Does mu like chvrches

Does mu like chvrches

I don't know but chvrches despises Sup Forums

Even though Lavren shitposts here

> you will never fill her up with your semen

Why live famalama?



oh look its this thread again

only if they're on fire

i want to lay my head in her lap



No, they suck. They're synthpop for trendy idiots who don't know anything about synthpop.


It's true. There are countless 80s synthpop bands that are superior and there are a bunch of synthpop revivalist bands that are superior. Chvrches don't bring anything new or interesting to the table. They're for trendy poseurs.

>MLP reaction image
I really hope barneyfag shows up. He would bring some fun to this shit thread.

Saw them at Leeds Festival in the summer while waiting for based Foals. One of the dullest hours of my life.

horrible tits desu

They're better than Grimes. But that ain't saying much.

i want to fuck her

Die you fucking Barneyfag


Finally! Post more autism, barneyfag.

yes, a lot

>yes, I masturbate to Lauren
Fixed that for you. No one actually gives a shit about Chvrches' bland music.

shes so fuggin qt jesus

more rare lavrens

genuinely not getting the meme




What's she staring at?


They're not better than Grimes, you're just a pleb.

Stop Shilling shitty Churches


is this a recent pic? oh pls, if lavren could cut her hair again :3

that's an older pic i think. here's a newer one

She still looks like a 10 year old boy.

I like her stinky feetsies.


bad lighting, awful filter

how long until brandon has them wrapped around his neck?

>is this a recent pic? oh pls, if lavren could cut her hair again :3
Alas but no.
2012-10-01 BBC Radio 1 - Vic Galloway's 2012 session 'Lies' 'The Mother We Share' 'I Would Die 4 V'

>more rare lavrens

ywn caress lavren's face

god damn japan is so weird. she looks so freaked out

when he's not a fat fuck anymore

we are all here just to post her ass

ywn stop chvrches at the border

I wonder if she'd let this to her white cis male fan?

Well if you were her who would you feel more comfortable with, kawaii japanese girl or mouth breathing amerifat with a boner?

she really looks like a cute mouse
lavren starring as gadget in a live action movie when

>new lp soon

new LP means new tour which means new lavrens

the wait is nearly over

>more lavren butts

everything is right again





she hates us
get over her already
stop falling in love with someone that doesnt love you back

you deserve better Sup Forums
(well not really)

W-When did she say that she hates us desu?

when she filed for a restraining order on brandon

it's fake news
lavren loves us and she's probably the one making these threads

>brandon admits more than once it's just jokes
>restraining order
if it's real than lol
were is he btw we summoned him with no result


Maybe he's busy or something, why are we talking about him anyway? I doubt it's true but if it is he can actually sue for slander.

I just walked in the door coming back from the gym.
Ok sure, I'll belive it when I get a court summons in the mail. Until then you're full of shit. How many times have I said I'm not being serious and that it's just satire based on waifufags? It's not real, none of this is. Does anyone here actually think she browses Sup Forums,posts and looks at these threads? I'd think she has more things going for her than to worry than me and this forum.

my mustache is pricking my lip maaan

It's not like my life revolves around lavren mayflappytits or chvrches. Yeah, I enjoy the music (hey, I like pop and synthpop) but that's about it. Remember that whole thing about how she was going to sue me? Never happened.


yo yo yo just cause you're trying to make it seem it's all a joke doesn't mean you can insult the queen ffs

it has been a joke

she came down from heaven for one purpose, to deliver love

You can look through the archive and find the posts where I've said it.


I used to be a trendy idiot who didn't know anything about synthpop. I still am but I don't listen to chvrches anymore.

Even I have perkier tits than her, shits hang down to her belly button. Should spend the money she's made on a breast lift but you know her and her
>muh feminism

trying way too hard fatass

I think it's retarded people think I've ever been serious or that I think she put out a restraining order on me. For what? Saying stupid shit about her on the internet?
>tfw lavren will never not bathe for a year and wipe her cunt funk on your upper lip while your sleeping
No one remembers that? At all?

her music sucks

you want to go to a moped rally in NYC
you're lying if you say it's not about her

this nigga clearly drunk
hows the microbrew thing going

It's not, it's about going to NYC and riding mopeds in a city I've always wanted to see. I've wanted to do this for years and now with this job I can actually afford to do something like that.

Nope, I'm sober. I don't drink on the weekdays anymore. Trying to lose weight and 1000 calories of strong IPA's isn't going to really help it.

i want to kiss her and hug her
is that too lewd

she'll sound her rape whistle and get her misogyny bat

>lavren will never beat the fuck out of you with a bat

just kill me

>misogyny bat
Is that from the pasta where her bf walks in on me fucking her in the ass?

i want to make something nice for her to make her happy
is that too beta

you are so easily trolled

I want to drive Lavren all around town is that too beta

that's not beta, that's being nice to our queen

You could try flashing your dick at her on a subway. She's into shit like that apparently.

Famalama? Wtf. Thats it im never coming to the chan again.

you're an asshole

you can't even show it to her since it's buried by layers of fat

I wasn't talking about me. Maybe one of these day's I'll get the pleasure of being able to see my own penis.

that's how he is irl a condescending pretentious dick

just don't go show it to any children again sick fuck


>ywn fugg brandon's phat boipussi

molestation is no laughing matter get help