Why do nu-males hate her so much?

why do nu-males hate her so much?

do they feel threatened her Alpha female lyrics and standpoint?

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what is alpha about her lyrics

She's just a whore that sings about sex for other whores. Nothing interesting about her music beside the image.

She's like your best friends condescending older sister. She's forever a party pooper, she's the girl with the noticeably older boyfriend and has a very pompous and "unapologetic" air about her when she should actually be apologizing for the actual harm she's caused to adolescent girls. Nu-males just hate her because she's a woman with complexity and not a normie husk of flesh like most girls.

what? numales are obsessed with alpha females and "strength" in women who are in control of their "sexuality"

not alpha female as in above males, but Alpha female as in above most other females.

I kinda hate how she is acting like the Arch Princess of the Bourgeois when her actual non-super madeup photoshopped looks are honestly some of the most hideous everywhere.

Lana is writing checks her ass can't cash.

it still falls into the category of a girl "owning their womanhood" that numales wet themselves over.

She's still holding onto those early 2010s aesthetics too
She'll get what's coming to her soon, she's just a caricature of this decade, she's not real.

i don't know, from what I've heard alot of people think it's ""problematic"" that she sings about fucking other women's husbands

Because she makes said numales deeply insecure about their own superficial tastes in music and the fact that it is mostly dictated by whatever incestuous music reviewers tell them to listen to based upon latter-day Marxist critical theory.

They see in her everything they hate most in themselves in all of their trust fund perfectly-manicured faux-bohemian post-ironic empty sincerity; her own image convicts them of their own emptiness, for to go beyond it would be to hear the music behind the visible artifice. "They judge me like a picture book, By the colors, like they forgot to read."

>responding to a picture from the early 2010s

This would be poignant if I had a single thing in common with Lana Del Rey, a trustfund babby from scenic upstate New York.

That makes no sense, the whole thing about the stereotypical nu-male is that they put women on a pedastal and therefore love the "alpha female" attitude

She's the Lena Dunham of modern music. Nobody's ever heard of her then one day *poof!* she's established. Then you find out her parents worked in advertising and it all makes sense.

she's been making music for more than 11 years now

TWELVE YEARS youtube.com/watch?v=5ZxEAkwg7BY

Neither here nor there

>Nobody's ever heard of her then one day *poof!* she's established

This affects her music how?


"Cuck" fetish and nu males are related so you clearly don't know what are you talking about, you can't just use internet easy targets such as nu males to randomly validate your waifuism and not expect to get called out

It's about everything but music with these people, just novelty and proletarian credibility

Cuck fetish is about being a beta who let's other dominate them atleast as far I know. Lana is a female alpha bull who dominates other women

>Lana threads now derail into discussions about cuckolding

I unironically fucking love Lana del Rey. Probably my favorite artist right now. Can't wait for her new album to drop. What's the general consensus about her on Sup Forums?

Sup Forums loves her, but there are a lot of people that haven't listened to her albums and hate her for her singles

That's surprising, I thought Sup Forums would hate her for some reason. I've been playing her so much lately my room mates have started to make fun of me tbqh

nu-males hate her?
i mean, she's boring and popular, i guess


nah Sup Forums loves her

This man speaks nothing but facts, listen to him.

Currently listening to Sad Girl, but Blackest Day, Ultraviolence, Fucked My Way Up To The Top, Money Power Glory, West Coast all have those deep "omfg what am I doing with my life" overtones that millenials love to hate themselves for.

Personally I think that's her biggest appeal. I use her music to romanticize my sad life and failed marriage.

I like her so-called "strong alpha female" attitude, but there is probably nothing worth listening in her music. I only ever listened to summertime sadness and its pretty easy to dismiss whatever else in her body of work (haha) judging by my mere intuition


>tfw you never recieve a blowjob from those lips

why does she eat so much?

Are people with a different standpoint from yours automatically nu-males now?

This is exactly why I don't like her. Admitedly, I only ever listened to Born to Die. And I didn't think it was bad, it wasn't, it was actually very thought provoking, but there's such a huge romantization of things that, in my pov, shouldn't be romanticized. It's very dark and off-putting. There's no glory, only greed and whims. It's like listening to pure bile, like the most grotesque thing you could imagine turned itself into music, like everything that's wrong with everything is personified. It brings shivers to my spine.

In the artful sense of it, it's amazing. In the wether I like it or not sense, I hate it. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy.

Also the fact that 90% of her audience is girls and literally homosexuals. Maybe you need to like dicks in order to like her. Maybe there's something about liking dicks that makes you a horrible human being.

Hmm. Really made me think.

>the fact that 90% of her audience is girls and literally homosexuals.
[Cituation Needed]

she has 8 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone, it's just that faggots always claim to be "the majority" of female pop artists' fan bases bases on the sterotype that all gay people like pop music.

>the fact

get out retard

Born to Die, the album, was good, but I think Ultraviolence, the album, was better. Listen to her more recent music and see how she developed as an artist. She grow on you.

Well, I mean, I do major in psychology. There's literally 10 men in my class, the rest are girls. Of the ten men at least 6 are fags. All of them love Lana. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Nah, I'm just being cheeky, the audience really doesn't matter, what matters is the content, and the content, to me, is very un appealing. It's just a little interest that most of the people I know who enjoy Lana are either girls or fags. But maybe that's just me having an unvaried social circle.

English is not my first language, sorry is my wording triggered you.

Maybe I'll try it, no doubt after enough listens I'll learn to enjoy it, like everything. I only have one question: do her themes vary? Because if it's more of the same, only differently orchestrated, then my point stands. Maybe if she matures as an artists throughout her work and brings some sort of catharsis or moral, it'll definitely become more appealing to me.

