'yung lean'

>'yung lean'
>is fat

he's probably had access to a lot of great food over the years. and just lost track like most people who get a little chubby.

>death grips
>is alive

>tribe called quest
>not actually a tribe
>is a band

realmente haces tu piensar

God damn this guy looks retarded lmao

skinnyfat ≠ fat

he's just a weak out of shape manlet

>Notorious BIG
>actually very large

>the beatles
>actually human

>not birds

being a touring musician = eating garbage

Were never on television.


yep, i've done legs for about 3 months at a time in just the USA and it made me admire the people dumb enough to tour for a year or more

you CAN eat better, you can catch reviews online of good restaurants, but it's expensive as hell and god help you if you're in transit and have stomach problems from food

Beyond Alive, you might say!

>John Balance

>Neil Young
>old as fuck

>>Notorious BIG
>>is notoriously big


>This Heat
>they're not that cold

Luv him


Laughed but felt bad

It comes from what happens when he sits on a bench.

>Boards of Canada
>actually from Scotland

Who is this chubby lesbian

i remember these threads too


>doesnt actually fuck stars

>The Smiths
>Craftsmen of pop songs, not chainmail and broadswords

>Steely Dan
>No members are made of metal or named Dan

>Doesn't wear tims