Mfw the last track on the album is the best track

>mfw the last track on the album is the best track




I don't understand what that means.

pls tell me that's a girl


lana rain u n00bs

this thread is a false-flag

Sup Forums is ran by SJW and they're trying to infect Sup Forums

please fucking wake up, spotify is allowing people to register as non-binary and mods are in their pocket

>tfw you just got your new delivery of water filters

>mfw last track is the only good track on the album


what does that mean?

I want the sauce pls

ur a rain frogposter

Shit. Her name is already posted here

It's just videos of her with dildos. I hate that shit


That is not an excuse

>I hate that shit
Well I don't. Please make me happy.

Literally search for her name and it is one of the first videos

>Literally search for her name and it is one of the first videos
>her name
Sort of hard to do when you don't have that.




I'm literally not joking. What is passing over my head?

This, you slack jawed fuck

holy shit you're retarded


>I didn't even see that post

You're stupid cause you didn't fucking read the thread first.

in your defense, it's easy to ignore autists frogposters, you're still retarded tho

What thread?

Stop right now. I'm serious, this better be the last (You) I receive from you. I might be keeping a measured tone but I assure you I'm about to unleash a fury so blind and reckless that you won't even know what hit you. I have no concept of mercy, I hope you appreciate that. Don't force me to do anything you might regret.

woah woah calm down people

shits getting serious here

i dont wanna see anyone hurt

The last track on the album being the best is like having a great fuck and then no cuddle afterward.

The true god-tier is having the second-to-last track on the album being the best and then a calmer, more moderate last track.

>I'm about to unleash a fury so blind and reckless that you won't even know what hit you. I have no concept of mercy, I hope you appreciate that. Don't force me to do anything you might regret.
*unsheathes katana*
I guess it can't be helped.

nah pham :^)

I beg your fucking pardon? Even after I gave you a more then fair warning, you continue with your insolence? Well, enough is enough. Get prepared for pain so heavy and brutal that your organs will implode upon themselves. Your eyes will burst from their sockets and blood will run from them like tears. Your disobedience is Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

you take that back right away


>no benis


Sorry dude. Sweet dubs


She reminds me of the chick from Lazy Town

>tfw the first track of a side is meh
>the rest of the side is pure 10/10 gold

I'm looking at you Spanish Bombs stop shitting up side 2

this and pic are /thread/