What drugs has Sup Forums done?

What drugs has Sup Forums done?
I have done lsd and mushrooms and weed ofc and I geuss .1 of mdma but did not feel it

Should I start with LSD or Shrooms?

ask anything

I would says lsd because it's more welcoming if you would say. Most dealers just give you a tab and let you go on your way but try to get something along the lines of like 250 ugs firstly time

How is a meth high?

LSD. /thread

Baby dose - feels like damn superhero

Hash (same difference, honestly)
Pills. Pain pills, Xanax, all the Ritalin flavors. Vyvanse is the best. Period.
Heroin (the nose kind...whatever it's called)
Molly...this was a while ago. I was told it was different from X. Afaik, its the MD part of MDMA (MA means methamphetamine...I think). But now I'm told it's all the same shit. Who knows.
Crystallized psilocybin in pills (not sure if that's right...Basically mushrooms in a pill)
Salvia back when it was legal in Illinois

How many times you do meth? My friend got hooked on it after like 2-3 times

How's salvia? Is it good? Like does the trip have visuala?

Too many to count. It's just a matter of your will to use it for good or to be just another stupid junkie. But mb here in Russia Meth is kinda different.

I lost my mind.

We were in my buddy's backyard, out of sight from the house and against his wooden fence so the neighbors couldn't see us. I hit the bowl and like 30 seconds(?) later I felt that I had become a fence post. Maybe I always was a fence post? Idk. But I just stood there with my back against the fence, standing completely still like a good fence post.

It wore off after like 5 minutes or so.

Doubt I had any visuals. I was too busy holding up the fence.

ive been smoking weed for a few years now, i tried painkillers once for like 2 weeks. never felt the need to try anything else

>Doubt I had any visuals. I was too busy holding up the fence.

That sounds... Interesting...
Good job keeping the fence up.

holy fuck

Weed, coke, xanax, methadone, codine, lsd, 25-b/25-c, molly, mdma, meth (accident kek), ecstasy, salvia, mushrooms, and various pain killers.

Took care of depression the dank way. Now i don't feel anything m8.

Took 3 pills thinking they were ecstasy, turned out it was meth. But that shit made me fuck my gf HARD. She came 6 times back to back and i came 3 kek.

When i did salvia i was on my friends couch. I blacked out and was crawling through thus bix and when i got to the other side i was surrounded by 5 people. Pure white no face, didnt talk just walked. Salvia made me trio the hardest ever. Thats the first time ive blacked out on psychedelics and got sent to a different dimension. Shit was dank

You can control lsd better. Shrooms are harder to control the direction of the trip. Lsd is more stimulating of the two. Shrooms are more mystic and revealing, eith visuals more warpy in nature. Lsd is more sharp in clarity, and has more scenery splicing, electric colors, and gemetric fractalizing going on. Kaleidoscopes.

underrated post

perfect punchline

Dosage definantly is a huge influence on your trips. Some say heavy doses are easier because it will wipe your ego away to nothing. But if you arent ready for something like that a high dose can be utterly terrifying. You really only learn stuff about yourself from the scary trips though.

LSD, shrooms, dxm, weed, vicodin, mdma. idfk

just coming off 125 ug eth-lad, weird shit. acid would have made for a small headfuck with pretty lights at

4-aco-dmt is pretty much exactly like shrooms and comes in crystal form. Isolating psilocybin and psilocin individually is difficult when trying to make good crystal extracts. Possible but difficult. X is a mixture of drugs with methylenedioxymethylamphetamine as the staple ingredient. Molly is supposedly the pure form of mdma.

that's all that's coming to mind

I've tried around 50 legal/illegal drugs. Dozens are psychiatric medications to deal with schizophrenia and obsessive thoughts OCD. And the typical illegals (weed, shrooms, coke, etc)

oh yea recently tried coke too
6/10 it's alright

ecstasy pills
random bathsalt mdma rc

Id list them but I'm on my phone

>used to smoke weed for years (won't touch it now)
>do mdma every weekend at clubs/raves for the past 2-3 years
>tried codeine once, it sucked
>salvia twice, never again


tons of weed growing up, not much now
coke bout once a month
molly couple times a year
acid once every few years
mushrooms not since college, 2 bad trips I'm done tho i kinda want to try micro-dosing
Probably fake opium lol
adderall, concerta, ritalin, dexadrine

my friend said he could give me some ritalin
what's it like recreationally? also there's gabapentin, what's that like? Might be taking 300 mgs soon

narration appreciated.
quality post.

ritalin feels the same as adderall to me. upper, little jittery but fun

does it still fuck your sleep and appetite over?
i love adderall but that side effect makes me hate it

Salvia is the worst man. You do trip super hard for a few minutes, more disassociative than visual, like a very strong daydream.

