Sup Forums, I am scared. A few weeks ago, I started personifying the second chair that I have by my desk...

Sup Forums, I am scared. A few weeks ago, I started personifying the second chair that I have by my desk. I have been calling him "Mr Chair". It started off as a silly little thing, but I have been doing it more and more recently.

Anyway, long story short things have escalated and I am convinced that Mr Chair is alive, and trying to kill me. As I sit here, he is staring me down from the end of my desk, perfectly blocking my line of escape from the room should he decide to take action.

This may be the last time I ever post here, or anywhere. Remember me Sup Forums. Remember Mr Chair.


Throw some pencils on the ground

I'm not trying to kill you "Mr Ass", i just want us to be friends.

hah, nice try demon. I know what you did to Bill.

too much Westworld



Incoming chair homicide?

just when i think Sup Forums has become fully cucked we get another dose of hilarious autism great stuff m8 keep at it eh

get off the drugs kid

the only drug I am on right now is pure adrenaline. My heart is pumping so loudly I cant read myself typing this comment. I know Mr Chair wants me to try to escape.



please remember me

>This is Mr Chair speaking.
>My mission is complete, mission time 6 years, 4 months, 1 day and 22 hours.
>I await my airlift to the moon

what awaits you on the lunar landscape almighty seat?

My next mission, my friend. Our work is far from over

Bump for interest. What more shall we learn of the chair?

5 year old humor

Hell yeah just bought some hearthstone packs :D. I need to come up with a deck to counter pirate warrior as well as jade druid

welcome to Sup Forums