So, quick question

So, quick question.

Is it possible for Hillary to still get the presidency? I know the electoral college doesn't officially vote until Dec 19. At least 1 Elector that I've seen is defecting from their pledged vote.

Is there still a possibility of a Shrillary Nation?

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>At least 1 Elector that I've seen is defecting from their pledged vote.


No people would literally lose their shit

There's also a NYtimes article.

Not likely. Something like 30 have to defect, and they all have to defect to Hillary.

nope , trump won by the rules both sides agreed to before the election. Prepare your anus.

Yes. If the electors change their minds, there could still be a Hillary presidency

Technically possible, but practically impossible. There is currently a movement by "Hamilton electors" to try to get democratic electors and enough republican electors to vote for a more moderate republican as a compromise. They're called "Hamilton electors", because Alexander Hamilton said something about how the electoral college was designed to make sure that a person who was not fit to be president would not become it. That is much more likely to happen. Not that there is much of a chance, but it's more likely than hillary. Hillary is done.

>Technically possible, but practically impossible.
That's what they said about me.


This user has your answer The elector is not defecting to Hillary.

Also, the elector system is fucked up. Maybe made sense for the time, but really quite silly today.

If Hillary gets elected now there will be a civil war. Something like that has never happened in history.

there is zero chance of them installing some random republican who nobody even voted for. Its more likely that trump will be removed from office making pence POTUS. Trump cant be controlled by the GOP , pence can.

1 is nothing. She would need 38 faithless electors in order to win which is practically impossible


fair enough. I suppose it would be just like 2016 to give that final "fuck you".

This is the likely outcome. Impeach Trump to get Pence.

"if" she somehow gets to be president, would the other side cause a shitstorm as the liberals did? ignorent europoor btw

Not zero chance, but pretty damn close. But yes, impeaching trump to get Pence is a far more likely outcome.

Last I heard there were exactly TWO electors that felt obligated to vote different than how their constituency did. One leaning towards Hillary and one leaning towards Johnson.

Two will not change the outcome, and there will be justified OUTRAGE in both cases. The electoral college is arguably broken enough without electors feeling the need to disregard the voters' wishes.

Trump will be the next president. And that's that.

I had hopes that he would be the "outside of the box" option but so far it's looking like he's disavowing all his campaign promises far quicker than any president in history and his cabinet is getting a very George W flavor.

He was talking about putting an anti-fed libertarian in Treasury, he nominates a Goldman Sachs banker (after constantly bitching about Hillary shilling for bankers), he puts a military industrial complex general in Secretary of Defense, an ardent anti-pot anti-abortion crusader as attorney general.... etc

Before you say it, I'm pretty sure Hillary would have done comparable or worse. She has a long track record of pretty much every evil practice in government from warmongering, to crony capitalism, to homophobic laws, to being an anti-drug crusader; and in this case, it's better we go with the guy with NO track record than a woman who has a 20 year BAD track record.

But still, this is gonna be George W Obama's FIFTH fucking term. This bloated welfare/warfare surveillance state must be stopped.... back in the 90s we were a *mostly* free nation, and you certainly can't say that anymore. Rather than move us back in the direction of liberty each new tyrant we get in office is moving us closer to the brink.

Unless the goal is to see and entire country burn to the ground I don't think that is going to happen. There would probably be a legitimate war if killary suddenly became president

No, Fox news would lose their minds, but there wouldn't be any rioting or demonstrations. Typically speaking, the right are a little more well developed as far as humanity and civilization go, where as the left are a collection of nigger snot slurping white cucks who employ blacks and hispanics to riot and threaten social deconstruction if they don't get their way.

No offence democrats.

no because the "other side"arent all jobless deadbeats like the democrats

I have never been incited to protest in my life and I would take all of my vacation time and get on a bus to Washington if 36 electors chose to vote against the will of their states.

So what? His replacement is just going to vote for Trump, it's not like we're going to have an onslaught of faithless electors.

None taken.

