I have a question that, if i ask anywhere except here i would be crucified

i have a question that, if i ask anywhere except here i would be crucified.
and i am not trying to troll anyone, i am genuinely curious about answer.

so here i go: why do women make such a huge deal of rape?

i understand that being forced to something is not nice but, why it is a bigger deal than someone flicking your ear annoyingly or getting beaten by someone. why not they just get better, their anger not die down. of course physically getting injured is possible(which i assume usually because of resisting(by which i am not saying do not resist)) but why it not over when they get healed. i mean its just sex and sex is suppose to be fun. i am pretty sure 90% of men would actually enjoy being forced to sex by opposite gender. also even if a man gets raped by another man i am pretty confident they would get over it in a short time.
and i did not even get into tumblr sjws. i am talking about real rape, and its real victims.
why it is a yx-class-end-of-the-world-scenario for women?

shameless self bump bc Sup Forums is too fast

No idea. Have a bump

Which women?


bump it

>90℅ of men would enjoy being raped
>men would get over being raped by a gay man quickly

is this bait


As a man I would NOT like being raped by another man, however, I'm only responding so bump this.

penetration alone is not pleasurable to lots of women, they require clitoral stimulation to feel the same pleasure during sex as men. actual rape physically hurts women, just imagine someone ripping your clothes off, zipper getting snagged on skin, immense pressure put on your groin, maybe forced into splits position, etc.and that's not considering possible assault to the sensitive bodily areas as well, which would make sense to happen during rape to make the woman submit faster. then there's the chance of the woman getting pregnant and either facing shame for abortion or having to raise the kid without a father figure. also nothing makes you feel more pitiful or inferior as another human being overpowering you.

1) pregnancy. It can kill you, during the pregnancy, or while giving birth. You don't have a lot of control over your body. Many areas do not allow abortion. There's a huge stigma and/or responsibility associated with having kids
2) the fundamental loss of control it represents; it's personal, it's the most intimate part of yourself - and society will loudly condemn you for having sex, whether you wanted it or not.
If men could get pregnant, I suspect the attitudes towards rape would be very, very different.

>why do women make such a huge deal of rape?

I stopped reading right there. Can someone summarize what the fuck he says in the next paragraph in one sentence or less? I feel like reading it is really not worth my time.

>ear flicking and rape are like the same thing
that's p much it

>also even if a man gets raped by another man i am pretty confident they would get over it in a short time.

Someone show him some bloody prolapsed anus pictures.

And one with herpes, too. No cure for that yet.

>also nothing makes you feel more pitiful or inferior as another human being overpowering you.

why though? this is my question.

your answer mostly describes physical assault, which makes me ask again: why it is worse than just getting beaten?

i got your points about pregnancy but i don't understand what is "facing shame for abortion". what is shameful about removing remnants of the rapist?

How would you like being fucked up the ass by some guy who grabbed you in a dark alley?

You would feel pretty shit right?

Thats why bitches care a lot about it you autistic emotionally immature fucking retarded neckbeard

what makes it worse than getting beaten is the added complications of pregnancy, STD's, social stigma. if you follow politics at all, you should be aware of the enormous controversy surrounding abortion currently. from visiting this board, you should be aware of the social stigma against women for having sex at all.

I'd rather be raped than have my ear flicked fuck that, also check um

so basically it is because of the treatment of the victim after the rape. shitty laws and policies and societal rules?

and the physical assault, that seems about right.

No fagit,

Partly it's the loss of control that's so traumatic. If you've ever had your home or even your car been broken into, you know that feeling -- it's a level above "disconcerting". Being mugged is even worse, you feel guilty (why didn't i walk down a safer street?), powerless (i should have tried to kick their asses! but i probably would have gotten killed or at least badly beaten if i'd tried. shit.) and impotent rage (i'd like to kill those motherfuckers!)

Rape takes it to an even higher level, because of all the psychology surrounding sex. You can't control everything in your life, but at least you get to decide who you have sex with. Oh, wait, no, you've been raped, you don't get to decide that. Maybe there's no part of your life that can't be invaded and stomped on by some asshole. That's trauma.

of course i would feel pretty shit. the point is after your wounds heal, and anger die down it would be it.

i don't think i fall into a crippling depression and require emotional support rest of my life.

How would you know that you wouldn't?

Riddle me this:
Whats the toughest thing that ever happened to you?

Did mom forget to feed you one night? Did you have to go hungry?

You still remember that don't you?

That must have been reeeeeal tough

i don't even know what's going on but you sound really fucking retarted lmao

after one rape, no probably not. but multiple rapes, you might start to have some weird anxiety issues around other people.