This album is a stealth 10. Forget everything you know about Coldplay, holy shit

This album is a stealth 10. Forget everything you know about Coldplay, holy shit.

they stopped being good after parachutes

yeah parachutes is their magnum opus, the rest is pretty shitty

Its pretty fucking good, I was obsessed when it first came out. Coldplay got kinda boring after this though.

a legit great album

I didn't even like this album when I liked colplay

They sucked until this then they went on a three album year and now they suck again

A Rush of Blood to the Head and Parachutes are also GOAT and underrated as fuck because of how shitty Coldplay has become

>Death and all his friends starts playing

Just end it all

One of the ultimate feels songs

Honestly a great song tbqh

I actually feel bad for the people who will never experience this album in full because of previous bias against Coldplay.

excellent pop album desu

Everything Brian Eno touches turns to gold

everyone quit jacking eachother off. its a good album but calm down, you act like this is the first time someone said this album is good on Sup Forums

I prefer Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, but this one is good too. Everything after is trash.

Thanks Eno

Mylo isn't trash. Mylo is the last good album. OK album at worst. Everything after that is trash. They are really struggling to be relevant.

Was never into Coldplay. Ripped a friend's copy of this album. Fucking loved it. Nowadays, supremely comfortable listen.

Everything up to and including Mylo Xyloto is good. Ghost Stories is underrated t b h.

fucking this

this is coldplay + brian eno the album

X&Y is overblown rubbish, but yea Ghost Stories is underrated.

What I like about X&Y is that it's the closest sounding a band has ever gotten to U2. I really love the huge sound.

Based Eno made post-Parachutes Coldplay good again.

Fuck U2 btw