Fuck off list:

Black metal ‘elitest’ kids who have not been able to grasp or show the real essence of intolerance, nihilism and hatred in their REAL lives away from the internet, yet these ‘individuals’ claim to be some part of some ‘elite’ black metal movement that has not left any scar on humanity, these are the same people who use black metal as their crutch! I would expect some dead bodies lying around at their feet by now based on how fast they run their ‘evil’ mouths! Return to the ‘subculture’ scene that rejected you or salvage some dignity and shut the fuck up. Your need for human love and acceptance by your peers (and others) sickens me! Your epitaph will be a bar code. You know who you are yet you’ve forgotten you’re really nothing, I know who you are. These teenage scene veterans’ (a contradiction) need their fucking faces smashed in to teach them the meaning of respect and honor. With all that said, I just might hate you as much as I hate those normal human beings in the light world, I never thought it would come to this. You have once or twice judged me, now it’s my turn.

Other urls found in this thread:



black metal thread?

This is a nice thread

Fuck it, why not?

I'm down.

Been listening to a lot of Wigrid recently. This album in particular perfectly captures the atmosphere I look for in black metal. Very hypnotic and trance-inducing.


Would Mayhem have continued to be great if Euronymous and Dead didn't die?

I have to hear this.

No, Euronymous' cunty personality would have driven the rest of the band away eventually, and he would have left wanking to gore tapes in Helvete.

Mmmm yes yes. All the true Aristocrats of Yore were TRV CVLT ELITE spreading nihilism and hate.

Name a black metal vocalist with a more blood curdling scream than Neige

>protip: you can't


Fuck this is so cringe, makes sense as to why he shaved his head and became a recluse.

Ya, the guy who runs that channel is more cringey than the bands he shits on.

what fucking retarded copypasta am i reading right now

Blackies leave the hall

Black metal is just Reversed Glam

Post great EPs

Possibly my favorite black metal release ever.


Classic Scott

I think this is taken from the back of "Telepathic With the Deceased" by Xasthur, but it might be a different one of his albums.


I always loved Vargs vocals on the self-titled album. They were the only time they seemed genuine and painful.



Comes pretty close.

Too bad he's above of that these days, although I get the whole mature father thing.


Satanic Warmaster just has that strange sound.

Post example, because what I'm listening to right now is pretty bland.

Listen to the album Opferblut, idk always just really liked their vocals.

What do you guys think of Nachtmystium?

What a faggot

Only listened to their half from the Xasthur/Nachtmystium split and they were really good. But then again, Xasthur has a tendency to get outshined on every split he's done.

Can I get some recs? Am a big fan of Moonblood, LLN stuff, most 90's Swedish and Norwegian classics

this is all i've heard from this year, any other good shit come out?


Hi, Niklas Kvarforth

is he the edgiest man in metal?


I've listened to this about three times I really enjoy it. Anyone else dsbm


rec some 10/10 DSBM albums. Also what are yalls thoughts on this? I find it fantastic.

tenth layer of suicide by leviathan is amazing if you haven't checked that one out

10/10. Amazing album. Try these
>Convulsing - Errata
Nasty death metal in the veign of Leviathan and Portal. Very new, late 2016 release. Wrest is a fan.
>Portal - Outre
Bizzare death metal.
>Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
Probably the closest to some of Scar Sighted's more progressive parts. You'll know what I mean. It's great.
>Endon - MAMA
Catastrophic noise metal from Japan. A mix of Polvo and Xasthur and Merzbow. They released a new album yestersay (Through the Mirror), haven't heard it yet. But this video looks promising...

and the rest of the Leviathan and Lurker of Chalice discography(ies) is great. Verrater and a Sihlouette in Splinters shouldnt be ignored, nor should the various splits.

i just found out about lyrinx ITS P GUD

post riffs


Is this the best Forteresse album? Because I think it is.

this is probably my aoty 2015. it gets better every time i listen

>any other good shit come out?
these are both great

One of the best black metal records ever imo, it takes to somewhere else when you listen, and not a nice place.
