Sup Forumsros someone tell me how many sleeping pills do I have to eat to die

Sup Forumsros someone tell me how many sleeping pills do I have to eat to die

What type and dose?

I got no idea I just need some info

You killing yourself or someone else?

Myself but now yet, perhaps sometime in the future

if you're really serious, you don't need to open a thread asking, just chug as many you can

you're just here for the attention

or maybe you're thinking if consuming under the fatal dose so you don't actually die but get the attention of your family or shit

No I just want to know how many would I need to surely die, I got no idea how strong they are so all Im asking is is one jar enough or do I need like 3?

what kind of pills? diphenhydramine?....?

Goddamnit Ive never eaten sleeping pills in my entire life so I dont know. I just thought they would be pretty easy to get.

There is no fail-safe way with sleeping pills. You could take a hundred of them and survive. Your body and brain will defend itself, even if you don't want it. You'd most likely end up vomiting most of them up, and massive and kidney and liver damages.

they are easy to get but are useless for an hero

Any other pills that could do the trick?

just jump u faggot

chug a couple with some cough syrup

so you fell asleep faster

sit by the ledge of a tall bulding and wait it out

pass out and fall down, die in your sleep, probably no pain

This would negate your bodies survival instinct! Just make sure it's high enough, and as always; head first!


According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.



implying there aren't worse things than death

Thank fuck I dont feel like killing myself right now you retards are useless

implying being dead inside is permanent

I thought Sup Forums was pro-suicide but I guess you all just became little fags

Shut up faggot. You don't know shit. If he swallows more than enough he will most likely vomit.

You have to swallow the right amount or you will either just sleep if not enough or vomit if too much.

kys with your method, faggot.

1, just might take 50-60 years :^)

Can't say.
Depends on type of pill, dosage per pill, your weight, your age, your resistance to various medications and drugs, your immune system, your vascular system, health overall, race, gender, what position you're in, what you ingested up to 3 days prior, how your intestinal system works, and chance.

One more than it takes to survive


All of them stupid

more than you think.
Just swim out in the ocean until you can't anymore.

A whole bottle (100 pills) won't kill you, it'll make you violently ill and your insides will be burning, from your stomach up to your throat, oh and you'll have an extremely dry mouth and drinking water won't help.