Yachty don't even care anymore

He's blatantly disrespecting the entire foundation of rap now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares? Rap is a joke. If you take any of these artists seriously then you have bad taste

Kill yourself rap crafted the entirety of modern pop culture

Go back to Sup Forums you inbred chucklefuck

Oh fuck off

>I think rap sucks
>user interprets that as me being a racist bigot from Sup Forums


>modern pop culture
>mfw we're living in an age of poor, self-obsessed, heroine-addicted, SJW crybabies
>mfw the rest of the world doesn't give two shits about rap
American culture is shit right now, mate.

Do you even read what you write? Are you actually autistic?
>Rap created pop culture
>Because you dont like rap you browse Sup Forums
I refuse to believe someone is actually like this in real life.

Is he the nigger who did Minnesota? That woz a quality choon innit
No one gives a toss for two other artists, 's time to usher in the new and cease fixating on the olde

Be real how can you be a fan of music and totally disregard rap? You can't tell me you're not essentially a conservatard that preaches shit like "violent music videos cause school shootings!!11"

Sure, I can appreciate """old skool rap""". But modern rap? The garbage that is trap or mumble rap? It really is a fucking joke man and I don't see how anyone can take it seriously. Like fuck, they don't even take it seriously.

>to smart to get into modern rap.jpg

Rap is some of the most simplistic, retard/juvenile, and boring music ever created. It tries to be edgy, but its so fucking safe and formulaic. The lyrics are always retarded and childish, and the actual "music" is minimal and boring at best.
It also doesn't help that rap seems to have lower standards of quality than almost any other genre.

good g-d almighty I have never seen anyone as cucked as this

You stupid? There are plenty of genres beside rap you know.
>You can't tell me you're not essentially a conservatard that preaches shit like "violent music videos cause school shootings!!11"

Retard status confirmed

>to smart to get into modern rap.jpg
Unironically yes

If I told you I can't get into modern rock because I think it sucks, would you get triggered as hard?


90s hip-hop is garbage.

I like some rap, but come on. I can easily go my whole life without listening to another hip-hop song. It's not my thing. I find most of the lyrics terrible. They normally can't stay on topic. Which would be fine if the vocals and lyrics weren't so upfront. And that's when it's good.

>we're living in an age of poor, self-obsessed, heroine-addicted, SJW crybabies

SJW is a meaningless term used by idiots.

And the problem of heroin addiction is made worse in America by the war on drugs, which I highly doubt is being waged by the 'SJWs' of your imagination.

Rap is a joke though. So is grindcore. And most forms of metal, prog, experimental anything and many other genres. Math rock is an entire subgenre founded solely on the premise that odd meters sound cool with the rest filled in with gibberish titles and goofy imagery. Music is like 75% people just having fun doing stupid shit because they like how it sounds, if you take any of it too seriously you're way out of the loop.

>15% of heroin is taken out by the government because the war on drugs
>This somehow makes the war on drugs responsible for more people doing heroin

>the entire foundation
Biggie and tupac are not the 'entire foundation' you dumb idiot biggie came out in like 95 hip hop had already been out for about 15 years they were legends inb4 their own right but straight up "the entire foundation" is some really dumb shit said

Rap is so up it's own ass about respecting "da OGs" that Yachty not giving a fuck is pretty refreshing.


lol "foundation of rap"
Company flow would ether both biggie and Pac. However, Biggie and Pac are still incredible rappers. They are not the foundation of rap youngling. The foundation of rap are rakim, wu tang, beastie boys, NWA, and many others.

The war on drugs is responsible for 'more people doing heroin' because people who are in need of treatment for addiction are criminalised and so are unable to receive the medical help they need or are thrown in jail.

>people who break the law are thrown in jail
Damn those fascists! We have to stop them!


You ever listen to Danny Brown or Denzel Curry?

I actually hate Danny Brown's voice

Not all laws are just.

But they're still the law. If you don't like them, there's a legal process to repeal them, and you have to obey them until they're repealed.
It's not an excuse to break them.

Can you imagine being an authority loving cuck like this


>the rest of the world doesn't give two shits about rap
try again, fuckboy. American rap is the most popular genre in the world and every country on the planet has a hip-hop scene. Does this make it good? Not necessarily, but it makes it a massive, global movement whether you like it or not.

>obeying the law makes me a bootlicker
>defending heroin users
Nice argument, faggot. Stay degenerate.

what exactly DO you like?


All authority should be questioned. If a law is unjust, it should not be respected. The Jim Crow laws would never have been repealed if the protesters listened to voices like yours.

>this guy doesn't want to go to jail
>lol bootlicker cuck
Feel free to fight the power and break the law, dude. Hope you like getting your boipussy ripped apart every day of your sentence.

