Good Pop Punk 2010-2017

I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

We cool by Jeff Rosenstock
The greatest generation by The wonder years


>pop punk

Anything by Joyce Manor tbqh
Suburbia and No Closer to Heaven by The Wonder Years
War Paint by The Dangerous Summer
Mayday Parade's s/t (no joke)
I'll Keep You In Mind, From Time to Time by Moose Blood
When You're Through Thinking Say Yes and Southern Air by Yellowcard
Supersonic Home by Adventures
Worry by Jeff Rosenstock
Awkward Pop Songs and Versace Summer by Jank (kinda counts)
I could keep going but I'll stop here for now

>Only 3 more years until the 10s are over

Everything by Joyce Manor
Everything by Jeff Rosenstock
Everything by Tigers Jaw
Everything by Title Fight
Everything already posted in this thread

there arent any

Do we still hate Four Year Strong?

Holograms is nice

>pop punk

not pop punk dude

please compare their songwriting, instrumentation and production to anything by PUP or Jeff Rosenstock or whatever.

This this this

Also Joyce manor, modern baseball, knuckle puck, and tigers jaw are gr8

Also, almost forgot but a great big pile of leaves is def worth checking out

Chumped - Chumped is pretty good

also Masked Intruder - Masked Intruder is a funny concept album that I recommend

most of the best pop punk bands have already been posted but I think these are as good as the other ones

The Hotelier


emo pop punk at its best

user, that doesn't sound like pop-punk.
(It's still kinda nice tho).
Are you a spanish speaking user?

always go with knuckle puck

>Awkward Pop Songs and Versace Summer by Jank

they're so fun why did they have to break up ;_; do you happen to know if the members formed new groups or anything

its midwest emo but whatever

i fucking love this album but its not really pop punk

They broke up because the singer has been accused of sexual abuse

what the hell poor guy

Aye this isn't at all pop punk.

Also pic related is the single most fun EP you'll probably ever hear. Literally the catchiest fucking music despite being very stereotypical of the genre.

>good pop punk
>pop punk

The Front Bottoms and Modern Baseball are legit the best songwriters in music right now

This one isn't as good but whatever all their music is fucking great

I never see this album getting any attention from Sup Forums.
Although it is in the wrong time frame for this thread.
I think they pioneered the sound that a lot of pop punk bands are going for these days.

If you like Front Bottoms you need to listen to McCafferty

Here you go

Diet Cig is great, but they have yet to release a full album. Just an EP and some singles.

Saw them live, opening for The Front Bottoms. They were pretty damn cool.

Most of the albums in this thread are emo though.

Joyce Manor fucking rules.



Pic related is my most listened to album on itunes (helps that it's 7 songs in 5.8 minutes). Have listened to their other stuff once or twice, but this one like 40 times. This release was kind of a compilation of short/incomplete/throw away songs. Tracks 1, 4, and 6 stand out These dudes are mostly into hardcore and it shows here.

First track on this release is a banger and the shortest song is alright.

This Space Pimps/Eternal Boy song is sweet early-2000's throwback pop-punk with the addition of features that have developed since the bands they emulate, like briefly at 1:44. Pretty neat

Can anyone recommend more super fast/catchy stuff like the first two links? I can't really get into the "emotional"/harsher vocal delivery of a lot of newer bands. I just like fast, simple, and catchy. The lyrics themselves don't matter to me.

R.I.P Chumped

Alex Luciano is so fucking cute right?

If you're into weezer or bands like that, this is a nice mix of punk and power pop