Not looking for a personal army, just looking for suggestions as to how I can irritate these SJW cunts at my university...

Not looking for a personal army, just looking for suggestions as to how I can irritate these SJW cunts at my university.

All ideas welcome

>pic related, it's their newest bullshit.

So, what's the problem here?

Queer resource center? wtf?

post a flyer asking for changes to improve the school for straight white males.

things like: inclusion of "cracker" in racial terms, prosecution of hate crimes for black/mexican/etc on white violence...

uhh, lets see, protection of standard pronouns as free speech

I'll post more as i think of it cause this horse shit needs to stop.

The problem is that this is all bullshit fabricated by professional victims who are merely seeking attention. But if you say it like it is, you're just a privelaged white person.

Why that`s easy OP

If somebody wants to take a shit in the bathroom nearest to them, who fucking cares? There is zero sexual about using a bathroom. Besides my own, I've actually never seen a dick in a public bathroom in my life.

Someone else had suggested making my own flyer demanding implementation of sharia law to comfort the campus Islamists.

LOL you school is stupid. Sadly most universities are like this. It just shows you the lvl of pussies higher education produces. Troll them with pizzagate or just wait until they get deported. As far as the americans go call them traitors and pussies. Or go to a different school not full of a bunch of bitch as pussies

thats beside the point. I shit in the girls room all the time, because there's only one stall in the men's room on my floor.

>LOL you school is stupid.

Is this Trinity College Dublin?

It's not worth transferring, they're all like this. I'd just like to irritate them as much as possible in my remaining months.

No, Hartford CT USA

Yeah, gender neutral bathrooms, university financial statements, disabled access, and some other things are reasonable.

insisting on diversity training, diverse faculty, an office of multicultural affairs,and exclusion of a federal law enforcement arm are not.

>queer resource center

i want scorched earth, nothing lives

>beside the point

Its one of the main points the flyer makes. Along with saving energy, fiscal responsibility, and managing student expenses.

Seems, overall like reasonable requests.

> exclusion of a federal law enforcement arm are not.
What if the police come wanting a list of every student who was administratively cited by the University for smoking marijuana, or drinking underage. Do you want your school providing that information to them?

Son, shit like this doesnt appear out of thin air. Its an organization. Form your own student group and make your own moves. Only way to match them.
>ill be persecuted for speaking my mind waahhh.
No one likes having to feed the kitty, faggot, but if you actual believe in this and are a man of principle youll take real action.

They should offer counseling for the mentally ill instead of naming a bathroom after them.

Ever have to piss and the nearest bathroom was of the opposite gender, forcing you to walk up a flight of stairs looking for another one? Fucking stupid Victorian age bullshit.

Thing is there already are "gender neutral" bathrooms. they just just don't have a big sign next to them that say "GENDER NEUTRAL". As for the fiscal responsibility, it is a private school, they can do what they damn well please. Even I disagree with a lot of the bullshit they spend my tuition on.

Do they have a website we can raid

I just piss in it anyway

The university is a public entity. I'm fairly sure the university I went to had a local police officer on site for exactly these types of offenses.

Why is that an unreasonable thought? if you break the law, it becomes a societal matter. those two examples are intentionally menial, and are still treated so in society. Would you want someone who committed murder in college to get away with it because the college police couldn't discuss it with the city police?

just a closed facebook page and an email address on the flyer. Ive already signed their email up for as many annoying pro abortion and christian newsletters as I could muster.

The NRA is pretty efficient, you can sign one email address up for about 15 news letters at once.

>I disagree with a lot of the bullshit they spend my tuition on.

Well make up your fucking mind then. This shitpost cancer has killed Sup Forums and you should be ashamed and kill yourself.

Trinity College is a private entity...

Yeah, if it's a private institution, that's another matter but if it's public, they should post financials.

This is a private university you fucking dimwit. They don't have to share shit with the police or anyone else without a subpoena or other process of the law.

noted, I was thinking of another trinity college which is public.

So, does this university exclude local police?

Rot in piss faggot. There are plenty of trap and fur threads for your mentally ill kind to 'enjoy'


Make sure all your shit is bulletproof. Make sure they can't fuck with your grades, hold up your transcripts or fuck with your future employment opportunities.

After that find your local chapter of college Republicans or just start wearing a Trump t-shirt or novelty police shirts to class.

Yeh homes, you school dumb as hell to!

>wearing a Trump t-shirt or novelty police shirts to class.
trolling at best. better than nothing, but certainly more could be done.

they only get the police involved in serious stuff. They could care less about drugs or alcohol.

Ever not be a pussy and piss in the fucking girls bathroom you fucking prick

Unfortunate it has to be that way. Be a self-victimizing cunt and be praised by the school. Attempt to expose the self-victimization of said cunts and boom you are a racist, sexist, homophobe etc...

So being in a country illegally isn't serious?

Good point. There are a number of cunts here that would advocate spending the tuition they pay on illegals who wouldn't otherwise be able to pay tuition and broke federal law to get here. I don't understand it.

Its not even a crime. Its a federal civil violation.

Does that make them any less accountable?

Legally, of course it makes them less accountable. That's why there is a different punishment for a parking ticket than vehicular homicide.

One is a serious offense for which you must be held accountable and another is a minor offense which you are held less accountable

It is low level trolling. If you can handle the initial response it will draw other like minded people out of the woodwork so next time it ain't just you with that novelty ICE jacket and tan 5.11 cargo pants walking on campus.

The republic still has hope if people like you exist.

At this school, we are the silent majority