What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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nothing went wrong, it was a damn election that we should all get over

Her entire "movement".

Just look at her face ans tell me she doesn't look like a crook. Her entire campaign was centered around finger-pointing at Trump and making him appear evil. Anyone with a brain could see that she was the worse of the two evils.

Clinton offered nothing to the Rust Belt.

That and Comey.

It had nothing to do with emails and she didn't underestimate Trump. She overestimated her own momentum. Obama voters did not translate into Clinton voters.

Also Jews stole the election.

Hmm lets see
>Right hates her
>She made half the left hate her by being a condescending cunt
>Then sims to get non-existant moderate republicans with bush era neocon support



>Also Jews stole the election.

bbut the Jews all backed Hillary. Heads they win , tails they win.

James Comey's FBI investigation made her lose her last minute momentum and put extreme doubt into the minds of undecided voters. That's pretty much it. Even I had second thoughts of her guilt and I had been following her for awhile.


Also this.

Also this.

As usual, we had two shit choices. It doesn't matter who won though, it won't affect our lives in any way at all.

>That's pretty much it.

Everything, she was completely uninspiring and her message was literally "status quo, keep everything the same". That's not what wins elections. A billionaire living in a penthouse was infinitely more relatable than her to the average American.

Member berries.

the problem is nobody likes her.


Well OP

Hillary Clinton is a woman, and women can't run large countries and real countries.

>making him appear evil

and now there on to the next tactic,making him look stupid.just like they did with george w bush

Oh Yeah I suppose the Russian propaganda machine from the alt-right also had a huge effect with their fake news bullshit.

>United States
>Real Country

>making him look stupid
No one needs to make them look stupid. Trump and W do that just fine on their own.

Fuck off Denmark

Yeah. Because people were just sitting around thinking. Well i like her, BUT LEMME HEAR what PUTIN and COMEY think!


like i said,libs called bush stupid and now there doing the same thing to trump

how pathetic can you get honestly,just slink back into your crime infested neighborhoods and go back to shutting up and abusing the welfare system like you've did for the past 2016 years

They fucked up the cookout they were having
The spirit cooking
Somebody forgot to cover their tracks in the human trafficking and somebody else fucked up the email server.
Oh, and libcucks blocking roads n shit, that just pissed off the silent majorit. Many who doubt it's existence get crushed by it. I they didn't vote with enough dead people's identities.



Enjoy your border wall, i'll be sitting over here with my Single Payer Healthcare and High Quality of Living

The extremely vocal and retarded far left pissed off the majority with their bullshit, and she made the mistake of not distancing herself from them.

>Hi I'm a lefty! Racism and sexism are bad, I'm a very tolerant person really, peace&love coexist.
>OMG fucking white retard christian hicks I hate you KYS.

>Inb4 the trigger joke is initiated

>the majority
Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million.



>this meme again

You're Canadian aren't you?

>Far Left
Those were the Neo-Feminist Shillary Supporters. We far leftists tried to stay on actual issues. I don't give a fuck if the man said a "Bad Word" /gasp

Nothing. The best MAN won!!!

She is the wrong. Done so many wrongs and wore them as a badge of honor.

It's kind of ironic. She stole the primary from Bernie and Trump stole the election from her. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't a lying bitch, but she is. So fuck her. She deserves it.

What a coincidence, 3 million is the current running estimate for the combined total number of illegal votes from non-citizens.

are you fucking kidding me? that cunt is a traitor and should either commit sepuku or be exectuted for treason

I feel for you far leftists, because you even got scammed by Bernie

it's a shame too, I find you guys a helluva lot more tolerable than neoliberals

no. she played a dirty cunt game against sanders and fuck her, dumb fucking bitch.

the recounts are actually getting him more votes because its finding illegal votes for hillary all over
get rid of all illegal votes for everyone and he wins popular vote

kek anyone far left or right are retards that care about no one else

Now, look at who else looks stupid. (Answer:you)

>We far leftists tried to stay on actual issues
>actual issues
You are either completely retarded or completely oblivious. Or must be both because you consider yourself on the far left.

Russia, how cute.

1 simple thing above all else. Suppresssed voter turnout. the Repubs benefit when fewer people vote. People didn't go out and voite for Hillary because they were told it was in the bag. Its why voting didn;t match up with polling.

You need to get away from the memes for a while;
Russia dindu nuffin
alt-right is just the tea party come back to life not white supremisists
Fake news has always existed its just now they want to legitimize censorship so they madeup a thing to return control to corporate media.

No stupid, have you even been to Sup Forums there's plenty of Pro Trump Russians there spreading fake shit, along with other sites like Facebook, all it takes is creating a fake meme or linking to a fake news article. Most people don't even realize where half these things originate from, but places like Lereddit and Sup Forums and facebook had a huge influence on the normies on facebook.

and your ridiculously high taxes and cost of living

The lies fell apart on every level.
The American people have woken up from a very long nap and they're not very happy with what's been happening.

She got CUCKED by her husband
how the FUCk do you be such a shitty wife that you're the one that gets cuckolded in the relationship? by the most surveillanced man in the world?
what a fucking loser, I can't wait until she dies

Suppressed turnout? Vote count was up from 2012. Coasters were the only faggots who give a shit about this woman. Troll harder coastal scum.

>You can't win someone's trust by fucking over everyone you meet...

>Americans are tired of billionaires running their "democracy"
>elect a billionaire who immediately appoints other billionaires to his cabinet

trump supporters BTFO

>mfw I imagine Hilary performing sepuku

We're not a democracy and never have been. We're a democratic republic.
Finish middle school you destructive little libtard.

America is one of the most retarded countries on the planet.

She also sucked at a candidate, but anyone with a fucking brain could tell you basically anyone would be better than Trump.

