Describe your life with a pic

describe your life with a pic


I love spending time at the beach :)







I'm pretty fucking happy tbqhfam. The family is gathering for the holidays. Just arrived at my grandmothers 2 days ago. It's gonna be great.



This pic always gets me for some reason.

Hugs user.





>me before nye vs. me on january 1st
Works in reverse too.



Kill me I have severe depression














Shit's getting out of hand and I don't want to end up a regretful failure to myself and everyone else

My uncle did something like that once but instead of replacing a car tire with a bike tire, he died.




top kek. my fuckin hero.

Fuck my sides

Also nice dubs of truth

Awesome! No need for you to ever think about a time when your grandparents will be dead and then your mom... your dad is still around but you guys don't talk that much.......
Enjoy while you can. Life gets worse.




Wtf, are you gonna be at your grandmothers for mor than 6 weeks? Don't you have school or something?

Also, checked




Haha, good one.





>6 weeks
Wut? Nah I leave on monday 26, spend NYE home and back to work on the 2nd.



No idea why I wrote 6 weeks when I was going to write 3.








Yeah, pretty much this.


>living in a neighborhood filled with kids under the age of twelve





you're all a depressing bunch, aren't you?


Dead inside

What a bummer right? I would expect happy well adjusted people on this god forsaken place of despair.



also that pic's really awesome, is that from a video game?


Back to tumbler you cuck

Its from warhammer, its an imperial guard soldier.




Welp there are also video games. Try Dawn of War series if you like it.










thats me right now