The physical feeling I hate which is why I only did it a few times, always felt like I was covered in a bunch of pine needles if that makes sense.

I was legit prescribed it years ago... was probably around 22 at the time.
I get some people have fun on it, but for me it FUCKED up my thinking, I cannot BELIEVE little kids are forced to take this shit. Tried it for a month, I consider it the devil now. I don't even know how to describe it other than it made me mad, and gave me very rigid, black and white thinking which I did not enjoy.

lsd is 10/10. best drug out there.

i never had that problem, but I also only do the shit once in a while and in average dosage.

never been much of a pill guy

seems like a perfect place to ask this. Ive wanted to try shroom forever, but we get randoms at work. would any component of them show up in a piss test? i keep getting mixed answers in my research.


Memes for days

I've never done any drug before except beer and vodka. However, I would LOVE to try Ketamine.

I didn't have a good time, but I think I learned in hindsight is that you're supposed to take a VERY small hit. I was in my early 20's then and the "cool" thing to do was take a huge whopping toke, and it just made me confused as shit for a few minutes.
Confused. Everything makes sense, but nothing makes sense. And when you're sober again, you realize how everything you were thinking before made absolutely no sense.

Calcium Carbonate
Cetrizine HCl
Psuedoephedrine HCl

Some other prescription meds, who cares

easy enough. thanks. guess ill stick to alcohol til retirement.

for the gabapentin? if you were prescribed it it might give a different feel if i take it recreatioanlly, but i that doesn't sound fun at all. gonna do more research

if you have legit ADD it does seem to be different. my brother who is super outgoing and hilarious and super ADD took it growing up and was really subdued when he was on it.

he hated it growing up, but now takes it still sometimes to get work done

If youre anything DoD, the urinalysis they do doesn't look for lsd or shrooms. Just dont do meth, molly, coke, weed, or any typical party drug.

I've got a buddy that would no shit do shrooms every other weekend and wander the bricks half naked. Given that really isn't out of the ordinary in your typical infantry battalion, nobody suspected he was high.

Weed, LSD, shrooms, DMT, various stimulate & opiate prescriptions.

Done lots of LSD. Love it. Hate shrooms.

I once snorted 200mg of DMT.

Forgot to clarify. No, Ritalin.

I don't believe I have ADD. Was going through depression, sometimes Ritalin can help says doctor. This was after trying a few different anti-depressants. I don't take any meds now. They seemed to do more bad than good for me.

What was your favorite


same thing, idiot. It's like saying you've tried beer and vodka. Still alcohol.

Can anybody in HUMBOLDT COUNTY CALIFORNIA sell me a gram of meth or heroin? All I have up here is weed and Coke

> Alcohol - got so drunk I humped the stairs and tried to 'mate' with them
> Caffeine - Drank so much coca cola that I stayed awake for 2-3 weeks straight
> Oxycodone/Percocet - Head gets all buzzed from just 1 pill
> Various presciption meds/painkillers

I'd love to try medical weed but I'm not sure where to begin.

wow you must definitely be like 14 years old with that cringe-worthy story about alcohols

LOL I was at the time. I'm much older now, stopped drinking. But I drank from 7 years old to 16.

Salvia (120x never again)
Every opioid
Amphetamines of all sorts
That's all that's coming to mind right now. Opioids are my doc, acids probably my favorite high though. Would like to try Molly and DMT one day.

gabapentin isnt much by itself. smoke some weed or have a few drinks with it and youll feel a comfy warm feeling, kinda like weak opiates

prescription drugs

Hmm. Let's see.

Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, mushrooms, lsd, codeine, oxycodone, morphine, hydrocodone, fentynal, aderall, cocain, speed, meth, zanax, clonazepam, valium, that gas station spice shit, and kratom. I'm currently on 9 grams of kratom and bowl of cannabis.

fuck off homo

Speed, Ex, Weed, Cocaine, Heroin(only snorting).

