
is gucci the only worthwhile rapper atm?

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>gucci mane

choose one

Migos is consistently putting out quality stuff imo

He's not the only worthwhile rapper right now, that is a huge longshot. However, he definitely is the most important/influential. Almost everything going on in mainstream rap right now is literally a product of Gucci's influence on Atlanta

Gucci is literally the most disposable rapper desu

There's a lot of quality trap coming out, it's like the new jazz almost

New gucci is trash dude

OBJECTIVELY wrong opinions


choose one

gucci has like 4 different sounds

beginning until 2006/7, then another sound until 2010, then he drank more lean and did more drugs and his voice and style changed until he was in prison in 2013/2014, then now it's new gucci that sounds completely different

migos is the most fun and hype rap music for the past three years

shut up fag LOLLLLLLL

that's 3 more sounds than other rappers

prime gucci in terms of how energetic and urgent and swaggy he sounded on tracks was 2008/2009 with all those mixtapes. chicken talk and writing on the wall and the wilt chamberlain mixtapes. ea sportscenter. 2011 and later gucci was still swaggy but in a different way. he was so fucked up on lean and weed and alcohol and everything 24/7 he just sounded completely different and rapped slower. now post-prison gucci sounds almost corny. bu he is still the most authentic and the biggest trendsetter. he is every atlanta rapper
s favorite rapper

All rap today is shit the end

My asshole exploding with diarrhea is more enjoyable than these so called mysicians.

They all claim to be influenced by rappers who are no longer alive and most likely are rolling in their graves having to know the shit these fools put out

only real nigga in the industry

so are you saying that earlier rap is good?

lil pump and lil peep and playboy carti and maxo kream and pouya and suicide boys and father and ugly god and famous dex and warhol and hesh and slug christ and xxxtentacion and fat nick and EVERY SOUNDCLOUD/TUMBLR/BANDCAMP RAPER IS GARBAGE

ok but no one actually takes these people seriously. youre mad that trash is trash when everyone knows its trash

>no one takes suicideboys and xxxtentacion seriously

>no one actually takes these people seriously

this is where you are wrong. they get millions and millions of plays on soundcloud and youtube but they're trash and bootleg versions of OG/actual good rappers who have more than a logitech mic

People do take them seriously or they wouldn't be making money and music...

And no im mad that trash is trash and that not everyone realizes it's trash

yall heard dis shit yet?