
Has any other band gone 3/3 with BNM?



probably some rapper, pitposh loves black shit

Both Fleet Foxes albums got the AOTY award from P4K on their list
I know that doesn't mean anything but you know


OP here, Kanye did it and his last four releases are BNM. Also probably the only artist who has gone 3/3 BNM that has also scored a 10.

Yet I can't stand his music.


Arcade Fire if you don't count their EP.

Julia Holter came close


Is 2017 year of the Crack-Up? Could be representative as fuck of the current political system in America. Goddamn Robin Pecknold is a genius.

>Beach House
If anything "doesn't count" it's this.

is fleet what I should be listening too if I'm starved for contemporary rock music that isn't a goofy or weedlmao

Yes, too many to name.

nah thats FJM

The new track is like a more realized track off Helplessness

>depression cherry and bloom BNM


Yeah but FF didn't deserve it, so it doesn't count

waow thanks man

monomania and fading frontier are far from "deserving it"

Before Today/Mature Themes/Pom Pom

He's okay, kinda like a nu-John Cale and John Cale is nu enough as it stands.

I'm looking for something like Warren Zevon


Before Today did not deserve it at all, like Das Rscist-tier undeserving


gave 808s a 7.6 and then at the end of the year they put it at like 20th best AOTY



take care fucking sucks baka pathetic bnm

Drake has 7 albums already. SEVEN. Has reinvented himself at least twice already.

Kendrick Lamar has three.

deserving desu

I'm actually of the opinion that Monomania is their best by a good margin, and deserves higher than an 8.3.
Whatever, Christgau's on my side

>currents getting bnm

yet drake has no classics (take care being his best work does not make it a classic), and kendrick has two classics/masterpieces.

Arca will get it. Piel and Anoche already got Best New Track.

That still wouldnt make it 3 in a row, which is what this thread is about.

EntraƱas is a mixtape, so maybe you could discard it.

so deserving

this thread has led me to discover amnesiac didnt get bnm

BNM started in 2003

you have shit taste, what can we say?


lol y u tryin to start shit

Well, what we can say is music is subjective you absolute attention whoring retard.

fuck pitchfork

and their next wont because they are white

Vampire weekend