Does this put it in perspective for you fucks...

Does this put it in perspective for you fucks? How fucking easy men have it in life that they don't have any fears other than silly overweight womyn?

Other urls found in this thread:

I actually do feel sorry for the societal pressure we put on women. (we as in society) That being said, it doesn't excuse or erase the pressure on men.


women fear a 1 in a million occurrence
men fear a 2 in 3 occurrence
so that pic proves that men have realistic fears
and women fear their own shadow

im confused by your thread. im not into women

Citation needed.

maybe women fear serial killers and fat guys

>realistic fear
it's an overweight lady who you would be lucky to know, I'm sure she's beautiful in more than one way.
>rape is an unrealistic fear
let's just wait until your daughter gets a hot cock in her fish barrel after a night of free drinks and handsy fellas

>>rape is an unrealistic fear
your post is the first to say anything about rape
OP's pic was about being killed
but that's OK
women are well know for changing what the facts are to support their crazy

You're not refuting the point, being killed is still a realistic fear.

Annnnnnd this kind of thinking is how female serial killers easily go under the radar.

I'm sorry
I should have used "likely" instead "realistic"
but I the rest of the post would have made that distinction
obviously I forgot women and white knights, 2 groups incapable of rational thought, would be reading it

>Implying men on the lower end of the Chad spectrum would mind having a chubby girl to date
>Implying rational non-douchebag men don't fear gold diggers or whores that fuck a man, then divorce him to collect child support and take half his wage
>Implying men aren't aware of abusive women, and would want to date one solely for an ass to bang
OP, there are many faggots in the world, but you reign supreme yet again.
3/10, made me reply and nice background to image

Can you just refute the fucking point instead of using ad hominem, you sound fucking retarded.

what point?
the point that women think that saying things are something that they demonstrably aren't makes it so?
the point that women think that wishing harm on those they don't agree with a valid form of argument?

>generalizing all women based off of your personal experience with a few bitches that didn't fuck you because of your mommy issues

And nobody ever fucking mentioned people wishing harm on people because they disagree with them .

Women have been trash people before you or I were ever born, it has nothing to do with my personal experiences or yours (by the way, I've had sex. it doesn't fix your life). They will continue to be garbage cans long after we're dead.
They are bad. people.

Fuck tumblrina

>nobody ever fucking mentioned people wishing harm on people because they disagree with them
>let's just wait until your daughter gets a hot cock in her fish barrel after a night of free drinks and handsy fellas


That's not wishing harm on someone, it's saying that you wouldn't want that to happen t you or someone close to you, so he's suggesting to imagine themselves in their situation. It's called empathy.

Wow, someone's bitter. You need a therapist, or a hug, maybe this time the hug shouldn't come from you mother though.

Ah fat chicks.
There are way too many fat girls because of that whole. Your body is beautiful no matter size bullshit

Went out with a slightly bigger chick before. She was only good for the blowjobs (which I could get on command) but she sucked at them nonetheless. But hey a mouth is a mouth. I refused to fuck her because hers was nasty as hell.

Dumped her right after her 5 year old cousin and grandparent died.

The fear serial killers as well, just not as much as women. Doesn't mean we have nothing to fear.
Tits or get the fuck out you fucking cunt

the way it is worded is a threat
asking for empathy would be along the lines of
>how would you feel if your daughter was raped
either way
it has fuck all to do with OP's pic
OP's pic is about perceived dangers
what people think could happen to them as a result of using online dating sites
it has fuck all to do with the reality of what could happen
how about you post some links to serial killers that hunt through dating sites
the FBI keeps pretty firm statistics on serial killers so it shouldn't be that hard to find any if they exist

fat chick on the other hand are fucking everywhere
meeting one on a dating site is a reasonable fear
just go on any site and look at the lengths hambeasts go through to hide their weight
and that is the ones that actually post undoctored pics of themselves

>Meeting fat women
You can just move on afterwards, may hurt her feelings but you will live on

>Meeting serial killer
You're not going to live on, you gon die. May get tortured and raped for days, months, years first

Dunno seems realistic to me

Incorrect. user is right. Women can truly be stupid, selfish, money grubbing, violent, sadistic, psychologically and emotionally abusive pieces of human waste.
To refuse this means you're under age and should probably bounce.

This simply means women are so terrible they cause more men to become serial killers.


So can men, but you don't date them, so you don't really see that side of them in the same way.

Of course I'm bitter, they're considered equal people but know nothing positive in life. Their entire existence is selfish and the only reason men didn't fucking kill them all is because we kind of need them for reproduction
if a man acted how a woman acted, you would kick his ass.
girls are not special
they are not worth your time or effort
to disregard them is good enough but you should also stick your beak in and let other anons know to stay safe and to not trust them

Peggy is his waifu. That's what a waifu is, a wife.


I don't "kick people's asses". If I have a problem with them I will talk to them about it, or take someother sane measure of distancing myself from them.

I treat shitty people the same, regardless of gender.

Implying what? Stop turning it back around you stupid homo.
I've known plenty of men just as bad as the next, and plenty of women too. It's not a matter of sex; never has been, never will be.

If you believe in science, you should understand that the number of x and y chromosomes a person has doesn't make them any less or more violent than the other. Lol fuck off, would yah?

That's the point I'm trying to make. Stop agreeing with me, faggot.

Why distance yourself from someone.
Why change your life to deal with somebody else's issues.
Sitting down and talking with somebody also doesn't fucking work dumbass cunt

I like fat guys (I'm thin). I'm very afraid of serial killers.

You can never fix violence with more aggressive violence.

War. We gonna sit down Russia and talk. No

Violence is how the world works bby

The makings of a wife beater.

Straight to insults.
Can't answer me?
If it means anything
I don't hit girls.
And I'm this guy

Nigger faggot fuck ass bait

more like 4 out of 5 fatties out there nowadays.

serial killer=better chance of getting hit by lightning or a plane crashing on their head

fat broads on online dating site=probably.

I don't understand this. There are people who legit think being irrationally afraid of some stupid shit makes whatever they're irrationally afraid of a legit problem or threat.
These are the same people who tell you that islamophobia is real and a fear of shitskins is irrational. How the fuck does this even make sense in their minds?

>"Can you just refute the fucking point instead of using ad hominem, you sound fucking retarded."
>Uses ad hominem

being killed BY A SERIAL KILLER is HIGHLY unlikely.

womens definition of a serial killer is pretty blurred

they use "serial killer" interchangeably with creep/weirdo

You can get over a fat date, or even a catfish. Most people wouldn't be able to get over a serial killer.

Yet girls LOVE serial killers. They write them cute love letters, not to mention that being in contact with one AT ALL WHATSOEVER will buy her massive sympathy points for the rest of her fucking life

>You can never fix violence with more aggressive violence.

No. Stop it. You're doing it wrong, let me fix it for you.

>You can always fix violence with more aggressive violence.

Better. No need to thank me.

No shit. What does that have to do with OP's post? It's the disparity between the likelihood of either happening, not the hypothetical severity of the actualized fear, that makes the original post so shitposty and baity.

Damn 2 consecutive trips on one thread

From one of my favorite games
See if you can guess it

A sword in use can keep another in the sheath.
Otherwise known as violence is its own deterrent

seeGuess you've never had to defend yourself.