What do you think about marriage with black woman?

What do you think about marriage with black woman?

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You meant enslaving black women right?

no thanks,white women not only have better attitudes but they are more attractive then nig nogs

plus interracial couples are basically breeding racism.the most racist people ive ever known were bi racial people

Search for "Tommy Sotomayor" in youtube

I don't care.


Jessica Parker Kennedy-- god damn it, she is gorgeous

You should see your doctor I'm sure he can give you some pills to help with those delusions


Trying this hard to lie.

Jesus kid, don't you have to be in class by now?

why would white men want any other race of women besides white women? we need to keep the white race pure,not fuck it up by race mixing you liberal cuck

When did hillbillies get internet access to their mountain shanties?

You can't argue against dubs, you dumb racist fuck.

Why do you think southern Europeans have darker skin...?

Euros have been banging blacks for millennia.


depends if she looks like the one on the video where she is putting her underwear under her dress

>They can't even produce children of their own race except by white women.

>they are more attractive then nig nogs
>then nig nogs
FFS! If you wanna make a point, get your shit right Claytus!
I do agree with you though.

you understand your the problem with america and why donald trump won right? have fun when those "hillbillies"are the ones eradicating you liberal trash after January 20th

Bretty great if she's mixed. Purebred nigresses are the definition of unattractive.

Whatever makes you feel better man. Try to make it another year. It'll get better soo n.

Go outside. The Internet does not reflect reality.

importing them vs actually breeding with them
thers some fuckin mental gymnastic classes i must of skipped to be able to jump that high in braindamage

im a dumb racist fuck because i dont like white women being with a bunch of sub humans? im sorry nigger lover,i am not the racist one

Not looking at full context

first thought is "beautiful children"
it seems like a good deal, if shes hot. most black women i know are hard working and cool.


Good luck trying to "eradicate" the majority of the country -- or did you forget which person actually won the popular vote?
You're in a dying class of people and ideologies that the grand majority of people see as being retarded and superficial.

Let me know if I have used any words that are a bit too difficult for you.

Dubs, racist dumb-fuck. They beat your bitching.

whatcha gonna do about it, billy bob? you think trump will eradicate liberals? dont you realize you fell for the great meme of 2016? trump lied to you lol

As long as they're half-white.

actually no they wouldnt,they'd be hanging from a tree in my backyard if they were "beating my bitch"

hopefully the streets are red with nigger blood January 20th in honor of donald trump being president

You don't pay attention to much news, huh?
I'm sometimes ashamed to be white because of people like you.

Think about the most attractive black woman you've ever seen

Now think about the 10 most attractive white women you saw the last time you went anywhere


you relize that trump's supporters would glady take the opportunity to rid the earth of you liberal cuck's right.just wait until the white supremacy groups tired of the left's cuck shit

I'm still here. Mods just banned an IP claiming I was requesting cp. They're doing that now, it's Trumpcuck mods butthurt over racemixing.

>look familiar?

Welcome to totalitarianism, expressed through websites not allowing free speech.

Google amendment rule 41, which passed a few days ago.

Dubs beats your bitching v2.0

>ashamed to be white

thats why your a disgrace to the white race

Black women are fine. Nigger women are not.

I'm laughing so hard at stuff like this.
It is like a redneck neckbeard cosplaying in his Johnny Reb' costume yelling "Da Sout' shall riaiz' Uh-gain!"

ya,welcome to america.what do you expect with a country to lazy and stupid to defend there freedoms

donald trump is just as liberal as the democrat candidates though.i guess this is the result of picking some new yorker who's spend his life surrounded by democrats as a republican president,the only reason people voted for trump is because they didnt like hillary.not because they thought donald was a good candidate

your not gonna be laughing when your coughing up blood with the boot of a white supremacist on your neck,pussy liberal piece of shit

My first thought is mental problems.
If a pigeon coupled with a pigeon of a different species both parties get ostracised and create freaks of nature. But nature intends for these mistakes to happen so the other pigeons can learn through vicarious mistakes.

It's not about the liberal vs conservative, it's about the fact that both parties are united in increasing authoritarianism rather than libertarianism.

>mfw in 2016 people still think there is a difference between blacks and niggers

With a half black woman that trapped me with a child... it's miserable OP. Don't fucking do it.

> Incapable of apologizing, as they always think they're right.
> Always pissed off at someone and cannot just be happy. If they aren't pissed off at someone, they will find some reason to target you
> Makes everything to be a life struggle, you either see it their way or it will start a fight. How dare you have your own perspective
> Constant power tripping, those who don't apologize are not allowed to interact with anyone associated with them. This includes their friends or your children
> If the person who wronged apologizes they are let back into their lives, but they never truly forgive and they bring up the past constantly
> This of course is fucked up as they constantly allow people who wrong them back into their life just for apologizing. But then cut out people who refuse, even over petty shit, back in.
> No appreciation for a family man, constantly moves goal posts and makes comparisons to other men. Except these men don't exist with any of their friends or family- they are entirely fictional.

Do. Not. Date. Black. Women.

Ever seen an autistic kid from your class have a hissy fit because no one wants to see his crappy pokemon drawings?

