Ask someone with a Gender Studies degree anything

Ask someone with a Gender Studies degree anything.

How many genders are there?

Gender is a spectrum

Which gender is the coolest?

What kind of job do you see yourself doing the rest of your life? Oh never mind I forgot food stamps and welfare

So do you work the drive thru or the grill at McDonald's?

why did u waste your mummy and daddy's money for a degree that will eventually have no value in the future

Are you the reason schools have LGBTQ classes now?

Which language has the most genders?

does your major have any hypothesis regarding the current level of mysoginy (and maybe the accompanying feminazi movement)

whatever happened to mutual respect and just trying to find a common ground (while acknowledging inherent biological differences)

I work at a non-profit currently. Pay is not good but I like what I do.

What gender are you??

Once a Gender Studies degree is obtained, what exactly can you do with it? Are there employers searching for people with gender studies background? Not trolling, I am serious... what is your end game or life goal that requires a Gender Studies degree to kickstart?

When will Half Life 3 be release??
(you said ask anything)

also, does anyone in the field see a light at the end of the tunnel with regards to doxxing, girl shaming, and life ruining via the internet?

P.S: it's just really depressing when I think about it

when exactly did you fall from your crib, causing such terrible brain damage?

I just applied for college and this was the actual form I had to fill

Also I work with a woman whose previous job was to work with organizations to design these very forms to be "gender-inclusive" or whatever.

Question: queer and gay are two different things? Why and why does anyone give a flying fuck?

Wrong. Looks like your degree is worthless, enjoy your McCareer.

See above. You can get into a lot og non-profits just by having a degree. Luckily I work for a non-profit in my field (womens counseling)

did you get raped as a child?

How often do you rage at "cis white males" per day?

why did you focus on a Gender studies degree? I'm genuinely curious

im sure you'll be the most educated worker at the local mcdonalds you'll be at for the rest of your life

have fun with your gender studies degree,you stupid libtard

Did admissions require the completion of elementary school or did you go to a more elite school that required a middle school graduation?

You know where i leaved my keys?

Took an introductory gender studies course to meet chicks (not a good idea actually). Ended up liking it a lot. Took some more classes. Declared it my major.

Which menu item is the least sexist at the place you work?

Most educated but not necessarily the smartest.

quee and gay are not the same thing?????


All the time.


I went to a top 50 private school

when did you graduate?

Trangenders? just throw down anything (coming from a ftm)

You don't have to finish elementary school to go to college in the US.

is santa real?


wrong, there are two

Can someone help me understand this post?

If I may ask, how much debt do you have?

Yeah i wanna know about half life!!!!!!

Thank you. Follow up question- Why are men under-represented in your field? Isn't "male" included as one of the many genders? Could I get a job in mens counseling with a Gender Studies degree (similar to you), or would I be better off getting a Psychology degree to counsel men?

How did it feel to go into debt foir a worthless degree?

so all that cock sucking when you were 10 was with consent?


I wouldn't be surprised by that at all anymore.

Not much is necessary for all these basket weaving degrees.

Actually, probably more would be needed to master basket weaving than "buzzword" studies

Around $20000

eh thats not bad. pretty average from what I hear from other people

like are they fucking sinners and like fucking failures and should kill themselves and attention seeking faggots

OP, did you learn anything of practical utility to normal people or just political-social indoctrination from a small segment of the far left

U wot m99

>Come to AMA thread for gender studies
>Ask legitimate question

Well fuck you too. By the way, the woman I work with whose previous job was to design these forms is one of the most useless people I've ever met. Completely incapable of doing anything useful for our organization. I'm sure you'll serve a similar role for many organizations, how lucky for them.

If you have a degree WTF are you doing here?

Did being a whale have anything to do with you being a bitter cunt?

Go with Psych if thats the route you want to take. For the most part thats what my degree was just with "Women's" slapped onto the course name

Bit of both

Why did you decide to completely waste your life and entire future?

unless it's for housing, why the fuck are they having you tell them your sexual preferences?

What are your views on opression of women and such, is it alot different from before the course?

When I started posting on Sup Forums.

was a degree in GS required?

So what job can you actually get that makes money?

Do you rage at all men or just White guys?

Are you currently working in your field or stuck at a deadend job?

Do you regret your major and/or would you change it for a different major if you could?

Im very curious, never finished college myself, went into the Trades.


May you could ask me if I wanted fries with that.

Is Fury a viable PvP spec in the new expansion? Thinking of re-subbing.

How do you feel about the returning soldier effect?

Did you find an astoundingly high number of men dying for freedoms we have to be the nerds we are on this faggy site now?

what was the worst investment you've ever made in your life?

you know, the one where you wasted valuable time, effort, and money in

just kidding i already know

All the LGBTQ and women's studies shit isn't an academic tradition, it's a belief system. Shouldn't have a place in higher learning. You can do history of women or homosexuality without having your own department.

Do you believe men are a privileaged class?
Did you like your classmates?


Didn't need that question answered to come to that conclusion.

How does it feel to know, that you soon will be lynched by a wild cis-mob?

How do you feel about Donald Trump being elected president?

If you keep dividing individuals into critical theory collections of inter-sectional oppression hierarchies. Where to you divide after LGBTQQIAAP+2S? Can you understand how dividing and labelling individuals and families is damaging to cohesion in society allowing for a dictatorial regime to seize power?

Which Starbucks do you work at?

How's the job search coming?

Yeah, I feel oppressed by the lack of Guatemalan Queer Economics at my school

Time to protest and get the dean fired

Why do men love traps more than women?

How often do you flick your bean while playing videos of Big Red in slow-mo?