
Other urls found in this thread:



>your dream of becoming the lead singer of a girl rock band comes true
>after a week your management company drops the idea and forces you to act like a soft core stripper for horny Korean manchildren

;__; choa

remove joy!

red velvet is nothing without joy

twice can't sing

Goblin fridge out

let's try again

anyone else just reading the posts here and being disappointed by everyone's poor behavior? such a sad time to browse here, hopefully things get better later

remove joy, yeri, and irene

make a duo with wendy and slug

>mfw lovelyz is off doing radio shows and interviews but I can't speak korean and people don't usually sub those things



ya know as someone not really into kpop, all you duders are troopers. keeping your threads up constantly and such.

thanks man

When was KPG nice Ive been here since 2014 and people have always trolled
Seems like some newfags from tumblr or something

last thread was heated guys, lets tone this one down a bit! it's always more comfy to be civil

should've stan a group with fans

heres the joy you missed!

show me some wide butts from korea

you've been here less than a year

this is why choabros are the most respected posters

God damn you're a fucking loser... maybe it's time you kill yourself?

>lets try
good song



I wish there was joy in my life


goblin fridge is a really cute insult t b h

Literally I just triggered the Uglyzshitters
and Irenebaby popped on too
The KPG police needs to go, the solution is ignore not feed the troll (me)

>inb4 we werent triggered
We all saw it

lovelyz's fandom has a higher ratio of koreans to non-koreans than other groups so they don't need subs as badly

who avatarposts here?


did he get a jaw shave

korea brings out strong emotions in people, it's ok

word thats why Twicebros are the best posters
Just lol at their difference in opinion and move on, its just words

seola tho

should I stop asking if there's any normal people here?

>hes samefagging again


*ears bleed*

>lovelyz's fandom

I'd say I'm better than normal desu

any attractive people here?


do you want to erp?

All 20 of them

Yo!! You gonna be a Paddy's this Friday night bro?


this is just fucking insulting delete this right now

Im 191cm and people tell me I look like Justin Beiber

>thread going great
>people recovering from previous thread's cancer
>and then
THIS guy shows up


>thread going great
>twiceshitter still incessantly whining

don't insult yeri like that you jerk

i wonder what somi's new group will be like

wtf when did yeri get prettier?



Nice projecting bro
Stay rekt




i love yeri and jiae

These threads are pretty interesting but I'm still trying to figure out what you guys are arguing about...

twice has no talent

it's just some patrician-core vs pleb-core autism

Is Uglyz ugly?

I dont get this meme


why are all the best groups 7 members

who is this mysterious dancer?

She looks like an ape

that's Cynthia. She's a really cool dancer

the /mu thread has always been shit, ao head over to /hr for much better conversation.

how unfortunate


it's Sup Forums not /mu you newfag reddit shit


ahhh yes i too visit

NO /kpg/ was comfy as fuck

somebody learned that they can easily haverst (you)s by acting like a fucking piece-of-shit and started baiting everyone, which in turn puts everyone into pisspoor moods

at some point you have to stop blaming the baiter and start blaming the baited

>victim blaming


>he just started posting this week


why do people even bothering replying to the baits. and why do they get mad about them if they know they're baits.

is that point before or after he starts replying to himself and then claims that he got everyone mad, even if the only replies he got were from himself?

kpg was better before twice happened

when is the show gary?

so was kpop in general

i dont know and i dont care

dead thread
give me your kpop soty so far and I'll listen to it


t. nugushitter

Thats rich coming from you Yezinigger

twice is terrible

Wendy's stellar smug

these are shit. anything else?

slug is breathtaking