I'll be taking 200 ug of acid in a month or so and was wondering if anyone can tell me what I should be feeling...

I'll be taking 200 ug of acid in a month or so and was wondering if anyone can tell me what I should be feeling?(this is top quality LSD from a lab off the dark net) I've only ever taken 100 ug every so often with little to no visuals but intense euphoria at peak.

Also general drug thread

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better visuals n shit make sure to have your playlist for tripping ready and some headphones. Fag

From someone who has tripped dozens of times at high doses, you're not experiencing it fully unless you are laying comfortably in a silent dark room.

I don't even consider it real tripping without this as you miss the entire purpose if you just fuck around with friends and watch YouTube all night


How much do you weigh? That matters.

250 sent me into full ego death, literally forgot who I was and had to keep looking in the mirror to remind myself what my face looked like.

Full ego death would not have a you to look into the mirror
Everything that makes true ego death is literally the indescribable itself

6'1" probably around 180 pounds

200 is way way to much

start with 50 bro

It's not my first time. I've done 100 a few times and was really comfortable except for the very first time

I'll be with a very close friend also on acid. Idk for some reason I really enjoy talking while tripping since it can make me feel "philosophical"

Good job I'm not trying to describe it then. Might have to use an interesting anecdote from leading up to completely zoning out....

Similar to me. So you will probably have similar effects. Pro tip, have a wank. Trippy wanks are crazy. Thought I was in some bizarre Slaaneshi orgy or possibly Xerxes's tent from 300.

I almost lost my mind on 600 while smoking weed at the peak. The fractals took over all of my vision and I was at nature and thought I was dead and on the dark side of the moon. Was laying in the woods for like 5 hours until I finally came back.

guys whats the street price for 1g mdma crystals and 1g speed?


Around $85 for the speed. Dunno about the MDMA, sorry

mdma is aroung 70€ in germany

Speed 10€ MDMA around 50€

Waht is Sup Forums on right now?

hey guys
me and a couple friends gon be tripping next sat. me and my best friend are going to take around 300ng anoher is taking 100g mdma

any recs what we can do or listen to?

Man I tripped at Bonnaroo and saw LCD Soundsystem and had the time of my life. The stage looked like a giant open mouth that was trying to eat James Murphy as he played. At one point I saw one of the big television screens turn into a waterfall of swirling light
Then he used fucking fireworks to create the bass notes for "Dance Yourself Clean" and I was fucking losing it.
Best acid experience of my life.

alta in welchen bundesstaat?

Emancipator is great to listen to.


I once did 250µg and it was great. I was in the forest with a friend.
Before that, I took 100µg a few, like 4 or 5 times.
The visuals where overwhelming but varied in intensity. My mind trip was pretty strong, but surprisingly very manageable. Maybe because I began the whole trip very calm to prevent any bad experiences.
I will defintily do this amount again and I think it is the perfect dose for me. Strong, but nice.

My friend however felt a bit anxious from the beginning on, I think it was bit too strong and maybe unexpected for him.
I calmed him down, but after a while where we just sat down, I drew, we just enjoyed the trip, he ate something and smoked acig afterwards. Then he threw up.
Shortly after that he began to get very very weird.
At first he just wanted to go to another place, then he repeated himself increasingly often and kind of turned into another person.
At first he was just very rude and behaved different. At one point he just stood next to a tree, took his dick out. He said something like "my penis", the he decided he wanted to jerk off rigth there. I just went away and wanted to let him jerk off, because why not, but he was resetted in his loop, closed his pants and followed me. He followed me the whole time btw when it wasn't this bad yet.
After a few minutes I couldn't talk to him because he was trapped in this loop and wasn't answering to anything, he just repeated his few phrases and actions wich got fewer and fewer.
Of course this worried me and made everything worse.
I tried to communicate with him and ask him if he was aware of this stuff, but I couldn't really.
It got worse and worse to the point where he just sat down, did nothing, then threw his shit out of his backpack in the woods, sometimes just tried to run away.
In the end I called the ambulance. In the ambulance and the hospital he got back to himself.

We still don't know what exactly it was btw, but he recovered fully.
I think it was either a psychic phase (don't know hoe to call it, but similar to a psychosis) or a bad ego death.

Es heißt Bundesland.

alta bei uns in bayern is viel teurer

so ein rotz

thx. ^^

Was your friend inexperienced or in a bad mindset before when he took it? I didn't have anything that bad my first time but I definitely didn't have a good trip because I took LSD without doing any research. I thought it was like the movies where you just hallucinate and wasn't prepared for a body/mind high. Young and ignorant

Die guten miris halten hier den Preis schön niedrig

No, he did it 3 or 4 times before this time.
>bad mindset
Maybe, but I don't know.
I think he was just surprised by the strong effects and couldn't handle it.

Just don't worry and be prepared.
I was totally relaxed before it and I was able to enjoy it the whole time through.
In my opinion, it brought my LSD experience on a whole new level.

Also I never intended to scare you or something, I just wanted to share this story. Maybe someone knows what exactly this could have been.

Op mind sharing Dark net info been looking around lots of em look sketch.

Might not be what you wanna hear but there's actually a bunch of sites that have reviews from people who have used them. I just look for the ones with the most/best reviews so I can be sure I won't get ripped off. Depends on what you're looking to do/buy. Drugs are big and aren't too risky depending on how much you're buying


I've done a lot of LSD in my time.
This is my only advice


Look into AlphaBay


hansamarked is fine