How smart are you, Sup Forums?

How smart are you, Sup Forums?



17 gajillion

17.5 ez

Easy, 60

Cola worth more then burger. Nice scam




Drink + 10
Burger + 5
Fries + 1

A number 1?


It's in the range of 10 - 23 probably
my best guess



It's 15 you retards.

Fsggot 72




5 + (10x1) = 15






Drink = 10
Burger = 5
Fries= 1

5+1*10= 15

smart enough not to eat mcdonalds you fucking lard face amerifat

I think it's 16

Too old for me.



It's 11, you retards.

30/3 is 10, so drink is 10
10 + 2burger = 20, so burger is 5
5 + 2fry is 9, so fry is 2



look at all those retards go

It's 17 you dumb nigger

I second this

Oh shit I need glasses, didn't see the double fries, 15 boys

Dammit, there were 4 fries on line 3.

So many stupid fucks, hope you niggers never need math


m + m + m = 30

m + b + b = 20
10 + 2b = 20
2b = 10
b = 5

b + 2f + 2f = 9
5 + 2f + 2f = 9
4f = 4
f = 1

b + f x m = ?
5 + 1 x 10 = ?

(5+1) x 10 = 60
5 + (1 x 10) = 15

60 or 15 depending on your order of operations

i may have fucked up though
i dunno

walk us through the solution then please.

Drink = 10
Burger = 5
Fries = 2
10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
5 + 2 * 10 = 25

Burger = 5
Fries = 1
Burger + Fries + Fries = 9
5 + 1 + 1 = 9?

25 m8



This is what happens when you use the x sign instead of parenthesis

jesus christ youre all stupid.

10 + 10 +10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2 + 2 = 9
5 + 2 x10 = 70

If we consider the 4 different symbols used in these equations (soda cup, burger, 2 fries, and one fry), then from a mathematical standpoint it is unsolvable. At no point in time was the "one fry" symbol identified. You have two unknowns in the last equation without any additional information about either of them.

Now if we look at the equations from a brainteaser perspective then weven can argue the single fry symbol means 1. Thus the equations evaluate to:

Soda + soda + soda = 30
>Reduces to
3×soda = 30
Soda = 10

Then onto the next equation, using substitution of the soda symbol with 10.

10 + burger + burger = 20
>reduces to
10 + 2×burger = 20
2×burger = 10
Burger = 5

And again...

5 + fries + fries = 9
5 + 2xfries = 9
2xfries = 4
Fries = 2

Then the final equation uses a single fry symbol implying(poorly) that a single fry has the value of 1.


Burger + fry + soda = ?
5 + 1 + 10 = 16

> fries = 1

got it.
I'm not too upset though because I will never need to figure the prices of fast food.

You're a dumbass nigger then because there are two pairs of fries, in the final equation there's only a single set of fries rather than a pair, so your 2 becomes a 1, 15 is the answer.


Woops let me correct myself. There's a multiplication in the last equation so
5 + 1×10 = 15

>5 + 2 * 10 = 25

5 + 2 = 7
7 * 10 = 70

stupid fuck

theres 4 packs of fries on row 2 Magoo
squint real hard at the screen and add it up again


bad bait

pemdas retard, look it up
the answer is 25

lol order of operations

last line is 25 dumbass

prob bait anyways

Yep this one is right. You could even solve it with a matrix. Easy 17.

That would mean that 1 fry is the square root of 2

sorry guys i forgot y'all weren't there on colors and shapes day in kindergarten

ok idiots
explain why it isn't 25
walk me over this simple math question
I wan't a good dose of autism

The answer is

why is 2 fries multiplied?

it's added fool.

if 2 fries = 2, each is 1


never noticed the 2 fries, 1 fry before

Drink = 10
Burger = 5
Fries = 2

2x10 = 20 + 5 = 25


>That would mean that 1 fry is the square root of 2

sure buddy
thats exactly what happened there
2 packs of fries and 2 packs of fries makes 4
so one pack of fries is the square root of 2

oh wait your right
soz my bad

last equation only has 1 box of fries. the one before it has 2 pairs of boxes of fries. each pair of fry boxes is 2 so one box of fries is 1. do the math from there fam.


Ur a slippery 1 op.


Let me explain it.

Bebido = 10
Hamburguesa = 5
Uno patatas fritas = 1 (dos patatas fritas = 2)

Last line = 5+ (1 x 10 P.E.M.D.A.S) = 15

Answer is 15, please explain otherwise.

10 + 10 + 10 = 30

10 + 5 + 5 = 20

5 + (1+1) + (1+1) = 9

5 + (1 x 10) = 15

Omfg, you fucking retards, I see this thread like everyday, and everytime it's the same story: faggots, that don't know the 2nd grade maths and order of operations, or faggots that don't see 4 boxes of fries in the third line. Just try this if you're so fucking clever

fries = 1
you fucking blind piece of shit
there are 4 fries + burguer = 9
correct answer is 60


This would be correct if you where not a dirty mexican.

>arguing over McDonalds math

fucking retards in this thread actually got 70 somehow.



75.. duh

Yes!!! Spanish classes are paying the fuck off!

Too bad I started a writing career in English...

literally spit out my drink laughing. Please tell me that was bait

3d = 30
30/3 = 10
d = 10
d + 2b = 20
2b = 10
b = 5
b + 2f +2f = 9
5 + 4f = 9
9-5 = 4
4/4 = 1
f = 1
b + (f * d) = 5 + (1 * 10) = 15


lol jk i fucked up its 30

Maybe if you learned a language that will be internationally viable in 20 years like Chinese or one of the main sand nigger ones, even Russian would be better than spanish.

If you want to manage a BK then keep learning beaner i guess.

nope, fucked up again. 15 final answer

Damn, that was quicker than I thought


ITT people prove they're underage and still haven't learned basic order of operations.

Stay in sk00l faggots

This.. is the only correct answer.

Order of operations you stupid ignorant poorly educated miserable fucks.

Operations within parentheses first, left to right.
Then exponents, left to right.
Then multiply÷ left to right. Contrary to popular undereducated opinion, you do these at the same time.
Last add and subtract, again, left to right, and again same time.


1*10 comes first



>30/3 drinks = 10. 1 Drink = 10
>20-10(drink)=10. 10/2 burgers = 5. 1 Burger = 5
>9-5(burger)=4. 4/2 fries = 2. 1 Fry = 2
>inb4 BEDMAS
>2(fry)*10(drink)=20+5(burger) = 25

Some of you are fucking retarded.



Could be good if you noticed that only one fries is shown at the last line.

The last line should look like :
5 + 1 * 10 = 15