>Public sector vs Private sector

Everyone is sick and tired of lobbyists and corruption within our government. Of course this concept is lost on your brainwashed liberal mind.

She's a fuckin cunt

The highest amount of votes ever won by any presidential candidate was 69.5 million in 2008 with Obama. He had 62.6 million in 2012. Clinton received 65.4 million in 2016. Where is this suppressed voter turnout? More people voted for her in 2016 than they did for Obama in 2012. You're talking out of your ass and trying to sound smart.

This is a great movie to anybody who hasnt seen it

Feminists. Always blame the feminists. They drove the ideological purity quest. Anyone who wasn't with her from the start was a SEXIST

>High taxes
Worth it since we we save money on healthcare

Actually, the problem was that basically anyone would be better than Hillary. So Trump won.

it's a large one

so do Islamic extremists who get hurt during the Jihad.

News Flash, 72 Virgins isn't healthcare

If you are a retard yes. That is the case.


NAME??? after all it is pearl harbor day

Yes, after the tax revenue is filtered through the bureaucracy.

Sound uber efficient you commie faggot.

>implying the average islamic extremist has the stones to kill themselves.
Most of them want to kill gays and women but they're too cucked to do anything.

ABCs of death

artsy film with 26 different directors, one for each letter

Fair enough

Just look at that face.

Lol, you understand why FOX news doesn't even say this shit right? Because its full blown fucking retarded.

>Implying corruption isn't prevelant in both
Moral: We're fucked

Hillary straight up pushed for Trump to get the nomination, convinced he'd be an easy win. Then continued to assume he'd be an easy win, all evidence to the contrary be damned.

Liberals in general did the exact same thing, mainly because they believe that literally any and all arguments can be won simply by saying "You're racist", "You're sexist", "You're Islamophobic", etc, etc, etc. (I don't need to point out that's a textbook ad hominem fallacy, right?) So for the entirety of Trump's campaign, they screamed to the heavens that he's sexist, racist and all the rest... then were completely baffled when that didn't change a single person's mind. Trump supporters have listened to the right claim pretty much anything under the sun is somehow racist and sexist, and hence stopped listening a long time ago. Then the left simply called the Trump supporters THEMSELVES racist and sexist... which shock and awe, only served to piss them off. When the left actually learns to debate ideas again, they might have a chance.

That, and they didn't nominate this dude. Personally I don't love Ole' Bernie, (nor Trump, btw) but he would have won in a fucking landslide. He strongly appealed to the ever growing, disaffected middle.

That's what they want you to think so you won't get up and do anything about it.
They think you're so dumb that you'll just roll on your back and let them cuck you forever. Grow a spine. Wake up to what they're doing and take action!

It's not an overall lower than expected turn out, it was the lower than expected turn out in a few places that mattered.

Trump had motivated the disaffected "somebody do something... anything" voters who were hurting from technical rationalisation of jobs in the heartland

Obama motivated the disaffected like Trump did but under different pretences.

Clinton failed to motivate those who were not disaffected. Plus the polling indicated she'd win comfortably and thus they had no 'desperate need' for change.

I said we're fucked. Didn't say we were doomed.

She lost the right wing vote because either they were all abstaining or retarded. She lost the left wing vote because Bernie bros and Russian propaganda were working hand in hand to make her seem like Illuminati 2.0. Even with all that she's up by 3 million votes. Also Trumpanzees, how do 3 million people not registered to vote, not on the electoral roll, with no voting rights all vote Hillary? Do they understand how voting works?

Basically, it all comes down to her being a shit candidate.

She didn't have much enthusiasm. A lot of her votes were votes against Trump. And the votes she got was from Democrat voters who would've voted for who ever was the nominee. She was never close to winning any GOP state even tho her campaign and the media were talking about how they were 'in play' in states like Georgia, Texas, Arizona, SC. All bs ofc.

She had fucking everything laid down for her, the media, the establishment elite, the celebrities, heck even the fucking Bush family and other prominent GOP figures. She was the most famous politician in the damn world running against a guy who had no experience in politics, and still fucking lost, bigly.

And ofc you have all the other things, the shady shit around her foundation, Benghazi, the emails, ties to wallstreet & big companies etc.

All that adds up to her being a shit candidate. It wasn't Comey, Bernie, 3rd Parties, the Alt-Right or any one else then her self who made her lose the election.

fucking awesome.

We've got them on the ropes.
We've got them bent over in the shower trying to grab the soap and our hard unyielding cocks of truth are ready to penetrate the dry and unready anus of the globalists who want to put you in a 200 square foot apartment.

She rigged the primaries making a solid amount of the left that didn't already hate her, hate her. She then tried to win over some of the right but they hate her. She couldn't decide who to try to get as her base. It felt like she thought everyone would vote for her it was her turn. I hate both Clinton and trump. Lost hope after Sanders lost.

One of the best explanations I've seen. Without bias towards either side.

People seem to forget that Obama took office with both a Dem House & Senate.

Don't think there will not be a backlash in two years. Probably bigger than 2010...

All jews that mattered backed trump

Literally everything that could ever possibly go wrong.

Just look at this list.

>its full blown fucking retarded.

How so?


>Alex Jones
Of you mean the guy's whose show is owned by Time Warner?

Implying it wasn't a marriage of convenience and they both got strange every week, consenting or not. She was mad he got caught because it reflected bad on her and her eventual campaign

Explain the logistics of 3 million illegal votes... when every other election they only find one or two per state tops.

No I mean the red-blooded patriot under attack constantly by shills and the mainstream media.

But not in the states where Trump won.

Isn't he the guy that denied pizzagate?

Let's face it. Clinton got most of her popular votes from CA and NY.

Trump won the other 95% of the country. The democratic party is irrelevant now. They're reduced to being a "coastal party."