Is it cheating to get a blowjob? Just curious

Is it cheating to get a blowjob? Just curious.

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if it is from a dude no its just gay

Umm yeah. Dont know in what world recieving a blowjob from someone outaide of your relatio ship wasnt cheating but each to there own

If you're woman doesn't blow you then no it's not

did you kiss her before the BJ or did she just blow you.

> if kissing no romantic attachment then not cheating. Just like getting a message then

did you like it

stupid will be punished

Who cares?


you're retarded.

It's cheating OP.

dont be a disgusting fuck and catch aids.

would you consider it cheating if some dude ate your girls' pussy?
short answer, yes.

If you get a blowjob but do not give anything in return, then NO, it's not cheating. It's capitalism.

There is no such thing as cheating..unless you get caught.

i let her dad do it all the time


And that's why they call me the Roadrunner.

You're probably not in a relationship, so no, it's not cheating.

Is not cheating if you put peanut butter on you nuts and let your dog lick it off, cause it's your dog. Kek

Is it cheating for your woman to get oral sex? Cmon.

only if u cum

It's only adultery if the blowjob isn't from one of your wives.

You don't consider sexual pleasure with out "romance" cheating?

Yes, so is kissing or any sort of sexualized contact with someone other than your SO.

Only if is a girl blowing you.

Traps are OK.

Imo everything that does not involve love feelings should not be considered cheating in the first place. I don't say it's ok or it's fair to go behind the back of your partner but cheating should be called anything involving a loving feelings between the two people betraying their partner(s).


Yes it is, I honestly can't see how you wouldn't consider it cheating.

so if your girlfriend says she's going to the library and comes home full of the spunk of five niggers that gangbanged her she didn't cheat

ok cuck

General rule, if you think it might be, or have to ask, it probably is.

Not, it's cheating l, you're lying to yourself to try to make you feel better , but it's cheating.

only after you get 5 blowjobs from different girls, or 10 from different girls in the same family

Not if you're single (and let's face it, you are).

you cant love your friends and family while you're in a relationship?

Suckin ain't fuckin, eating ain't cheatin

Bill Clinton says no. Course he's morally backrupt.

Depends is it cheating to stick your dick in your hand? I mean it's not penetration so how can it be cheating.

Doing anything your girlfriend/wife doesn't want you to do is a form of cheating

Is it cheating when you memorize the answers to a test? Is it cheating when you cross the street without the crosswalk? Is it cheating when you drive 15 miles over the speed limit?