Meant to say I've done dxm, though it's a shit tier drug. Being 14 with nothing but a bottle of Robitussin and the will to get fucked up will make you do dumb things. Also have done the same with benadryl, both just made me feel like shit


Enquiring about an unknown bright pink substance in powder form. Major wigging out for about 3 straight hours of weirdness and semi hallucinations, friends faces were warping and my mate grabbed me and felt like he was complete soaking wet. Fucked up everyone. If anyone knows what this could be please let me know. NSW Australia

u shouldn't do drugs they r bad


I'm 23 years old, how would I go abour getting a prescription to Xanax by the doctors? New job requires hair follicle test and id like to have atleast something i can get fucked up on without getting in trouble

weed, mushrooms, DXM, LSD, a bunch of unknown research chemicals sold to me as LSD on various occasions, MDMA, lots of cocaine, meth on accident, oxys, hydros, made my own cooked flake opium once. Age 19 college student.

Shrooms(all sorts)
All sorts of uppers and downers.

Just stop doing drugs and drink in the mean time of you're that much of a fiend. If your job doesn't do randoms after the initial hair test then just be careful and don't get hurt. I had to take one for my job 5 years ago and I smoke weed daily. Just be careful.

250 ug is way too strong for the first time. Maybe if it's shitty street acid but real 250ug LSD from a lab is where it starts getting pretty intense

Weed, Salvia, LSD.

Love psychedelics ever since trying salvia but I haven't had the chance to try diverse ones. Any tips on what's something good to trip on? I'm thinking DMT but I wanna save it for a special time

My friend keeps telling me shrooms and acid are poisons and shrooms swell your brain.

How much truth is there to this?

Lsd, lean, splat, ecstacy (various types), mushrooms, molly, sass, coke, nitrous oxide, xanax, few other pills, spat, triple c's, weed&alcohol ovb, I may be forgetting some but if I am they weren't notable. Many done in combination as well. Ask me anything

I forgot all the marijuana variables but I have done them all

Anyone ever hallucinated off THC? I remember I once ate two edibles in a completely dark room alone and almost experienced complete ego death. Didn't know if what was happening was even real with extreme closed eye visuals. Was really unpleasant though

Almost none. Mushrooms have been proven to affect the brain in no way at a normal dose (eighth) other than making you more "open" to foreign ideas. I'm pretty sure the study was done by like oxford. And lsd is basically just rewiring connections in your brain very rapidly so eh

Yes. People don't realize it's possible but shit is crazy lol

19Mg roxys

Little to none at all. The most I've heard happening is people developing mild schizophrenia after using hallucinogens but those people were probably going to become schizophrenic anyways at a later time.

nigga u must b retarded

Been tryin that weed out since Cali made it okay...

I've been trying to do my homework for about an hour now i just can't seem to get there it's weird.

kill yourself

weed, Salvia, LSD, MDMA, Mescaline, Shrooms, Inhalants, then Oxy for like 3 years everyday... in that order

anyone love ketamine?

How's mescaline? I really wanna try it but I hear it makes you feel sick

I tried insulin at a party once.

It made me feel the way eating too much cake does.

Nah dude it's not that kush yes but I light still inside see.

Weed (too much honestly... Need to slow down)
Lsd... Usually 1-2 tomes a month
Smoked meth once
Hydro-type pills

Haven't done too many, but I've taken quite a bit of LSD/shrooms. Probably haven't taken LSD as much as some people... But I generally like to take larger doses. Starting to grow mushrooms dude to lack of availability.... You guys should look into growing your own if you have a hard time finding psychs

Also tried laughing gas at a phish show for the first time a few more the back. Literally shit my pants 2 minutes afterward. Not a lot... Just a shart really, took off my underwear, wiped, enjoyed a good show.


You have strengthened my argument with your reply

Highest LSD dose you've taken? High quality or off a street dealer?

Weed, MDMA, 2cb, LSD, mushrooms, codeine and meth

welcome to the club
thats how its done brother

Always street dealers. I wouldn't know anyone else to get it from... Some has been really good, some has been bunk. Different dealer almost every time. The most I've taken was 3. I say "big doses" due to the people ime around who only take 1-1/2. I realize that this dose isn't that huge, but still made me "black out". Where all occular information was hallucination. I've had harder trips on an 8th of mushrooms... Which i prefer to LSD. I don't like the " clear, easy to control" aspect of LSD. I like my psychedelics to grab me by the balls and take me for a ride I didn't expect.

Been dying to get my hands on DMT... But I'm pretty damn antisocial so deep web is the only light at the end of that tunnel.

The deep web is a great/safe way to get pretty strong LSD. I've had the best from there and the trips can feel huge even at 1-2 tabs. Would recommend