Thats the most kekable part of this situation . All these literal faggots are bitching about trump when Pence should be the one they're worried about. The only thing trump cares about is fixing the economy, Pence is the right wing edge Lord who wants to stick fags in a fire pit and put women back in the kitchen

That quote has been snoped to death.

It's not genuine.

>So what?
Do you English much? I asked for the source because I was interested in reading the actual article rather than some shitty info posted on this site.

John Oliver himself confirmed trump never said that.

> right wing edge Lord
>wants to stick fags in a fire pit
> put women back in the kitchen

I like the way you think.

Nope. Get fucked commie.

Imagine actually thinking that he said that lmao


Now I'm REALLY glad I voted for him.

Lol, someone has never met a southern militia nutjob. Probably would shit their city-dwelling pants if they did.

NO!!! not of this shitz gonna happen!
obama is gonna start some fucking war and declare marshall law.
then he is going to cancel the transfer of presidents and hes going to make himself emperor for life!

Well, nate shillver says there's an 87% likelihood that Hillary can still win so...

Classic Trump. I remember that interview.

>would the other side cause a shitstorm as the liberals did? ignorent europoor btw
Of course. It is in the nature of losers to complain. A "good sport" in politics does not exist.

Trust me faggot, Pence wouldn't approve of an obese neet neckbeard animu trap fapper like you either.

Is that an eagle with a AA-12?

No, it would mean we'd have to shoot all liberals.

Of course.


Not silly at all. Who wants to live in a country where every election is determined by 2-3 urban areas.

I do

Typical east coast liberal. Just look at that New York sweater and collar combo.

Go back to California.

So instead the rural vote is worth 180 times more than the urban vote, thus allowing them to be the determine factor. Catch 22 and a bit hypocritical no?


Not ever.

She will never be president.


No u

In order for trump to lose the electoral college he would have to lose 37 electors. In order for it to go to Hillary those 37 would have to switch their votes from Trump to Hillary. If you and I are thinking of the same elector, he has already pledged not to vote for Hillary, but a Republican alternative to Trump.

Possible? Sure. In theory. Doesn't mean it will happen though.

One elector has said that he thinks Trump will be catastrophic and may vote Hillary by default. There's another that will be voting for Johnson. It's possible some Utahans might vote for McMullin.

All of those would still not be enough to swing it in Hillary's favor. And it's likely all the Rs will vote Trump anyhow despite their bluster.

that's from an Australian game show.

Stand down, edgelord.

In the time it took you to get your thong in a knot, you could've googled it yourself you retarded fucking nigger.

Possible, but almost impossibly improbable.

Much more likely, and still almost 0% probability, is that enough faithless electors cost him the 270 he needs, and someone tosses a vote to Romney or some other establishment Republican. Then he gets it.

No, it would mean we'd have to talk on the internet about shooting liberals while shitting our pants inside from fear.


Egg McMuffin was polling as a possibility to take Utah, and he ended up with a negligible amount. He was a Mormon-Meme candidate, never a real option. Fucking Jill Stein was a more realistic candidate, and she was a joke even comparing to Johnson.

McMullin won't even go down in history as a spoiler. He was, for all intents and purposes, a never-ran candidate.

no, its called the united STATES, retard. each state votes for the president they chose, each have a number of electoral votes in proportion to their population, and the candidate with the most electoral vote wins. or else what would be the point of the 45+ other states staying in the union if only california, new york and florida could chose a president? youre so fucking out of your element, you better sophisticate your thinking real soon or the world will look like a confusing, scary place.

>electoral votes in proportion to their population
Not really. Rural, low population states are vastly over-represented.

If only New York, California, and Florida have enough of a population that they can completely outweigh the other states entirely, then yes they should decide the election. Open fields in Arkansas aren't citizens, and the people who live next to them shouldn't get counted more just because they live in the middle of nowhere.

How to fix the Electoral college in 1 easy step: Make each state appoint its votes in accordance with the popular vote of that state. That way rural areas still get the overrepresentation that allows their needs to be heard, but you also don't have the loser getting 2.7m more votes than the winner. Added bonus: Texan democrats and Californian republicans now get to have their voices heard as well.