Why does American chocolate taste so bland and disgusting compared to europeand and scandinavian chocolate?

Why does American chocolate taste so bland and disgusting compared to europeand and scandinavian chocolate?

Because that's a kick at not a nigger bar

Safety rules. In the US, not allowed to throw in sweepings from the factory floor.

because you're buying chocolate from american gas stations and not american chocolate shops


because you have Chinese manufacturers

Hershey's is made with intentionally soured milk which is why it has that after taste of vomit.

Milk Chocolate you dumb cunt, it has a milk content higher than the other chocolates so it tastes shitty and diluted, stop being a retard.

recently it is not required for chocolate to actually be chocolate. Instead, it can be chocolate flavored candy.

Because American "chocolate" has more in common with processed cheese than it does with actual chocolate.

>Doesn't know how chocolate works.

becuase america is a big country so it puts all kinds of shit in their food and candy so it does go bad during transport

also it probably fatter

because it's america

False! Just because it's got milk in it doesn't mean it ruins the quality of the chocolate used to produce it. Some milk chocolate is top-tier. The problem is that milk chocolate in the USA uses the shittiest tier chocolate-like product to begin with and then thins it out with milk related by-products and high fructose corn syrup for the best possible profit margin vs ease of industrial scale manufacture.

Have you tasted actual milk chocolate?
That's made with actual milk and not american cow semen?

Uhhm please explain how putting other ingredients on top of an chocolate isn't going to dilute the chocolate? retard.It still dilutes it and makes it a shitty product, you dumb fuck.

Yes, But we are talking about a kitkat and other shit brand chocolate from america, so whats your point? or are you just another to the collective of dumb cunts?

So you're only happy with 100% cocoa solids in your chocolate then?

The point is this: milk chocolate doesn't have to be shit tier chocolate, the Americans just make it that way because it's cheaper and the pigs still eat that swill.

Because its mostly sugar and soy retard. Besides, thats just your opinion. I like 60% cacao, but thats just me.

Obviously and No, But If you add as much as we do into the chocolate, The Chocolate gets spread too thin and Voila, shitty milk chocolate.

user is right, Live in Russia, where they put so much sugar in chocolate, that it make you puke. Tried a lot of different chocolate from USA, it's crap, even their local Snickers are total crap. European choco ftw.

Other than possibly this faggot , you are all eating mass produced nigger chocolate.

There is great American chocolate available, just as there's shit Yuropoor chocolate available.

Stop being cunts.

Which is the only point I was ever making.

You dumb fuck.

Yes, but sugar and Soy don't effect the taste as much as cream, and seeing as its as much as 12% , that's enough to make bad cocoa even worse.

Then why are you trying to argue with me you stupid cunt?

apparently you've only tasted shitty american chocolate. there are thousands of manufacturers of chocolate in this massive country and I can guarantee you that not all of it tastes like shit.
try to stop being so myopic.

Milk chocolate is low class in general, that's the point, OP is just a retard.

Because you're eating candy American stores sell at adult knee height so that children pick it up and scream for it.

Do you pick up american baby food and spoon that down and try to make sweeping generalizations about american fucking puree, you cunt?

High fructose corn syrup as opposed to real sugar.

>Milk chocolate is low class
With american milk, sure

Every single bulk import from U.S. tastes bland and shit, while our bulk shit tastes like chocolate.

Is it because it is import or because you make shitty choc?

Sinc, eurofag

Nestle is a Europeen company, you fucking twat.

>low class
Why does that matter if it tastes better?

everything that high class tastes horrible like that cheese that are just maggots of maggot shit

The process is a trade secret, but experts speculate that the milk is partially lipolyzed, producing butyric acid, which stabilizes the milk from further fermentation. This flavor gives the product a particular sour, "tangy" taste which the US public has come to associate with the taste of chocolate, to the point that other manufacturers often add butyric acid to their milk chocolates.

>sugar doesnt effect the taste
>the thing added to nearly all american food to make it more appetizing to children
>the thing scientifically proven to be addictive after long term exposure
>the simplest form of sugar is what your body uses to survive, and the ither kinds stimulate many of your receptors
Ok now I know you are retarded.

American chocolate is sour as fuck. Hersheys is the only thing in this world that I have ever put in my mouth that has actually made me want to vomit. Mostly as it has the same acidic feel at the back of the throat as you get after you've chucked up your stomach contents. Fucking awful shit.

>intentionally tastes like puke

ok amerifat

even the shit euro chocolate tastes a fuckload better than the average american chocolate

Because American chocolate doesn't have semen in it.



I know their pepsi sucks cause they use corn sugar

Simply incredible

>This produces butyric acid, also found in Parmesan cheese and the spit-up of babies; other chocolate manufacturers now simply add butyric acid to their milk chocolates. It has a distinctive tang that Americans have grown accustomed to and now expect in chocolate. “I can’t think of any other reason why people would like it,” said Mr. Whinney, of Theo Chocolate.

why did i think of the twin towers by seein this ?

because the poncy retards dont care about flavour, just whatever they feel is fancy

take caviar. used to be peasant food, until i think it was a russian king took a fancy to it and ever since it has been associated with the upper class

not him but i thought it was canadian, surprised to see its swiss


If Hitler won you could've had 'Kinder' everywhere