If dubs, Yamcha is the new hero of Sup Forums

If dubs, Yamcha is the new hero of Sup Forums


If dubs, Yamcha is a Saiyan


If numbers op is a fag

has already been confirmed dumbass
theyre doing origins

Guess who's relevant in the next episode of DB:Super? Hint: It's the only canonical baseball player


you are and forever will be a failure yamcha



don't you try and hide your failures yamcha
you may have won once but that does not outweigh the multitude of times you lost
accept your fate, own who you are!

Yamcha needs to learn his place.


You haven't forgotten about me have you?

Yamcha is like Samson. The shorter he wear his hair, the more lame and useless he is.

no one cares about you tien
go tri beaming something more interesting

I know all about dubs.


Fuck off weeaboo fgt
