Tonight I smacked my son around and punched him in the head

Tonight I smacked my son around and punched him in the head.

Ask me anything.

What made you do it?

Nice b8, 4/8?

Hey dad. Get off Sup Forums.

Did he fight back or did you raise a faggot

He smacked his sister down, in public, because she said something embarrassing about him.

I really feel sick about the whole thing.

Did you do it in public as well?

How old are they?

Why you did that OP?


He's 13, she's 15

keked and checked

How old's your son, do you feel like a failed parent for losing your shit with your kid and how old are you?

You should go hug him.

Good job. He deserved it.

Why dont kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit?

Man fuck you OP, you are a shitty father. They arent gonna learn anything other than to hate you. They needed to have dealt with it themselves so that it doesnt happen again. And then you'll abuse her too.

Kids deserve slaps, not punches. Less litigious, at least.

Why didn't you go for the Crippler Crossface?

Bring them together in the room, tell the sister to not be a cunt to her brother or family and be a decent human being; and tell to brother to fucking keep his shit together and control himself (in public, at least).

You beat your 13 yo son? Cause he was roughhousing with his sibling? You should feel very deeply ashamed.

Or this is 5/8 b8...

I believe you are a troll.

And before that, she will think that she can get you do what she wants because youre beta

>Raise Son to attack girls
>Raise daughter to talk shit about siblings
>Attack Son
>Ask Sup Forums for advice

I give your life a 4 out of 10

He's 13

And I feel terrible. But that lesson MUST be taught.

So you'd let someone smack your daughter around?

Ya, I may have crossed the line with that one. I have no chill.

Kinda did that.

Not roughhousing. More serious than that.

That's about 2 more than I give it.

Well you gave no gauge so we can assume the worst faggot. Its not that id let it happen, you can raise a kid without punching them.

Good on you. Though, keep in mind, if you haven't been doing this (beating) to him/her often, he/she will remember this for a long time.

oh my oh my

hell yeah beat his ass fuck that little bastard xD

Dear OP: You did the right thing... Hitting a female, regardless of age, is a bad thing, and should result in an ass-whooping... You should feel good that you've discouraged negative behavior...

Now, self-defense is a different animal, but I'm assuming that's not what happened...

Still, smacking your kid upside the head IS HEALTHY... It's a quick, instant, and exceedingly effective learning device... Too few children today are smacked when they really need it, hence why too many fuckwit entitled crybaby millennials are around today....

Now, there's a distinct line between physical discipline and child abuse, and I'm NOT advocating child abuse.... But smacking your kid upside the head can help a LOT in the behavioral and attitude departments...

>pic unrelated.

Can you tell us more about yourself, and your relationship with your children?

Pics of her?
For science.

Tell him if he ever tells anyone you'll do it again, harder this time. There, it never happened.


>You beat your 13 yo son... Cause he was roughhousing with his sibling... You should feel very deeply ashamed.
....but you don't seem to. Interesting.


Pics or it didn't happen

Shit don't think I've ever seen 2 consecutive numbers in a thread before

>not smacking his bare bottom with your hand until you have a rageing boner
>not fucking his sister with that boner

Was sent literally 1 second after

Where are you? I need to send some people to visit you


why are you a scumbag. Kys

To everyone calling me names and telling me to kys.

What would you have done?

tied him to a bed and had his sister peg him while I fap

Killed myself before it happened

2 teenage kids fuck that I would have just killed myself anyway

How do you know for sure he's a scumbag without knowing the situation.

You beat up a 13 year old? Wow... pretty tough.

Of fucking course. You're a construction worker are you? That would explain lot.

You beat your 13 yo son... Cause he was roughhousing with his sibling... You should feel very deeply ashamed.....but you don't seem to.

Use your words apreman!