2017 releases worth a shit

So i've been out of the music loop for a few years listening to my backlog so i heard nothing new from the past years

I want to impress all my friends with my hipster to-date knowledge, what are the worthy releases from this year? any genre will do

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Check out the top rated for 2017 on Rate Your Music

but RYM has horrible taste in music and is full of redditors, i trust you guys more

I'm digging this album so far.

we are reddit and rym at the same time
you're living a lie

check out the new Xiu Xiu, Stabscotch, Wiley, King Gizzard, and Sampha

Haven't listened to much so far but here's some stuff I enjoyed, Star Roving being a single

I second the new Xiu Xiu, very creative.

This is the best thing I've heard new this year

Rodoljub new album

this picture arouses me more than all the porn I watched for a month
what's wrong this me...

also pic related is pretty good ~ post-rock/afrobeat

we're the same people though



Sup Forums is just rym but even more close-minded

i like the new thundercat


you like shit music


My fucking nigga
Also, you poor poor soul


who's this manilla wafer waifu






P good list

Are u foglagoon?

Fleet Foxes just released a steaming pile of shit of a song

mouth moods is great, maybe the next Gorillaz album :^)

>a collection of non-songs that don't have a single standout moment
>worth a shit
I think you're confused user.

Lift to Experience: The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads 2017 remix/remaster is something that any fan of post rock or shoegaze can't afford to miss.


The new Los Campesinos is pretty great.


This is the best thing I've heard so far this year.

But if you want normier stuff try Big Sean's I Decided. Bounce Back is a banger.

You'd be better off asking about 2016 releases because in the music world nothing really hype comes out until summer then it's hot right up until christmas. The first 4 months of the year are a great time to catch up on the previous year

bullshit, we had amazing releases already just in february-march, no reason to hold off on them to catch up with old dusted shit



Mouth Moods by Neil Cicierega slipped under my radar and sure its pretty meme-y but its got some sick beats in it

Exhibit A:youtube.com/watch?v=CPhXKak_bHw

loving this shit so much

>trusting Sup Forums more than rym
god you're a lost fucking soul

>hating music this much

aint this guy lemon demon

he's pretty talented despite the meems

nothing feels natural is my aotdsf

Sup Forums will probably disagree with me on that but whatever

This one is a very solid record imo

Not groundbreaking or anything but it's consistently good

he is

even if they are meems they sound good in my earholes so i welcome them

It's called having self respect.