Can we please kill genre elitism it all feeds into a loop rock thinks rap is trash...

can we please kill genre elitism it all feeds into a loop rock thinks rap is trash, jazz thinks rock is jazz classical musicians think jazz is crap and rap thinks classical is trash. no one is better than anyone else in music

>inb4 but muh talent
fuck off they take equal amounts of skill
you think a blues writer takes less time writing lyrics than a rapper. or a classical piece is objectively better music than rock
then you're an asshole

Other urls found in this thread:

Classical > electronic > jazz > r&b/funk/soul > rock > pop > hip hop

why does jazz think rock is jazz

you lost me there

ok so your saying that miles teller is somehow more talented than iggy pop but less talented than Vivaldi

jazz believes that rock bastardized the genre by removing the hundreds of notes and chords for a more simplistic style

how's high school?

>Arranging an orchestra of 100 is the same skill as a rap.
Top kek, nice b8.

sure you can compare a baroque composer to a generic awful rapper and come up laughing but I'm asking you to push beyond the base level I'm not saying Tupac's ruminations on his own life are somehow harder to do than a 100 man orchestra but I'm saying that music should be held on an equal level regardless of genre.

No rapper EVER compared to an orchestra, LITERALLY kys

filled with >muh wrong generation

this board is 18+

so your saying awfully composed orchestras are objectively better than some of the greatest poets of a genaration. I respect your opinion and probably agree with you but you're being very close minded to an entire genre because of your own ideas.

I know... your point being

Classical is objectively the pinnacle of musical expression, perhaps of ART in itself.

Why aren't you dead yet?

random luck
ok placing at the pinnacle of art is an interesting point because to that I raise you pieces of writing that transcend generations if your point is that classical orchestration is much harder than any single musician then by that logic Shakespeare plays that are still being retold today with casts sometimes being comparable to orchestras then surely it should be placed on equal footing.

Rap is Sanka in Cool Runnings.
Classical is Lewis Hamilton.

Sankas go-cart was fun and fast on the hills of Jamaica but it's not even comparable to Mclarens F1 car.

It's just fact. Even VS Button.

Theatre is the most base and human of all the arts, to compose is to express with the voice of God himself.

Remember that the angels sing! They do not speak!

>they take equal amounts of skill
4/10 got me to reply

before I argue with you that is the best analogy for anything ever.
but arguing objective merit is ridiculous it causes the loop where rap dismisses it as outdated and classical refuses to give rap credence as a genre.

it's not actually bait I seriously think each form of music requires such wildly different skill sets its impossible to compare

>its impossible to compare
>they take equal amounts of skill

>you think a blues writer takes less time writing lyrics than a rapper.

blues > rap