Stay fascist cunt

>obeying the law makes me a fascist
Holy fuck. Please be trolling.

Not the same person, but you do seem to have a pathological attraction to authority. If your own existence was outlawed by a regime, would you accept that as legitimate and accept your imprisonment gladly?

>there are nu-males who will deny this

>my own existence
Of course not. I would fight for my life, but let's not be ridiculous. We're talking about fucking heroin. We're talking about somebody making a conscious decision to go out and buy an illegal substance that they KNOW harms them, and being thrown in jail when they get caught. That's fair.

Lmao the Sup Forums mask is slipping

> We're talking about somebody making a conscious decision to go out and buy an illegal substance that they KNOW harms them, and being thrown in jail when they get caught. That's fair.

Alcohol is legal, despite more than meeting the criteria of 'harmful'. Society at large is not helped by throwing heroin addicts in jail. They can't even keep drugs out of the prisons and addicts leave prison only to continue abusing substances. The main purpose of our drug laws are to keep the profiteers happy with the free labour they get from prisoners.

Yeah but it was cute and endearing at first, but now he's just being a blatant dick that's on an internet ego trip.

Maybe rappers who glorified criminal activity should be ridiculed.

Everything listed. Are you an idiot? Work on your reading comprehension, the point is that something being a joke doesn't make it bad. People fucking like jokes you dumbasses, people like things that make them happy and if music can do that while being silly as shit when examined from a distance then there's literally nothing wrong with it.

word i definitely misinterpreted you my b. It's a fair point

>The war on drugs is responsible for 'more people doing heroin' because people who are in need of treatment for addiction are criminalised and so are unable to receive the medical help they need or are thrown in jail.
i'm not sure about other places, but in new jersey we have stuff like the Good Samaritan laws to protect people trying to get help. The recent spike heroin is because of stupid fucking white kids trying to party and getting themselves addicted to oxys. as an anecdote,i know people that have taken heroin, been addicted, and ODed. They all started using it because they were at a party and fucked up and it was offered or they were partying with oxys and got hooked.

Rap, hip hop whatever you call it is less than thirty years old. Besides pop music which is by definition manufactured to be mass consumed mostly by children, hip hop is in a ripe stage.

Rock music by contrast is almost a 100 years old. All the good ideas have been used up already. Think back through the decades. Aerosmith van Halen all the various surgeries.
Rap on the other hand has not been explored all the way through. Looking back I often cringe at the insincere tough guy street cred circle jerk bulls hit that was prevalent in the early 2000s. In the past 10 years some high profile rappers are pro outing psychedelics and rap is expanding because it has to in order to stay fresh.
Yachts is a good example of how rap is starting to become a parody of itself. Lil b like most innovators began this path which opened it for pop rap that our children listen to on top 40 hit stations.
Musical possibilities are finite and rap will one day run out of ideas

Before I am corrected I will say rap is less than 40 years old

That was my bad

Sorry. I think you misunderstood. I'm not the same guy you were replying to. I was just saying that the war on drugs didn't cause an increase in heroin use. My bad dude.


I always found it interesting and not totally a coincidence that as soon as Lil B got popular Tity Boi completely changed his image and became "2Chainz" and openly joking/satirizing himself and others in his songs while being completely mainstream.

>Heroine addicts are the SJWs

Yeah I'm sure all of those run down shanty towns in Appalachia and the Rust belt are just crawling with liberals.

I live in a liberal/communist training ground that is Austin and went to a house party full of you disgusting commie fucks and the entire place was trashed, crawling with bugs, and fat people with colored Mohawks doing blow, smoking meth and a room of dudes nodding off. Commies are fucking disgusting human beings.

Same here in New Jersey. But it's more liberals and former rich kids.

>The main purpose of our drug laws are to keep the profiteers happy with the free labour they get from prisoners.
I'm not pro drug war but that's a pretty extreme exaggeration.

It's hilarious, you can tell where the commies live by finding the unkept house In the neighborhood of decent looking homes. There's a communist shithole two blocks from where I'm staying at and I love walking by it. The house is beat the fuck up, they have a femenist flag and a commie flag hanging out the window, the house is beat to shit, the yard is nonexistent, and the parking lot is full of Mercedes vehicles and land rovers. It's unfucking real. Just today I saw an exterminator pulling out of their drive way, an older Mexican man with a distraught look on his face.

Toopac and the Big Guy are nowhere near 'foundational'

and as much as I like some contemporary hip hop, I and many are tired of deifying these dead '90s rappers

this is some weak bait user

no one's triggered, you just sound like a cunt
>le enlightened gentleman is too intelligent to listen to modern music

yes thats totally because of their beliefs and not because they're just gross

Laws aren't perfect