Waifu Claiming Thread

Waifu Claiming Thread

Previous Thread:
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Sameji claim'd

The california dmv is full of cunts who cant do the simplest of tasks.
Thank you
Ah i was not



Good to know
Listen to Karen. Flower spam everywhere.





(Stroheim claimed)

Shiro claimed.


i feel mad because i said megumi was my waifu just a couple weeks ago

California in general seems to be full of those people
Also your waifu gets really nice art, I'm fuckin jelly


it means "what" or something like that, not sure

How've you been, yo? Life going alright?

Hello, how's it going?

Lmao, what were you going there for?

I refuse.


>Wenn die das gleiche Ende hat ist sie scheiße.
Ne ist gutes Inzest Ende.

abgemacht war explizistes rollen...

I'm sleepy, how about you
>did you start exams? I can't remember


Would your sluts still stay loyal after they meet a real alpha male?
[spoiler]I don't think so.[/spoiler]



Why are people speaking Arabic all of the sudden?

Guten Tag, Argentiniesingel~


I was


I am moist

What's wrong with sand runes?

So sei es denn nun, dann führe ich nur mit 1:0.
Außerdem ist die ganze Aktion ungerecht. Ich kann nichts gewinnen und du hast nicht mal eine Figur die du mit Heißkleber bearbeiten könntest.

You give guns a bad name :^)
Still triggered?
More than likely. Most alpha males are insecure shits who have no real drive, motivation or direction.

Just keep going through avatars until you find someone you want to waifu for real. But don't call them your waifu, I think.

I also refuse.

Nope nope, starting in a bit, the 13th.
I'm sleep too, will go to sleep soon.

عن شو عم تحكي؟

I mean shes pretty popular so it makes sense there would be alot of art.
I find its the government in general.
I have a mississippi license, i need a cali license to get my electricians license.
Well in your case no that qould not be a bad way to go. In mine it would be a bad way to go if you are the fuckee. And thats what i wamt for those people. A painful death.

That's my secret. I am always triggered.
Just tell me who!


What's it like? Being so boring?

Ah, well good luck with your exams if I don't see you this weekend, and sleep well

Hey guys!

It's your waifus having a slumber party!!


It's hard being indecisive

Post lewds

Can't blame you. This hunk of man-meat would heat up any clam, in and out of water.

>More than likely. Most alpha males are insecure shits who have no real drive, motivation or direction.
You mean just like guys responding to obvious bait?

Well it depends. Maybe some people would like having sandpaper rubbed inside them

trips confirm this statement


Poos like 2 and 4 hurt like a motherfucker

I've been alive and well, cheers for the ask.
Currently cramming for exams that start on the morrow though, and I have no idea how prepared I am.

How have ye been yourself?



>Außerdem ist die ganze Aktion ungerecht. Ich kann nichts gewinnen und du hast nicht mal eine Figur die du mit Heißkleber bearbeiten könntest.
Ich ging von Anfang an nicht davon aus, dass du das tatsächlich machen würdest.
Mir würde jetzt aber auch kein vergleichbarer Einsatz einfallen.


jesus christ

worst girl

You can figure it out.
Boring. Work is quiet so Im scrubbing all the things.


Inuyasha cosplayer claimed

Post lewds

Fine barb wire instead
Hey sex maniac

It sounds silly
What? I can't read script.
Pretty good, I actually enjoy the quiet and boring lifestyle.
I wouldn't mind watching my waifu poo

What's it like sticking my 4 inch kosher pain train up Chen's tight little stink hole? I guess I'm about to find out

Hmm, fang vielleicht damit an, schon mal eine Figur zu bestellen.
Aber ich schleicht mich jetzt auch mal, wird spät.

Are you still claiming the other one?

Some people might like barbed wire inside them aswell

Also that's a cute gif

Did you move?

I think that's fine, as long as you don't pretend to be decisive. I dunno.

I accept.

Ah, the same, the same. Exams starting soon. What are yours on?
Besides that, not much really, been good and bad but more good than bad.

Alrighty, nice to talk to you and stuff. I'll be heading to bed soon too.


Just saying hi. Who else was speaking arabic, though?



Always wanted to go to Germany, but now I hear it's a Muslim hell hole. Not sure if I should learn basic German or basic Muslim in order to get around.


Togame where the fuck are you faggot.

German is the new Arabic.

And haii!


I might in the future. I claimed her 2 days ago and had a conversation with Velvet while eyebrow-kun was trying to shitpost.
Many people are.

How come that Pokemon gets to touch your tits and I can't??

>I wouldn't mind watching my waifu poo


learn kebab so you can communicate with your ISIS captors if you get captured in Germany.

Are you german?

Hi, who is that person you're claiming?


Then I guess I don't have to worry about anything

Wow rude


To cali yes
How it going?
Only a niche group and its small enough im willing to take my chances that they wont.


Shinoa claimed ',:)

Woah, why'd you move?

It didn't look like him in that first picture, with the glasses.

You have to worry about life, my dude.

Went to the local supermarket this morning in search for vegemite and didn't find any. First world problems. I guess I'll have to order online.

You wouldn't mind watching someone you love poo?

That's actually a pretty good idea.

I wish.


Any emo girl who cuts herself might


Satan trips!


Karen is

Excuse me

Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing From Hellsing

Hehe, you call that a waifu? Watch this!





It sounds nice.


Nice satan trips.
Where are you from, then?

Is her show a SoL or what?

He looks alright, not a fan of the hair though, tbh.
What does he do?


Satan punches your waifu in approval.

>aggressively posting bellies
i like your strategy

Hey Rei, how's tonight treating you? All fine and well?

*Hugs back*

Has Jewish Christmas started yet?


>You wouldn't mind watching someone you love poo?

Yes, I'd fucking mind. It's gross. What the fuck is wrong with you?



Excuse you


Mostly just cell biology and anatomy. Just trying to absorb as much info as I possibly can before each exam.
What about yours?

Glad to hear you're foing alright anyway
