Tell me why you dont like anime without mentioning weebs or the negative social status it carries with it

Tell me why you dont like anime without mentioning weebs or the negative social status it carries with it

because it makes me hard

I don't like a lot of current anime because it's tropey bullshit
When a good series comes along, it's great, but when it's not a good one it's just cringe

I'm an old fuck who watched Akira, Oedo 808, Ninja Scroll etc as a kid.

Now it's all schoolkids and nosebleeds.
Couldn't give a shit.

Anime suffers from a lot of cliches and tropes that make it nearly unwatchable for me. Yet to see one that doesn't have those problems and they're all ridiculous.

I watched Evangelion and it was kinda alright, the whole stupid "waaah my father abandoned and I'm a shy boy but I have to save the world" got under my skin and I couldn't really enjoy it.

Both of these, basically. Ninja Scroll, specifically, is one of my all time favorite movies of any kind.

I loved Eva but I've always understood why some people don't. I was able to get past the autism and even just embrace it, but I wouldn't expect everyone to be able to do the same.

Let me prep this with the following:
I have a permanent residence visa for Japan (means I can live and work there for as long as I like), lived in Japan for 9 years and am married to a Japanese chick. I am not a weeabo and didn't travel to Japan because of an obsession with the country. My work took me there (I live back in my homeland now).

I'm another old fucker (almost late 30's).
I grew up watching things like Akira, Ninja Scroll, Etc.

I watched them because they were excellently written and directed stories. The creativity was off the charts.

Now-a-days, with very few exceptions (Cowboy Bebop for example) it is all a bunch of wank.
Lolli bullshit, poorly written series, no imagination, copy-cat style and form.

The shit people go for now is utter wank and the scary part is: young Japanese people, themselves, are this way too.
Not many know or have seen Akira. They only like the repeated crap like dragon ball because it is so heavily marketed it is scary.

Couldn't get a cup of fucking ramen from Lawson's without there being some shitty series being pushed on me.

Do you like Attack on Titan? I haven't seen all of it but what I've watched was a lot better than I expected. We're the same age and I get the idea you probably have similar enough tastes for me to tell you to check it out.

Its usually generic and formulaic
Like hollywood movies


It's seriously the most stupid gay shit I've ever seen or heard of. Fucking Asians can't be normal for shit. They can't even make normal porn.

I tend to stray away from anime for the reasons you listed. Do you like Wolf's Rain? That series really stuck to me, and I am planning to watch Cowboy Bebop because I've heard it's similar. Do you have any other recommendations?

Watched it? Had little choice in the matter. When it came out in Japan, it was everywhere.

Again, in my view, very poor stuff.
My wife likes it and also says that Ajinn is amazing.

I don't think so either. I am extremely picky. Not nostalgic, mind you, just picky.
"OMG the kids get eaten"
Yeah, OK, big spectacle and gory but poor script writting and character development--- I think AoT is just Japan's attempt as a Game of Thrones sort of deal.

>When it came out in Japan, it was everywhere
So do "normies" watch anime in Japan?

Wolf's Rain was good.
Cowboy Bebop I loved for its great script. Very nior, excellent music and good style. Story was excellently paced.

I especially liked the animation in Wolf's Rain, which drew me to Cowboy Bebop. Should I search for anime around the same time period those were released?

Almost every single person in Japan watches some form of anime.

My father-in-law likes Urusei Yatsura. My mother-in-law watches Saieza-San. My wife watches different stuff. My sister-in-law loves K-ON.

Anime is very much apart of the culture in the same way South Park and the Simpsons and Asterix and Mickey Mouse are apart of ours.

Sure, I suppose.
Though you will find mostly a lot of crap, but I can say another good anime I liked was Samurai Champloo (because of the homage to Chanbara films, for which I love)-- and it is somewhat "new"

Funny you mention it, I am currently finishing it up and I haven't been disappointed thus far. Thank you for your insight.

You can love em' or hate em' -- but either way you want to fuck them.

Cant get over lines not matching up as English actors. Also not a whole lot of time, would rather play BF1

My sincerest wishes you enjoy it. Always good to see someone that is more concerned with substance than the superficial.

What do you think are some examples of shitty series' these days?

After a while when you watch all the good ones all the others feel like trash and look alike. Most animes have appeal only if you are sexualy repressed or a teenager.

it just seems really gay and beta
im not a cuck

I used to be really into it, then i started to see a "friendship pattern", the only story pattern that makes my sides go to the moon. It's also just sort of ugly and is an instant crowd displeaser, also i dont like to associate myself with hardo weeb fags

Overacting. Nothing seems remotely realistic.

ATLA is one of my favourite shows, but I'll never get the japs.

Name a series.
Because my wife is Japanese and my 6 year old is half, I am up to my neck in anime most of the time.

Alot of the ones I really hate are obviously otaku lolli crap:
Lucky Star, K-ON, Girls and Panzer(and I'm friggin German!)-- anything dealing with Japanese high schools are pure shit.

What do you think about Gurren Lagann?

I know an anime that's really popular right now is Yuri On Ice. Thoughts on that one?