I saw Deafheaven tonight and they fucking ruled. It was a very small venue and very intimate...

I saw Deafheaven tonight and they fucking ruled. It was a very small venue and very intimate, George Clarke was grabbing people onto the stage and people were hopping the barrier and Clarke was dragging them up, screaming in their ears, then sending them crowd surfing during the finale of The Pecan Tree

Has anyone else been to this tour? I was completely blown away with how good they did.

Was thinking about going to their show Tuesday night

>tfw no vehicle to go for a 5hour drive to Minneapolis to watch Deafheaven.

kill me.

do it

The openers were very good too

I'm seeing them in May and I'm PUMPED

ITT: Nu-males

Euronymous is spinning in his grave.

Euronymous was a fucking try hard edgelord and I'm glad he got a knife to the skull desu

He tripped onto a lamp a dozen times, asshole. Don't speak ill of the dead.

>tfw at a Deafheaven show
>I'm the only one trying to start a moshpit

Yeah, never again.

B-But muh "real blvck metal"

>Found the neckbeard


the same shit's
>at a boris show, deafheaven show, wittr show, krallice show, the list goes on

have you ever considered the fact that a genre can evolve? or does all hip hop have to sound like rappers delight and all pop have to sound like yellow submarine for you?

well it can evolve, and black metal is evolving, but Deafhaven are combination of emo, post rock, shoegaze, with some metal influences, which I really, really dislike and I think it's one of the worst turns black metal could have take.

>R E E E E E E

> Deafheaven is le future of black metal!!!!

2013 called, they want their memes back

>implying deafheaven isnt paving themselves a new genre
>implying the "norm" of black metal will change

I saw them in Houston last weekend and it was amazing. He also did the same thing you mentioned. I got it on video lol

going to see them in a couple weeks in seattle, am excited for it

i'm going on tuesday, see you there

well i don't necessarily think that they are the future of black metal but they have been doing something different. I only said that black metal has the capacity, like most other genres, to evolve and deafheaven are the most widely known band to have taken steps in a new direction in regards to the genres sound.

You are a fucking retard if you think mixing emo, shoegaze and black metal hasn't been done before nubather and they are doing something unique

>they have been doing something different

m8, by the time Sunbather came out the bands they aped their sound from had already started to move away from it.

Just because Pitchfork got behind it doesn't mean they were at the head of a new movement.

you say that but then New Bermuda was run-of-the-mill post-hardcore-with-blast-beats

one album that was "different" (which, by the way, Deafheaven weren't the first to do, as and ) said doesn't mean they're trailblazers

>went to Boris show in Austin "Nu Male Caliphate" Texas
>there was a mosh pit

Wrongo buckaroo


fuck euronymous and all that gay shit

Anyone going to next Saturday night's show in Bloomington-Normal, IL?

Having seen them live and watched a few performances, the crowd energy is either fucking crazy or awful, there's no in-between for them.
>Tfw bought tickets to see them on the 7th two months early
>Requested the night off from work
>Really shouldn't be a problem as they could have moved me to a much busier night
>"Yeah dude this is the one show I don't want to miss."
>No one even fucking looked at the request
>Kerry is probably going to die of an opiate OD before they come back

>defending Deafheavn
>posting kanye west image reaction
wew lad another clueless Sup Forums drone

The problem with Deafheaven isn't so much that it's pivoting from BM, the genre has been pushed forward over and over again since the late 90s, it's not even up to debate anymore. You think Deafheaven is any shit compared to Manes ?
The problem is that it's becoming the face of BM for a all new crowd (in particular the whole young alt* demographic, not that I'm looking down on them), and it's shallow as fuck while deriding the heritage of the genre. But then again, I started listening to that stuff when the face of the genre was CoF. I won't pretend it's any gayer now.

>Don't speak ill of the dead.
If there's one genre where speaking ill of the dead is acceptable behaviour...

What was the crowd like? I'm seeing them alone in a few weeks and have only ever gone to indie folk/rock/punk shows. Are they friendly? Energetic? Or is it just a bunch of moody, pretentious people standing around trying not to look too excited?

I saw them in Madison, WI back in November and the crowd was amazing. Everyone was really into it and interaction between George and the crowd was awesome. I've only been to one show so I don't have a big sample size but the one show I did see was an exhilarating experience.

they have a new bass player supposedly

>tfw you'll never be a bass player of deafheaven and you'll keep continue playing the whole sunbather album in your room on bass

It's 2:17 PM......

>George Clarke was grabbing people onto the stage
stop reading right there George hate people he is a misanthrope and always spit people in the eye