>Of the ten men at least 6 are fags.
are you sure they are actually gay? It's 2016 afterall, meterosexual behavior is common these days.
>All of them love Lana. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Yes, because 10 people are the exact same as 8 million.

She sounds more mature in her newer stuff but it's all pretty consistently her lamenting on better times/lovers/experiences

Also "majoring in psychology" doesn't make you a personality expert of sexual orientated musical tastes.

It's 2017 college doesn't mean anything anymore user enjoy your 30k of debt

believing your sexuality has anything to do with your music taste is a trait of plebs.

>t. fry station attendant

We have study groups together. I have lunch with them. I keep pretty close social relationship with the peers in my class. I know they're gay.

>Yes, because 10 people are the exact same as 8 million.
Yes, but I don't know 8 million people. I'm merely making assumptions based on the reality that surrounds me, which is literally what every functioning human being does in order to make sense of the information given to them.

Ah, see? Then where's the thematic variety? Where's the stuff that keeps you interested?

I'll definitely give it a try, though. It can't hurt to have so insight.

I never said I was an expert. Also
I'm not an americuck, I don't have student loans or anything, feels good man.

I'm just being a cheeky cunt. Read

>she will never eat your popsicle


>she will never bite your dick off and eat it with fries and ketchup

sup reddit

>saying this on Sup Forums's most reddit board
sup ifunny

sup 9gag

since when are nu-males against strong, independent ex-prostitutes who own their sexuality and sing about promiscuous sex and cucking? nu-males love that shit.

if anything the only people i've heard say they hate her are bittervirgin alt-reich /pol9k/ers.

I can tell you never heard a Lana song in your life

Her songs suck. It sounds good the first time you listen but gets old after repeated listening.

can this 'braintrust' come up with a workable definition of the 'nu-male' meme? is it something other than: young dudes who don't have the cultural capital to be bohemians; and don't have the actual capital to be yuppies? the opposite of le bobo?

or is it dudes with beards and glasses? or is it dudes who like deafhaven?

do they like lana del rey because they are chickenshit liberals? do they dislike her because they are chickenshit liberals?

i can only imagine

>Well, I mean, I do major in psychology
hmm, the arm-chair psychology on this board is run by actual undergraduates studying psychology. who knew!


No one knows what nu make means

essentially, a wimpy but outspoken left-leaning male. Obsessed with social justice even though feminism and related movements hate men and put them down constantly

>"Whenever people bring up feminism, I'm like, god. I'm just not really that interested.
>“I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.”
that's why they hate her.


best lana cover!


> hate men and put them down constantly
so you must the right-leaning analog of the nu-male?

heheh. so numales are just reddit-men.

wow i didn't realize that was a lana quote--
STEM kids lover her lmao

I have the nu-male look (beard, glasses, balding) but I'm not a white-knight or give a fuck about social media and women or minorities issues.

so you're just a dweeby self-absorbed faggot?

Perhaps she just creates uninteresting music.

Why would ANY male like this chick's garbage chick music?
>whines about Chad no longer loving her when she grows old
Seriously, what exactly is there to like? It's women's music for women. If anything, I'd expect nu-males to like her, since they're so "progressive" and whatnot.

This is a troll thread isn't it?

Then you're just a neckbeard.

I always love how angry/offended Sup Forumstants get when they're called a nu-male

back to your cave NEET

shes unattainable for any nu-male

at least with grimes or churches, theyre slightly attainable, not traditionally attractive, etc

but lana ONLY bangs the bad boys, the older men, the alphas.

shes uglier than both

wanna cum on those legs desu!

I listen to her because I absolutely love her voice, because it sounds more like a cello or violin rather than a voice, and that just gets me hard. Also whoever wrote the music for tracks like Born To Die or Summertime Sadness is a fucking genius in making me love it. I'm an absolute sucker for a heavy/distorted drum beat with strings or synths over it. It just feels so right.

Though, obviously, I'd never admit to any of this in public, since I'm a die-hard metalhead otherwise and everyone would think I'm gay or something.

This desu. Something about her voice is so gorgeous I can't take it.

>my pussy tastes like pepsi cola

pure pottery tbqh

It's just an alternative normie form of appeasing to women, the same as masculinity is. Numaleism just prioritizes feeding different aspects of a woman's life.

I wouldn't mind testing that out. At least it's not fish.

is this a picture of Max Landis with makeup on?

>tfw listening to a lana record with a top qt while she complains about her life
>have sex with top qt while she calls you daddy
Nu males will never know this feel

I don't hate her.

>liking music made by women

Which is still more dignified than the nu-male position, if we're honest.

Not at all

because she comes from a millionaire family so she's not concerned with social issues like feminism and blm

>t. numale

No, sorry. Ugly, bitter, and unapologetic is unarguably more dignified than apologetic, impotent, and emasculated. Now get back in your cuck hole.

My kind of pottery tbqh

But i love Lana and i want her to fuck me with a strap-on, OP

Why not just get a hooker for that? Lana is a 6.5/10 at best, and I'm pretty sure you could find a hooker that's at least a 7 and would be willing to peg you.

Get the fuck out

Can the hooker sing to me like I'm in a jazz lounge while I'm being pegged? Think before you speak.

Fine looking woman, no doubt

You could put on a Lana record and close your eyes. Or hire a semi-decent jazz singer for the evening to create the right ambiance.

Trailer trash/10


>Listening to pop artists that advertise on Sup Forums

she fat

What did he mean by this

>using stupid buzzwords that mean absolutely nothing at this point
