist would be like tumblr not full of whiny edge-lords

Sup Forums isn't racist.
you spent too much time in the pc crowd, you lost touch with reality.

It's less racism and simply an expression of logical, fact proven, common sense.

And yes, it's always been this way.

Your thread is flanked by trap and creepshot threads. This is not the cancer. Sup Forums was saying nigger 12 years ago

There is a lot of push back against the liberal SJW crowd. People are tired of having bullshit shoved in their face. I don't think people are as racist as they are cultural supremacists. I don't think all cultures are the same and getting inferior fake thug gangster bullshit in every form of media is making people think "Is this really what's cool?"

What's on your mind guy, you seem down.


Why are these insults so pathetic? Can't you come up with anything better? Literally never been to dailystormer, but I'm constantly called that.

trap, cuck, ylyl are the cancer

Races do exist tho

Genes influence culture

/b is closer to this.

>Being this out of touch with reality. Racism only serves to divided. You guys need to go to the nearest hood and give the first black person your money and a hug. Say sorry

stormweenie sound like a hotdog you eat when its stormy outside

I know I post racist content because I am missing a fundamental part of my humanity and I can't seem to connect with anyone I meet, causing a deep seeded resentment for myself that I express outwardly towards those who are least able to defend themselfs

It is as simple as this image.

Sup Forums started out as a largely satirical offshoot from SA that had a greater emphasis on image posts and hentai, since then the constant influx of literal children has created the situation you see today

Old Sup Forums was racist too, but it felt more like a joke back then

People take it as srs bsnss, now it's not jokes it's long winded replies trying to foster support and provoke.

No, Sup Forums was saying roody poo. newfag

If niggers, sandniggers and asians leave Europe I would not have a problem with them. So no, I will not say I'm sorry or give them money or a hug, they should give me money and say sorry for coming to my land and raping people while living on welfare

I don't need to hear a mix tape.

hasn't Sup Forums always been a joke?

nice trips, nigger faggot

i hope to god your trolling

>Now days

You must be new here

I'd love to take in some hood rat. Any level of income would be miles above the squalor she currently lives in and she's suck my dick for 10 min inside my kitchen.

Or I'd also accept a cute little black sissy. Pound that boi pussi while I stroke that fat black cock. Mmmm....

Descartes never said that lmfao


why is Sup Forums getting non racist now days is the real question, and the real answer is bcs newfags like you fuck off back to mexico

You're a nigger!

anyone who's studied medicine knows that we are not "the same"

but in terms of basic human value as an abstraction, yeah, I guess we all are the "same"... kinda like turds in a toilet - each one unique, and each one just as "valuable"

true, but the point still stands

Yes, still is in a much more meta way too.

It has always been kinda racist but mostly just in terms of its humour that I appreciate very much. Maybe it's like that one quote about the society that likes to act stupid.
Or just as the other user said:

TY, first trips in 12 years, probably because I lurk way more than post.

Repost a nice porn webm to celebrate with my Sup Forumsros!

Why do pics like this always show our hands as a comparison rather than our arrest records?


Fuck that, I'd hire one asian person for two whites, 3 hispanics, or 5 blacks.

Then again 5 blacks would just ape out and fuck everything up, so they arn't worth shit to begin with and if you try and compromise with quantity they fuck that up as well.

People and races have very different values.

this website is full of retarded children and manchildren. people like that, who achieved nothing in their lives, have the need to feel part of something, so they think they belong to this imaginary club of "white people" and "X country" and such.

You must be new. Sup Forums was always racist. Nigger.

Needs more black cock

stay stupid, nigger

Everyone who has drank the blue globalist koolaid is just being exposed to race realism. It's not helping anyone mashing all sorts of people's togeather and expecting everyone to get along fine. If people actually recognized racial differences between people we could actually attempt to make progress and address certain shortcomings of groups instead of blindly rolling the dice with our future and getting mad when liberal idealistic visions of the world don't come true. Instead of screeching racist and blindly following the govt narrative, if people actually looked at the facts and not reacted purely off emotion we actually might be able to make some progress in the world. That or we keep jamming everyone togeather and piss off the white people enought to instigate an actual race war and fascist governments. If you want to see what it looks like when white people chimp out just look up ww2 for a min and then think about how much better the weaponry and survalience is nowadays and that being used

Are you retarded?
I can understand the "color-blind" mentality to a degree, because I was that fucking stupid for a while, but to belive that there's no distinction between race or country is just idiotic.

eat shit, nigger

>t. Modern intellectual

Some black man must've really hurt your feelings. Id go back to him and say you're sorry for being so beta and let him move in your place. I think you'd guys find something about yourselves you didn't know.

nice, now let's go lynch some niggers

nigger, you got nothing to be proud of.

sauce pls??

crime is a nigger disease

more crime, nigger.

niggers are the ultimate sin

After working in corrections I can say with little shame that black men are scary. They and our ever broadening immigration issues are the reason I carry a gun. I would never voluntarily be near a black person unless I know, for sure, that they have at least a college education and a job.

Otherwise they can't be trusted and arn't safe to be around.

But no one is anonym on the internet

most slaves ....nigger owned

diseased filth

if black mostly kill other black, why is it any important to you?


Sup Forums has never not been racist. Go fuck yourself.

>ignoring the number of whites killed

aren't most differences cultural?

That's very original, you got all that from a single sentence, impressive. I bet you also wear a tin foil hat and live in a basement.

Culture is a product of g e n e t i c s

Promoting racism on Sup Forums encourages racism outside of Sup Forums too. But it won't stop. People , especially on here, are too stupid.

Depends how you define culture. Even the US has pretty large differences from region to region.



OP here racist as fuck to niggers. Not racist to black men. Help me become more racist Sup Forums.

Blacks make up 13% of population, whites are 65%.

The numbers you posted just prove his point further.

someones a bit spicy


dick wrinkles


OP is nigger faggot confirmed.

In a black-free society 100% of whites would be killed by whites. You can't stop the killing just by expulsing black people. It's always for a reason.


Aw shit I haven't seen that picture in years
thanks for the memories user

You cant be sure of that sjw types post this shit as well

If blacks disappeared all whites killed by blacks would disappear. The number wouldn't magically transfer to the white population. Are you fucking retarded?

No but you can drastically decrease the number of killings by deporting the blacks considering they make up a larger percentage of murders than any other race. Learn some god damn logic instead of twisting everything to fit your world view.

Being this dumb.

says who?
I'm no big fan of cultures. Traditions and stuff like that are sometimes funny but on the whole they don't offer any great benefits. Every culture has something I absolutely hate, why do we keep defending shit like this?

I'm thinking of traditions and moral values. Everybody has it but they differ from person to person.
I think not every black person has the same culture as every other black. This would imply every country in Africa would be absolutely the same what I can't really believe that.

wew lad

Most white boys are from the inferior race of under 130 IQ. So they just try to find a way to feel superior.

Also, as you can see here in all the shitty stats they're giving, they can't make the difference between the effect of melanin and the effect of social oppression.

Soon, we'll have to get rid of the

It's not just Sup Forums but our generation in general. Older people, boomers in particular, are bashing millenials left and right but let's face it: we are the first to be racist not because of prejudice (as libtards and SJWs like to interpret it) but because of experience.


what to do with all the lower classes. I know let's encourage the dysfunctional living so we can shake our heads at how dysfunctional they are. The retarded monkeys need to receive........ they are so driven to grow and progress. Those lower classes can say GIMME SOME real good