It's like that kind of shame. People like you are the autistic kid.


The only difference between blacks and niggers is their proximity to other niggers.

Who woke the edgelord? Muh racial purity. Muh supremacy. Muh swamp.
The only white women you get are probably from your own family.

I hope you have a phd and teach @ harvard!

Seriously, you need to learn how to spell, man. You're embarrassing the white race.

God damn it, why do we get stuck with all the retarded racists?

nah...the minority can never control the majority.look what happened in south africa, nkorea, ussr etc

you dumb fuck.

Maybe they should be eradicated as well.

To me, the main drawback has always been what the children will look like. If its female, they'll be decently attractive, but if they're male, its much more up in the air.

And judging by family history, my kids are probably gonna be all male.

I'm your huckleberry. Just say when...

Im gonna get the "wrath" of Sup Forums but that's the difference IMO
Pic related

You fail at reading comprehension.

Sounds like women in general user. You're just now understanding the long term effects of straight marriage.

You're an idiot.

Aw, fuck.
Who let in the libertarian kid?
God damn it, everybody brace for pseudo-intellectual political philosophy that eats itself and a bunch of uncredited websites.

10/10 troll OP bait is 0/10

The majority of the US voted for Clinton, you dumb shit.

Since my gf is black i say go for it i see no problem. As long as she isn't a fuckimg hood rat

>The majority of illegals and dead people voted for Clinton,


>I hate freedom
>I love being cucked by a leader because my dad ran out on me and I need a father figure

Where did you get your ex-turd from?
Next time aim for an educated one; although i guess there won't be a next time. :)

Dude, you don't know the difference between
You're and your, do you?

Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha

I've been in many 5+ year LTRs, this is the worst and it hasn't even gone that long.

//kill me

You replied to the wrong post.

Need proof for such a claim.
Go ahead, we are waiting.

Nobody got a majority you dumb fuck.

Clinton- 48%
Others- 5.6 %

So by your nigger logic, the majority of Americans DIDN'T vote Clinton?

Your whole genetic line.

Freedom much freedom
>>>has never been to a political science class in his life
>>>dropped out of the 9th grade

Well, this way you can go to your white girl friends house while she goes to the welfare office to pick up your check, right?

Proof please. Or did you read that on some website?

No, dumb-dumb. Check it.

You would be mortified, she's masters educated and a medical research scientist; she overseas thousands of DoD human trials across the planet.

I operate farm equipment,
not marry them

>Too lazy
>Their freedom
Educated guess: Trump supporter

>You fail at reading comprehension.

Unless you want to be the only person bring bonafide gifts to the family Christmas gatherings I would avoid doing so.

>Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

user... Why are you lying? You probably fuck your horses too

I stand corrected.
My bad Sup Forumsro

You can't be this fucking dumb. Spelling, dude. You're embarrassing us.

Oh, is this where they try experimental drugs on military personnel without their knowledge or consent?

Bill Clinton won with 43% in 1992 and the MSM claimed he had a mandate HAHA HAHA

>>you don't know the difference between you're and your

>"Hurr hurr I can't use Google."


> Says incomplete-sentence-man

Not user you answered to.
Where is his spelling fucked up?

Ur Grammer maks mE lafF.

Too stupid to read.

More like in order to start a clinical trial they need to go through her desk and essentially do a legal check list before it's approved... then their department keeps tabs on the trial to make sure ethics laws aren't violated.

I'm glad I'll be long gone before this miscegenation
bullshit becomes the majority norm.
Fuck race mixing and fuck the Joos
in Hollywood and Madison Ave. who
keep pushing it as hard as they can.

And this thread just derailled and turned into a spelling and grammar contest.
Come on guys, make me laugh, my mother tongue isn't english.
Show me what you've got!

They let faggots marry now only a matter of time before they you marry animals.

>only a matter of time before they you marry animals
At least a marriage to an animal doesn't
produce half-breed mutant niggers.

You don't stand a chance. Last time you tried to get rid of the Jews, you had over 5 million German gentiles also killed and now the state of Israel exist because of it and now Jews have an advanced VETERAN military, nukes, and Mossad with SAYANIM all over the globe, and especially in the US. You have failed. Your people's time is almost up.

Black women suck a cock better than I've ever had. Also, dude in OP's picture is brilliant. He bred a little cocksucker who he can have fun with when the wife gets too old, and potentially has another on the way.

>You don't stand a chance. Last time you tried to get rid of the Jews, you had over 5 million German gentiles also killed and now the state of Israel exist because of it and now Jews have an advanced VETERAN military, nukes, and Mossad with SAYANIM all over the globe, and especially in the US. You have failed. Your people's time is almost up.

I mean, outside of the fact that they can't cook, Jews aren't that bad.
At this point, I'd rather live next to one of them than a nigger or Muslim.

>You don't stand a chance. Last time you tried to get rid of the Jews, you had over 5 million German gentiles also killed and now the state of Israel exist because of it and now Jews have an advanced VETERAN military, nukes, and Mossad with SAYANIM all over the globe, and especially in the US. You have failed. Your people's time is almost up.