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i dont want to cry anymore, choa is not a slut

rip gflop

good thread

based our man again

cool dude, bangin wife. Its a shame his career hasnt took off yet

whatever helps you sleep at night wolverine



thanks i made it myself

top 5 girl groups in the world right now?
reminder that being #1 group in US/Europe means pretty much shit because kpop festivals in random seashitholes have more people than US kcons


the practice video was 10x better

me everyday


yeah, that's definitely an interesting question.
I'm rather optimistic though, because why not? Unless they get involved in a huge scandal or anything why wouldn't they be the next NGG?
I don't think SNSD is dead yet and their comeback this year will still be big, but at some point in the future they will leave a vacuum that Twice is primed to fill.
Whether or not they will achieve the exact same level as SNSD has before is too hard to tell imho.


still can't sing for shit

what's up?

thank you for posting my wife

jesus christ...


i miss f(x)

based japan...fuck korea lol

> my wife



lmao that's what you get for going to dr. kim's cheap cousin, dr. lim

Why has no girl group ever beaten Spice Girls in sales? Not even AKB48

do you think she realizes how fucked up her nose is

thoughts on brave girls dance practice?


there she is!!!

any other f(x) recommendations, i was inactive with kpop when they were in their prime.

those are variety show franchises, not music groups

big fan

I love she

dracula is a pretty good song


>those are variety show franchises, not music groups
just like every kpoop group ever


taeyeon eat your heart out

>no eunseomami


yes, my wife

now here's a cute picture of choa

thanks, feel free to shoot another.

>muh oshi

Yuropoor PIGS countries still have a bigger music market than Korea.
Their companies make the most money, but nobody actually listen to them.

probably their best non pink tape track that people tend to forget about becauce it is a non pink tape track

>bona uploads a crappy looking pic

give her a better phone starship

>"your favorite group + (arabic sub)"

We with Seulgi don't think so.

i hate when they release ant pics


Everything from Pink Tape

think so too. guess only time will tell, but they have the potential to do so. I'd be happy to see that.




beautiful stranger, electric shock, airplane

also listen to kara cause they have good songs too

i don't mind though if they post things like this

Hyunjin is so god damn pretty


>2/5 loona


omo is this real?

what in the HECK! DELETE IT

a smaller pic would have been more polite in this case

they really fucked up with the one on the left

sorry pal, anything below 480p is unforgivable

the intro alone is great, thanks.

i had my fair share of kara back japan, i had a gay friend who couldnt stop listening to them.


as long as she has makeup on her face is really nice

>he secretly likes it

post lewd yuji

>i'm transformin' now

>people unironically saving soobuggo images

they have more chances to fuck up even worse, don't worry

almost time for our girls

i do not because choa wouldn't like it

their korean stuff is better than their jap stuff imo

also butt dance


her name is uji retard, lewd buttslut will do in a pinch

no offense, but AKB48 is just plain AKBoring already. They've even slipped under Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka the last 3-5 years straight. The only thing they got going for them are the 10 weebos in Japan who are willing to spend 100K Yen each just to shake their hand & keep them relevant.

the REAL list according to MY Opinion is this (no order):

Wonder Girls

BUT...the link of the site below has another opinion as of 2016

vivi is so fucking busted, she ruins every video with the jins in it

i messed up the conversion to webm. thanks for posting a better quality webm

what exactly did dr. kim's trainee do to her eyes?
are they even hers or some poor chinese grandmas?


Word! I love mina eating stuff

how do you know? maybe choa lets one of the other AoAs tie her up after a show.

whatever u-ji, yujee, etc
post more




yeah she's a straight uggo

they had made so many right decisions before that. don't know what they were thinking. if you're going to throw a chink in the group, they gotta at least be cute or talented and she's neither


no she doesn't! stop making me think about it!

don't know too much about perfume, but I guess this is pretty accurate

The best thing about akb48 is that when sales shitters talk about their 100k twice and gfriend you come and say 5.5 million in just 2016. Seriously you cant argue about that.
